
Tuesday 21 March 2017

Post Challenge Round Up

So there we have it, the conclusion of the ‘VII Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge’.  Spring has finally sprung and the hugely successful hobby juggernaut, so masterfully steered by Curtis Campbell and his merry band of minions can, once again, be parked up for another year.  This then is the obligatory personal review and more importantly an opportunity to thank those involved in the running of the event for their collective efforts.  Over the course of the challenge I took a series of work bench shots that I will publish here by way of accompaniment to my rather dry narrative.
I feel as if I have been a bit of a spectator this year, not able to find the time to comment on the challenge blog as much as I would have liked. Instead I have tried to show my support to my fellow challengers by commenting, where I can, on their personal blogs.  This has left me feeling slightly uncomfortable about the whole process as I’m not sure that it is really in the spirt of such a collaborative event.
The bonus rounds continue to prove to be a wonderful addition to the format.  After initially declaring that I wasn’t getting involved in them this year, I completely disregarded my own decree and set about planning something for each and every one.  In my defence, I did consciously scale down my ambition for a couple of the rounds, but the remaining three sapped a huge amount of time and effort, but were great fun nevertheless.
As for my own personal goals and tallies?  Well this year, I failed to reach my target score of a 1000 points. (892points 30/96) I had hoped that my cunning plan of priming larger (larger for me anyway) units in coloured undercoat, inspired by the likes of the ever productive Tamsin, would help to speed things along, but instead it would appear to have had the opposite effect.  I found that as I glanced over at the massed ranks of Guards, Cuirassiers and Mutineers that I would do anything rather than add to the already colourful start I had made to them, I even caught myself taking out new, unprimed miniatures and started to prepare them for next year - madness I tell you.
As the challenge went on, I soon realised that not sticking to my plan, no matter how convoluted, was going to leave me well short of my target.  After initially getting myself in a bit of a tizzy about this, I soon realised that the easiest solution was to stop, pack away anything that was proving to be of a distraction and concentrate on having fun – after all, when your hobby starts to become a chore, then it stops being a hobby!
Whilst I may have struggled to paint enough miniatures in the time permitted to reach my target score, others didn’t.  Some challengers went on to exceed their own expectations and the quality and sheer quantity of what has been produced this year is truly staggering, yes Dave Docherty, I am thinking of you.  A particular highlight for me was a collaborative project with Sander and Stefan, which proved not only successful, but a ringing endorsement of all that I have come to cherish from most wholesome of hobbies - thank you Gentlemen. 
I would just like to take this opportunity to congratulate all my fellow challengers for their often Herculean efforts over the winter months and to once again thank Curt for his tireless enthusiasm in continuing to run this event.


  1. As always, I've really enjoyed your various entries this year Michael. Your "Ghostbusters" entry was superb, as were the Landsknechts :)

    As you say, if it stops being fun and becomes a chore you need to take a step back and do something else.

    1. Thank you Tamsin and you have certainly identified two of my favourites.

  2. I was really impressed by what you put out.
    But you have to enjoy what you are doing, there is no shame in putting a project down to do another day.

    1. Very true Mike, I think I just needed to reassess what was important to me at the time.

  3. The bonus rounds are you natural hunting ground. The imagination that you show and craftsmanship you demonstrate is truly fantastic. Always look forward to an Awdry entry

    1. That is incredibly kind of you Martin, thank you.

  4. I still can't work out how you get the bonus rounds planned and done in time? I had trouble painting 1 figure for them. I think it'd be a good idea for Curt to announce the bonus rounds early, say October. Then at least us mere mortals have a chance to buy something a little different.

    1. The problem is Ray, I get very little else done, but bonus rounds. Often the seed of an idea will be planted way in advance, perhaps having seen something on another blog or perhaps watching a film. Very often these ideas will be jotted down and then before I know it wish list are being drawn up and miniatures bought. Then if I am very lucky one of Curt's themes will match up and away we go!

