Saturday 16 December 2023

Happy Christmas Chumrades!

It had been brought to my attention that a year has passed since my last post.  Somewhat aghast at this fact, I resolved to do something about it, once the long Michaelmas term came to a close.  Now, as I sit here, tring to write this post, I am not entirely sure where to begin.  I had thought that I would simply just document another completed part of a collection that has already gathered dust, but somehow this didn't seem to be enough.  

This most humble of weblogs was conceived to document my exploits in our most wholesome of hobbies, building on the sense of community first encountered at the Gentlemen's Wargames Parlour; a wonderful forum for likeminded chaps.  The support and advice received during these times was what kept me inspired.  Working, essentially in isolation, the interaction that grew through the blog meant the world to me as ideas would be shared and genuine progress made.  Some of my closest Wargaming friends were met through this interaction and whilst we manage to meet up once a year for a game, there just never seems to be enough time to move ideas along.

I am essentially a very private person and so find outpourings of emotionally charged material difficult.  As such, I am simply going to report that myself and the saintly Mrs. Awdry are well.  Personal circumstances have thrown up a few difficulties that we strive to overcome.  With the day job, I am looking at stepping back from pastoral responsibilities in the hope that this might help to give me the headspace that I need to address the work/life balance that is clearly askew at present.  In short, I miss my chumrades.  I started Facebook and Instagram accounts in a bid to make that connection 'easier' but even these have dried and turned to dust.

So what is to be done?  I enjoy writing the posts, I imagine I am sitting in a Gentleman's Club at the end of the nineteenth century as I do, where nothing but good manners will be tolerated - utter tosh, but nonetheless this is often my starting point to generate themes and ideas.  That said, I have found Blogger to become very 'clunky', something that I am sure is down to 'cookies' or the settings, but just replying to comments or even commenting on others' work has become so painful that I just haven't the time to commit to it.  To not interact like this has caused me the most concern, it is essentially what is at the heart of the community, it just seems rude to me to not reciprocate if someone has taken the time to comment on your work.  Yet this is the dilemma I face - some interaction, or none at all?  Surely a 'like' is better than loneliness?  

So then, '28mm Victorian Warfare' is to continue.  I will write posts as, and when, I have the time, but they will essentially be for my own satisfaction.  I shall also look to post more on Instagram and continue to use Facebook for following wargaming groups and connecting with friends, do please seek me out.  There will be no 'targets' on the blog anymore, it is here simply as a journal.  

So here is to you all, a very Happy Christmas.  

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