Sunday 10 July 2011

4th (Queen's Own) Light Dragoons

It seems far too long, what with the continued pressures of the day job, since I have had the opportunity to catch up with the old painting queue; that said I am blessed with a period of rest and recuperation in which, it is hoped, to make amends!  First off the bench are the 4th Light Dragoons, part of the ongoing Light Brigade project that is slowly coming to its natural conclusion. 


  1. Wow they are really nice the brush work on the horses is particularly impressive!

  2. Lovely just plain lovely to see a part of the six hundred is nice.

  3. Many thanks chaps, the project seems to have been going on for ages but every time I finish a unit I have to admit that I enjoyed the process. Just another group of Dragoons and one of Hussars and I'm done.

  4. Very impressive! Look out, you Cossack gunners!

  5. Now funny you should mention that as they are on the 'to do' list!

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