Sunday 30 June 2024

Cantina completed

I have finally got around to tinkering with a few photographs of the completed Cantina build.  I populated the space with a mixture of different Star War miniatures including miniatures from Legion, Imperial Assault and even some Dave Stone of ‘Wargames Terrain Workshop’ originals.

The alcove tables are the top of a hose pipe attachment which was then finished with a transparent plastic base and lit from beneath with LEDs

Great to finally share this project with a wider audience and just seeing it is making feel the need to dig out the plans to see how much more I had intended to do.  Sadly this will have to wait for the time being as currently visiting another desert for a completely different project, news of which I hope to bring before too long. 


  1. Very atmospheric Michael, the tables are very clever and look perfect, if you are after bench seats and stools drop me an email as I produce some. A great array of models to add character to the shots, even spotted some FFG ones in there.

  2. Dave has already used the very words that came to my mind too -"very atmospheric". Your photos give a great idea of the variety of ways the cantina can be used as a setting. I enjoyed this post.

  3. Wow, it turned out great.

  4. Great to see your Star Wars project completed, Michael. It's clear you've been utterly inspired by this masterclass in scenery building. You're clearly challenging Dave Stone for the definitive Star Wars wargaming blog. LOL!!!

  5. Seriously impressive work from the pair of you, Michael. Having seen your castle, I am not surprised, but the attention to detail is unsurpassed. As Wayne and Garth would say "We're not worthy..."


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