Just time to squeeze in one more, loosely themed Victorian post before we embark on all things undead and usher in ‘Zomtober 2016’. Perhaps not too surprisingly the heroic actions of Frederick Gustavus Burnaby Esq. have been reported here at ‘28mm Victorian Warfare’ before in both ‘Burnaby & Fiends’ (sic.) and ‘The Man, the Legend, the Title Banner!’
This latest incarnation comes courtesy of my good friend and fellow Blogger Stefan* who packaged up the illustrious Victorian hero and sent him over to dear old Blighty. I understand that he was a special edition miniature that accompanied 'Warlord Games' 'Blood on the Nile' Black Powder supplement, when purchased through the ‘Perry Miniatures’ site.
*A.K.A. Monty of the splendid ‘Monty’s Caravan’ blog.
Obviously I was thrilled to have this miniature to add to my collection, but somewhat embarrassed that it has taken me so long to get around to painting him, nonetheless thank you Stefan! Just for comparison I have photographed him with my other version and then it just seemed churlish not to invite some old friends along to the shoot!