
Tuesday 7 March 2017

Who ya gonna call?

So here we are, the final bonus round of the 'VII Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge', where did the time go?  'Character(s) and/or Scene from a Movie, TV Program or Piece of Music' is perhaps a little more descriptive than some of the previous titles this year, think East and West for example, but nevertheless it was going to require a modicum of thought.  Now fortunately for me, I am a sucker for a movie or TV tie-in and have a whole plethora of miniatures that could have been used for this round, but in this instance I need to thank Jeremy 'Jez' Winstanley Esq. of the 'Carrion Crow's Buffet' for the inspiration behind my choice.  In fact what you are about to see would not have been possible without the truly inspirational work by the likes of Jez, Carmen's Fun Painty Time and Rogue428* - thank you all!
*whose work I discovered on DeviantArt
If there's something strange
in your neighborhood
It was Jez's playful exploration of all things Ghostbusting that saw me quietly squirrel away some of 'Crooked Dice's' Paranormal Exterminators, never quite knowing what I was going to do with them, that is until now!  So Ghostbusters it was and of course this project came with the added advantage of  meeting both film and music objectives of the challenge, but sadly that doesn't warrant any additional points for doing so.  
Who ya gonna call?
In the past, I would have looked to create a single vignette for the round, but the ideas were growing by the day and in the end decided that I would paint the miniatures and then dress the set accordingly, all the time considering how it might work.  The miniatures, as already mentioned, are mainly from 'Crooked Dice' with a couple of Ectoplasmic Entities (or Slimers) and a pack of Harbingers added to complete the range.  
If there's something weird
and it don't look good
Additional spooks were recruited in the shape of a 'Reaper Bones' spirit; this is a clear plastic miniature, but I decided I wanted a little more variety.  To that end I swapped out the skulls for a couple found on a 'Wargames Factory' sprue and then each was given some additional toning with Tamiya Clear Green before highlights were picked out with a florescent paint.  This lime green fluorescent paint was also added to the Slimers, but more of that later.
Who ya gonna call?
Finally a simple bed sheet ghost form 'Ristul's Extraordinary Market' - available in this county through 'Bad Squid Games' and a Hellbeast to represent Zuul from 'Hersey Miniatures'.  This was a multipart resin piece and needed a bit of fixing and filling, but certainly worth the effort.  I decided to remove the rather fetching skull she had dangling from the chain around her neck, possibly a detail too far for this scenario.
I ain't afraid of no ghosts
With the addition of a pre-painted Mr. Stay Puft money box that I won on a well known online action site the cast was assembled and so to the set, which in this case was predominately made up from my 'Battle Systems' Urban Apocalypse card stock, the centre piece of which was going to be the City Fire Station.  Although this does take a while to put together the quality of the stock, and its versatility, more than make up for the time invested in the construction.  With the set dressed and ready to go, it was time for the secret weapon - ectoplasm!
I ain't afraid of no ghosts  
I had picked up a child's tub of the wondrous Ghostbusters Goo along with which came a 3D Ghostbusters plastic logo, now seen proudly atop the Fire Station and this goo was then liberally draped around the place and took on a life of its own.  So to the photography and all is as it seems, there is no photoshopping here, just the addition of a UV torch.  This of course had the effect of highlighting the fluorescent paint, ectoplasm and the plastic rubber cord used to simulate the proton packs energy stream.  
If you're seeing things
running through your head
And so you have it my homage to one of the biggest grossing comedies of all times and still a film that I thoroughly enjoy revisiting whenever I can.  With the most recent celluloid incarnation breathing life back into the franchise, who knows where this will lead, but for me I now need to get to grips with the 7TV rule set in order to justify yet another fabulous diversion!  
Who can ya call?
An invisible man
sleeping in your bed
Who ya gonna call?


'Battle Systems' Urban Apocalypse card stock terrain,  held together by simple plastic clips that allow such a great variety of possible outcomes and set ups.
Lights! Camera! Action!
I have included a couple of additional photographs that were taken just using the house lights.  It was interesting seeing what effect the UV light had on some colours or not as the case may be.  I had a couple of sheets of A2 black mount board behind the buildings to create a box set.
So It's "Goodnight" from me, and it's "Goodnight" from him.  The two 'not' Slimers, painted with the addition of florescent paint that isn't obviously noticeable under normal light.  For variation, I created a smaller flight stand for one and fashioned a slime trail but mixing Vallejo water effects with florescent paint.
So for the last time, I urge to head over to the Bonus Round pages and cast a vote for your favourite entry here.


  1. Absolutely outstanding work. Really is brilliantly done.

  2. Excellent stuff, inspired choice of figures, terrain and effects.

    1. Thank you so much Matt, it was a lot of fun to do.

  3. Wow. Is there anything else to be said?

    What a great stuff sir!

  5. You have excelled yourself with this one!

    1. Thank you, so projects just seem to take on a life of their own and this was certainly one of them.

  6. Michael, your hobby efforts are always amazing, but with this one you have simply, "crossed the streams," so to speak! Positively fantastic -- or perhaps slime-tastic?