  5. I always enjoy seeing what you put forward for the bonus rounds even if they tend to derail the overall painting progress. Your Holy Grail entry from the beginning was really fun as were the Ghostbusters!

    1. Thank you Brian. The Holy Grail entry rather derailed everything, but I really enjoyed putting that together. Still plenty of miniatures left over, so that may get a run out again next year - anyone for a shrubbery?

  6. A great output from a true titan of the thematic bonus round, Michael. Its always a pleasure to see your stuff, and to see one of your ever-encouraging comments on my own blog. Great stuff and see you at Salute :-)

    1. Thank you so much Simon, I have to confess that I am often lifted by an encouraging comment and more than happy to repay the favour particularly on those blogs that showcase enthusiasm and creativity of which your is definitely one.

  7. Thoroughly enjoyed seeing your entries for this year's Challenge Michael.
    As has been said, that Ghostbusters effort was brilliant - any plans to expand upon that one?

    1. Thank you Dai and with regards to Ghostbusters, I have an idea that I want to create a haunted house, filled with ghouls, ghosts and things that go bump in the nights. Hopefully this will include Mystery Inc. but I have no idea, as yet, how this will translate in to a playable game.

  8. Great job and well done, Michael.

  9. Regardless of the tally Michael, your entries were wondrous to behold. I agree that painting rank upon rank of pretty much the same palette can be tiresome, hence my enjoyment of more skirmish gaming systems. Keep up the excellent work!

    1. Thank you Terry and I couldn't agree more, that said they are not many better hobby sights than a well painted regiment or two.

    2. True enough, well painted regiments on a grand scale are truly a sight to behold. Just as long as I'm not the one painting them...though I have quite a bit of English Civil War collecting dust on my shelves.

  10. Always a pleasure to have you participate Michael. Your theme round entries are always something to look forward to.

    1. Thank you Curt, not only for the kind words but for the challenge itself, what a fabulous internet phenomenon you have created and I am jolly proud to be a small part of it.

  11. Didn't really see what anyone (except Simon) painted up for this Michael, but your Caveman house was absolutely superb in my opinion, and would be a real highlight of any sort of painting challenge!!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you so much Roger, that is very kind of you to say so and greatly appreciated.

  12. That is a painting table I have some respect for 🙂

  13. Stunning vignettes from Awry Towers once again this challenge. Ghostbusters was absolutely stunning but your Holy Grail collection of Bonus Round 1 has to be my favourite of the lot. Bravo! My son was in his first challenge this year and already knows the name Awry is one to watch for when enjoying the submissions

    I appreciated your comments on my blog too, thanks indeed mate

    1. Thank you so much Paul and I have to say that in many ways, once I stopped worrying about tallies and scores, this was a blast of a challenge. It was great to see so many challengers new and old.

  14. Your Bonus Round entries are what I look forward to every year!

  15. You're bonus round entries are always so good, the holy grail and of course ghost busters, which even my wife, who tolerates "my little men "was impressed with!
    Best Iain

  16. Fir me the highlight was the ghostbusters piece. Just outstanding!

  17. Well done Michael, even if you didn't reach your goal. As long as you had fun, and judging by the bonus rounds I tend to think you do!

  18. I'm not really familiar with this competition, but your workbench looks interesting (and strangely uncluttered, compared to mine :-) !)

  19. I tip my hat to you kind sir, it was both a pleasure and a privilege to be your partner in crime this Challenge. You should ever do what you like best because the results are downright stunning!

  20. ha ha.... your such a butterfly! but you are right it should and must be fun .. otherwise why bother . I always look forward to your bonus round interpretation - always wonderfully inspiring!

  21. Good effort mate. I find that is best sometimes a to much out puts your off/puts you in a negative mood. I've done similar lately and have begun to get some stuff finished.

  22. It was a joy to follow ypur progreoss throughout the last few month! Some masterfully executed submissions just what we came to expect from you. I'm sorry I didn't manage to comment on all your posts but let me assure you I read every single one with relish.

  23. That's a lot of cool looking WIPs you have on your work table. Lots of eye candy to come for us then :)
