Sunday, 25 February 2024

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

I have been doing some tidying up on my ailing laptop as it has developed a rather worrying chesty wheeze and I concerned that I may need to upgrade.  That being the case, I felt it prudent to 'back up' the files and what not including a vast amount of photographs of toy soldiers in various states of readiness.  Some of the images that I came across were as a result of a wonderful little distraction back in the summer of 2021 and so I thought I would take the opportunity to share them here.
I try to catch up with a couple of blogging chums every year and at this particular visit it was suggested that we try something a bit different in the shape of a Cowboy skirmish game called Shoot N' Skedaddle from Turnstyle Games.  This is a 'rules lite' game that sees the combatants field a posse or gang of Cowboys from either Lawmen or Outlaw factions with Neutrals being available to either side.  
Having decided that I was going to field a gang of Mexican bandits the wonderful 'Artizan Designs' came to my rescue with their characterful Banditos, but with them came Ill Buono, Ill Brutto and Ill Cattivo.  Simply a joy to paint all was going well until the varnishing stage, where a distinct lack of attention on my behalf saw me overdo the matt spray and left some rather nasty pooling.  Although disappointing, it wasn't terminal and actually at arm's length barely noticeable.  To round out the gang, I re-based a With the a couple of miniatures that I already had kicking around and so phase one was complete!   


  1. Very nicely done indeed Michael!


  2. Very nice work as always Michael!

  3. Awesome looking Cowboy band Michael, and brings back fond memories of the classic movie.
    May the laptop find it's way to silicone heaven with all the calculators ! LOL

    1. Thank you Dave, loved the film too. I need the laptop to hold out a bit longer as the replacement I have my heart set on is going to need a bit of saving up for.

  4. I love these figures and have them in my collection. You have painted a wonderful homage to one of my favourite films.

    1. Thank you Phil. There are so many gems on the Artizan site, it was just too hard to resit these.

  5. Excellent figures from an excellent film.!! Corking stuff Michael.

    1. Thank you Simon. Great fun to do and rather enjoyed the distraction. Kept catching myself whistling the theme as I was painting them too.

  6. Love the figures Sir M, just as much as I love the film.

    1. Thank you Ray, it is a firm favourite of mine too.

  7. A classic trio, nicely done!

    1. Thank you Barks, I really like the Artizan sculpts, they just seem more forgiving.

  8. Great stuff Michael! One of our own group is getting a Western themed game prepped for the club!

    1. Thank you Terry. I have to confess that I rather enjoyed it and as usual there was a fair bit of mission creep as will be revealed shortly.

  9. Excellent looking band of bandits!
    Best Iain

  10. Very pleased to see you back painting iead! This plastic phase has gone on for far to long. Have a little drool on the Black Sheep thingy.Got some Mexican gents as a presi for Christmas, think you would like. Ditto Dixons. The thing is you can paint a few, then wonder off elseware and come back later and do some more. With these chaps you could do from Maximilian right through to Pancho Villa. Dont you just love lead!

    1. Thank you Andrew, there is something very rewarding about a solid 'lead' miniature. I am currently enjoying the Artizan WW2 range for the same reason. They were a perfect palette cleaner and I agree totally with what you say about dropping in, painting a few and then moving on elsewhere. This is very much me though, probably why I only ever aspire to skirmish games. Black Sheep thingy? I am having a few difficulties with blogger and might need a bit more signposting.

  11. Michael we know you have limited time so would not dream of sending you on a wild goose chase. I to have the Artizan chaps. The black sheep mob came my way last Christmas and to my shame are still waiting for some attention! Im retired and still have problem with time. the one thing we can not buy. Best wishes to you and yours and hope this is of help.

    1. Thank you so much! I love these Andrew, not sure how I have missed them? I can see a pack of the prospectors coming my way and then I can build a mine, perhaps a train and track and oh my goodness, when will it end?! 🤣

  12. Love this group of miniatures you have on show. Nicely done as usual Michael.

  13. i am sure i can hear a jews harp in the background. Well painted.


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