    1. Thank you so much, my problem now is that I have opened up another possible distraction. So many ideas, such little time.

  7. As a 'one-off', you've really 'gone to town' on this, which in my opinion must be one of your biggest and best efforts that I can recollect. Even just a quarter of it would have be a worthy effort.
    I'm quite blown away...

    1. Thank you so much Joe, there is the possibility that this might develop a little more yet, with the inclusion of the Mystery Inc. team.

  8. This is truly astonishing work Sir Michael, just brilliant.

  9. Over the top in all the best ways!

    1. Thank you Brian, given the subject matter I felt over the top was the only way to go. :)

  10. Extremely creative Micheal! Top work for sure!


  11. Love it 1 Soo very cool and gives tons of flashbacks to 1984 ;)

    1. Thank you Michael, I found myself humming the theme tune incessantly, I even had the video playing in the background, it hasn't aged well.

  12. Are you the keymaster?

    Over-the-top brilliance, Michael.

    1. "I am the Keymaster... Are you the Gatekeeper?"

      Thank you so much Mr. Finch.

  13. This is truly something special, Michael. I have a nasdive grin on my face, mainly because of the subject matter but also a small part for providing whatever modest inspiration I did with my posts on this subject. Truly outstanding. Reminds me I must finish off my Ghostbusters project and As I've found a company that supplies decals for both the Ectomobile AND a certain blue box that needs completing, this may be sooner than I initially thought...

    1. Thank you so much Jez, it has been a long time coming and it needed the Challenge to kick start the painting. I still have a hankering for a haunted house scenario, although I have no idea how this will work. As for the decals, you must let me know in case I am foolish enough to pick up Ecto 1 at Salute.

  14. Your modeling is hilariously wonderful!! LOL!!!

    1. I am delighted to bring a smile to your face Jay.

  15. That is a great bit of work! Love the subject and didn't even spot those buildings were card until you turned up the lights

    1. Thank you, the buildings were a wonderful investment, a bit fiddly to assemble, but they do look great.

  16. Who ya gonna congrat? Michael...stunning and creative post, so many souvenirs...Well, I have to support the song in my head for the rest of the day, but thanks for this wonderful post!

    1. Thank you Phil, although sorry about the earworm. ;)

  17. An epic painting project.....very impressive and beautifully executed 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Matt, it has meant that I won't get much more done for the challenge, but worth it I feel.

  18. Splendid stuff, Michael! It really looks the business. I'm hoping Crooked Dice will bring out the all-woman line up from the recent movie too.

    1. Thank you A.J. I know that there is a female set now, I shall have to add it to the wish list.

  19. Jaw droopingly amazing Sir Michael. One of your most impressive presentations, and that is saying a lot1

    1. Thank you so much Paul, this became one of those projects that grew and grew - loved every minute of it.

  20. Just when I think you've reached the tip of your creative genius you once again WOW me! Simply Fantastic Michael!

    1. Thank you Terry, what a lovely comment and greatly appreciated.

  21. Who you gonna call. . . . . . . Mr. Awdry obvoiusly!!

  22. Awesome work, this is a really fun little collection!

  23. Wow...that is gob-smackingly brilliant!

  24. Good grief! You've just won the internet.

  25. And we have our winner!!!! If you don't win this round I'll kick Fran and BigLee in the shins!!

    1. Thank you Ray, but again so many good entries I'd be worried if I were Fran or Lee.

  26. Cool... outstanding work Michael!

  27. Wow, incredible!
    I'm in awe of your photography skills.
    Everything looks amazing!

    1. Thank you so much, the UV torch was so effective and made it very easy.

  28. Absolutely Stunning work Michael. You need to get some games in of 7TV2 in and pick up the girl versions :)

    1. Thank you Simon and absolutely on both counts.

  29. Wow. That's brilliant. How you painted the miniatures, your pictures. So good. Cheers, Karl

    1. Thank you so much Karl, that is very kind of you to say so.

  30. Wonderful entry Michael! Sometimes it feels like your submission are getting weirder and weirder... in an ingenious kind of way.

    1. Thank you Nick, sometimes I think the same. :)

  31. Brilliant work Mr. Awdry!

  32. Brillant work Michael. Just Brilliant.

  33. \this will do very well in the voting for the final Bonus Round, and deservedly so. It is a brilliant entry.

    1. Thank you Michael, I was delighted with how well it was received.

  34. No one steps on a church in your town apparently.

    As it's been mentioned above sir, simply gorgeous work. You win the internets for 2017 as far as I'm concerned!

  35. Truly tremendous work sir!

  36. That's just crying out for a game of 7TV2!

  37. Very, very, very well done! Love the colours on their uniform too. Just exactly right.

  38. Oh my! Every time I think you've done something that can't be topped, you top it again and again. This is one for the record books, Michael.

  39. Just fantastic . Right up there with your best

  40. Stunning work and a great backdrop, great stuff Mr Awdry. :)

  41. I am shocked and amazed!!! :D This is outstanding work, you keep surprising everyone with your unsurpassable talent! Thanks for sharing!!! Cheers! :D

  42. This was an amazing entry - incredible stuff.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.
