
Tuesday 14 March 2017

Happy Blogday '28mm Victorian Warfare'...

...6 today
Today marks the sixth anniversary of the creation of this humble weblog, something that I find quite staggering given my complete inability to focus on anything for any given period of time. This has become particularly evident in the wide range of projects often started, but then callously abandoned. There have even been suggestions that the title banner be torn down and a new one proclaiming something along the lines of ‘28mm Whatever’ be hoisted up instead. 
The fact of the matter is that there are just too many shiny temptations out there for me to resist. There are signs that, I am starting to have more of an idea as to where my hobby time is headed and I was heartened by the fact that when I sat down to consider what I might want to look for at ‘Salute’ this year there were very few surprises. ‘Congo’ is certainly on the wish list as this fits loosely into the tales of derring-do of the late Victorian era, but of the surprises, I am still intrigued by Black Ops and have been considering possible scenarios based around this. In addition there has been the playful exploration of the Ghostbusters world and the possibility of looking to expand this to include Mystery Inc. doing battle with various Hollywood monsters. I have to confess that I have no idea how this might work, but I do so enjoy the fun of it all.
So another year done and there would appear to be life in the old weblog yet! I think part of the reason that I have stuck with the idea of posting my progress has been the level of support and genuine comradery that has been a most welcome by-product of the process. I am very fortunate to have met some of the more persistent commentators and often humbled by their generosity of spirit with regards to all things ‘hobby’.

So once again I need to thank all of you that stop by ‘28mm Victorian Warfare’, but particularly those that leave the odd comment; your encouragement greatly appreciated.


  1. Happy Blogiversary Sir Michael!
    Always a delight to visit, I cant believe its only been 6 years

  2. Happy blogday - still one of the most inspiring blogs out there. I say it every year, but this was the one of the ones that inspired me to start and you were the most helpful person in getting my blog actually working. Without you I dare say, there would be a lot fewer blogs out there.

  3. Well done that man. Always a good read, keep up the good work.

  4. Six intense, productive and wonderful years...Happy anniversary Michael!

  5. Happy Blog Birthday Sir M. Your blog is a constant source of inspiration and entertainment for the masses!
    Keep on rockin'!!

    1. Ray, it's no longer Sir M - he was elevated to Lord M a long time ago. Keep up man! ;)

  6. congratulations.always an inspirational joy

  7. Happy 6th blogiversary Lord M! Always inspiring and fun to read and a real treat to see the pictures of your deliciously varied output :)

  8. Congratulations! I hope there are many more so we can all enjoy your many wonderful projects!

  9. Congrats and I look forward to another six years of blogging goodness.

  10. Happy anniversary with the blog Michael - still going strong

  11. Best Blogday wishes, Michael. Many happy returns.

  12. Congratulations on 6 yrs. of a very very fine modeling blog, Michael.

  13. Congratulations, Michael! Your blog is so full of wonderful and exiting projects it is always a pleasure to visit it!

  14. Happy Anniversary! Looking forward to your future endeavors!

  15. Happy sixth anniversary! Your blog and the quality of your painting work have been an inspiration to me! Michael, I truly imagine your tower as a museum of 28mm miniatures!

  16. Happy Birthday, Congo is superb and much recommended.

  17. A very happy anniversary to you, sir! As for the shiny temptations....I know exactly what you mean!

  18. Congratulations! Happy anniversary!

  19. Happy Blog Birthday Sir !!!
    best, best wishes!

  20. Congrats - and remember, focus is for the weak...

  21. Happy Blogday, old chap, and here's to many more!

  22. Congrats Michael… and long may it continue. Let's get a date in the diary to create more fodder for posts!

  23. Happy Blogbirthday Michael! Consider this my odd post!

  24. Congratulations old chap! I know all too well the unrestrained chaos that this hobby encapsulates! Focus, focus...I must! Keep going on the blog front, Michael, you are a great inspiration!

  25. Congratulations on 6 years of blogging! :)

  26. Happy 6th Blogging year. I am glad I chose the name I did because I have kind of wandered from just Zombie Apocalypse gaming...........

  27. Great milestone! Keep it interesting and fresh and don't worry too much about the title.

  28. Happy Anniversary, Michael. Whilst the blog title may have become a little bit of a misnomer, it's still always a pleasure to visit. Now, when are you going to finish Gotham zoo? ;-)

  29. Happy Birthday. This blog remains one of my favourite `war gaming butterfly' blogs. Keep the great, if unfocused, work.

  30. A happy blogbirthday and MadPadre blessings to it! As I have said elsewhere, wherever your gaming interests take you, and whatever heights of whimsy you may surmount, we will all benefit from seeing "the Awdry Touch" brought to your projects, long may they continue!

  31. Well done Michael! Congrats on 6 years of blogery!! I wonder if those 7TV rules by Crooked Dice would work for Ghostbusters and Mystery Inc? Hmmm...

  32. Congratulations, six solid years of great content! Well done and many more!

  33. Well done for keeping up with the blog for such a long time. 6 years is nothing to sneeze at!

  34. Congrats matey, always love to read your blog. You have a way with words and you are a bit special with a brush.

  35. Happy Blogiversary mate! You're not the only one with acute shinyitis and I really enjoy seeing each time the next thing to have grabbed your attention...

  36. Love reading your musings and seeing your inspiring paint jobs. I've only just started bloody wargaming and I have an addiction to shiny things. I've got a considerable lead mountain before I've even rolled a die in anger!

    Witchfinder General, Pikeman's Lament, By Fire and Sword, Congo, Empire of the! Stop the train! No, don't. It's too enjoyable...

  37. Happy belaited blog day, my friend!
    It's always a pleasure to come here and read your articles and watch those wonderful pictures.

  38. Happy belated Blog day.

    Thanks for all the inspiring content.

  39. Congratulations on six years of excellent painting and writing.

    Cheers Roger. (who's a bit late to the party as always!)

  40. Six years and going strong ... keep them coming I say. :)

  41. Congrats on the blog anniversary! Your blog has always been one of my favorites to follow with all the amazing paintjobs and wonderful selection of different projects going on!

  42. Congratulations Michael to your anniversary of the 6 year old blog.I can remember when I was fresh and started my own. I was newly separted and wanted to do something that made me happy and the blog and the hobby-work helped me a lot.It would be interessting to know your history about why you started this very inspirational blog. Please keep posting.

  43. A rather belated congratulations on the anniversary!

    We're enjoying "Congo" very much at the moment; I imagine that it would suit you well.

    I've tried a Scooby Doo game before; it didn't really work too well. Maybe you'll do better?
