Saturday 17 December 2022


Having made it to the Christmas holidays, I was keen to try and share what limited progress has been made on my Soviet Army since the summer.  Without going into the now tedious detail, life continues to be hectic and hobby time is very much in short supply.  That said, I cherish the precious moments that I have at the painting table, but all too often get distracted and find myself falling down yet another rabbit hole; indeed the main frustration at the moment is that I have far too many ideas and barely any time. 

As a result, I have tried to keep one or two building projects on the go at work; the sort of things that can be pushed aside when the prestigious talents demand to be taught.  Having brought some things home, I was able to apply the finishing touches and share with you some bomb craters! 

I had found a couple of useful tutorials online and these were the result of combining my favourite.  Nothing new here, but a satisfying build nonetheless.  The craters were formed using air drying clay placed onto shaped MDF bases.  The crater lips were then created by using torn pieces of cork tile fixed in place with a hot glue gun.  Texture was added with filler, into which stones and sand were liberally scattered.  
Finishing touches included some furniture from 'Mantic Games', which I had picked up in a 'Warlord Games' half price sale, bricks from 'Charlie Foxtrot Models' and pieces of plastic tube.  Everything was then painted to match the bases of my troops including a liberal smattering of suitably festive snow.

Really pleased to get these ticked off the list and they have already been used to help set the scene for a couple of photo-shoots, the results of which I hope to share soon.  Posting them here, has also given me the opportunity to hoist the Christmas decorations atop this most humble of weblogs and as uncork the sherry, as I look forward to catching up with everyone in due course.

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