Monday, 16 September 2019

We're back!

The start of any academic year brings with it no end of challenges and surprises.  The shock of coming out of an extended period of relaxation into an atmosphere of seemingly unrelenting industry is often daunting, even for the most seasoned of teachers.  Fortunately we are a resilient species and although faced with drowning amidst the planning, paperwork and pupils the instinct to kick for the surface remains, gulping in the air as we break from the suffocating waves.  This is the point when experience pays dividends and with it the realisation that not only can you do the job, but you enjoy it too!  You see the start of the academic year is not just a lament of the lost summer, but a celebration of beginning; a fresh start if you will.
Footprint & terrain considerations
James and I are keen to reignite our interest in the Schloss Itter project and share that passion with a wider audience.  Much has happened in our various camps over the summer holidays and we are just starting to knit the elements together so that we can share them with you here.
We hope to do this as a means to keep ourselves motivated, but also to engender a  sense of collaboration and are currently working on a couple of ideas that might allow us to ‘reach out’ to a wider audience.
So what can you expect in the coming weeks and months?  Construction is well underway with the castle and with it plenty of problems to solve and discuss.  Rules have been drafted and gameplay considered along with design considerations.  Miniatures have been collected and assembled with research into uniforms and units begun.  There have also been some distractions and diversions that have yielded unintentionally exciting results that we will share soon.
All in all there is a buzz of excitement and industry around the project, but we are only too aware that time is against us and so look to you all to keep us on track with your continued support and for that alone we thank you.  So without any further ado it is time to remove the dust sheets from the painting table and crack on with the project! 

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  1. What an impressive looking structure already Michael, great news that things have been progressing, as you say time is marching on so keep at it as much as possible, only at the end of an email if you need help or advice mate

    1. Thank you so much Dave and you may regret that last comment. :)

  2. The castle looks as though it will be very impressive when it's finished :)

    My sincere commiserations on having to return to school for another year.

    1. Thank you Tamsin, back at school does mean more fun with the castle though. ;)

  3. The longest journey begins with a single step. And that is quite a step forward!!!!!

    1. Thank you so much, James is flying at the moment, just amazing to watch.

  4. That's a mighty impressive structure and it'll make a great centrepiece. Lot's of work to do, I'm sure, but it's a great start and I'm looking forward to seeing this whole project come to fruition.
    I well remember the delights of returning after the summer hols, to yet more new faces ready to make life "intersting" and counting the days until half-term!

    1. Thank you Joe, really starting to get a sense of how big the project is. As I write this 32 days to half term. ;)

  5. Impressive and beautiful building!

    1. Thank you so much Phil, it is great to see it starting to take shape.

  6. Already a great looking Schloss!
    Best Iain

  7. Synchronicity? I wondered what you´d been up to lately (blogwise) as your blog hadn´t popped up on the blogroll thingy in a while and looked in yesterday.
    I used to teach..I found it a pain in the proverbial and packed it in, so I´ve got enorm resect for anyone who keeps at it.

    1. respect not spelling!!

    2. Thank you Paul, all a bit manic at the start and having to get used to some new duties. Up and running now though.

  8. Excellent start! Once that castle gets closer to being completed will certainly add to the excitement of the project as well as rejuvenate your interest to proceed!

    1. Thank you terry, already starting to get quite giddy about it all.

  9. Great to see this properly up and running .. looks like a grand start

    1. Thank you Dave, James has certainly got into his stride now!

  10. That's an impressive bit of kit you have there Sir M!

    1. Thank you Ray, really starting to take shape. :)

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you Fran, although we are starting to realise just what we have let ourselves in for.

  12. Ooooh, how exciting! I look forward to see how you rattle on with this worthy project, Michael. (BTW, I love the little stepped-elevation model of the proposed game surface.)

    1. Thank you Curt, really enjoying it and James doesn't leave anything to chance, a real craftsman.

  13. Big projects like this are inspiring. Can't wait to see more of this come to fruition and pout cos I can't play with you lot too. LOL

    1. Thank you Dai, hopefully more to inspire before too long.

  14. Brilliant stuff Michael, great to see an update! I'd been missing your posts. And hats off to you, teachers are incredibly underappreciated in my opinion and wish you all the best 🙂

    1. Thank you Ivor, hopefully more regular posts from now on. On the plus side the holidays are great! ;)

  15. Good luck on your attempt to ‘reach out’ to a wider audience. Also the castle looks impressive even at this stage.

    1. Thank you, a couple of little side projects should help with our goal.

  16. Wow - that castle looks awesome! Good luck with the project.

    1. Thank you so much, it is great to have made a start.

  17. Impressive castle and fully accessible, which is a big plus in my opinion.

    1. Thank you, we will certainly have some of it accessible so we can photographs for the lecture.

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