
Sunday 10 September 2017

Proof of Life!

It may not have escaped the attention of the more regular visitors to this humble weblog that things have been a little quite of late.  Rest assured there are not great dilemmas, just the day job going through an incredibly busy and demanding passage at the moment.  In order to maintain some semblance of work/hobby balance something had to give and I am afraid that was the time given to blogging.  That said it is very much my intention to return, particularly with 'Zomtober' and 'Dinovember' on the horizon; I find that these theme months often provide the impetus to pick up a brush again. 

Speaking of brushes, I haven't painted anything for over a month, but that is not to say that there hasn't been plenty of hobby time.  The pictures below will give you a clue as to what has been going on in a spare room far, far away!  So I am afraid to say that for the time being '28mm Victorian Warfare' will be taking a small break, but normal service will resumer shortly.


  1. No worries about posting, Michael. Take your time and you know you've got a loyal group of followers no matter how long between posts - written by one who disappeared from the blogosphere himself for quite some time! :)

  2. Oh no, now I've seen it all set up mid-action. I do not want to buy this game sir, but you are making it very difficult!! – lol ;)

    1. We shall have to arrange a little demo for you and watch your willpower crumble. :D

  3. Help me Obi're my only hope?

  4. Dont worry! I love all tour post and works :)

  5. I've been away for some time too. Good to hear I didn't miss much 😁.

  6. No worries about the time-out. I know how that goes.

  7. Aah, start of the first term of the year, how wonderful

    Looking forward to your Zomtober and Dinovember efforts as always :)

    1. Thank you Tamsin, it doesn't seem to matter how many years I do this job, but that first week always gets me.

  8. Just repost old stuff. We'll lap it up anyway :)

  9. Post when you want to - its a Hobby!
    And it will be well worth waiting for I know :-)

    1. That is very true, hopefully it won't be too long now.

  10. "As you are able" is the modeling word of the day.

  11. Replies
    1. Yes it is with a resin additive that makes it much stronger.

  12. Oh dear Michael, you've come over to the dark side ! Hope life returns to normal soon for you, the joy of this hobby is you can put it down for a while and pick it back up as if you never left

    1. I just couldn't resist Dave, Star Wars was such a important part of my childhood that when I heard it could be adapted for solo play I was in!

  13. I know the feeling about life getting on top of things. At least you've managed to get some gaming in... the extent of mine has been a few Cards Against Humanity sessions at work :/

    Looking forward to Zomtober, as always!

    1. Thank you Paul, hopefully we can get things on an even keel soon.

  14. Its WONDERFUL to see you so entrenched in this game, even though you are busy and have so little time at the moment. The beauty of the game is: a) it doesnt take up much space, and b) can be left mid game and picked up and move here a move there at leisure. I LOVE that you are playing with the pieces unpainted. So many just wait and wait and wont touch a game until its all painted and of course, enthusiasm wanes and the thing never gets played. Looks marvellous anyway. Good luck with it Michael. And dont worry, we`ll all be here when you have time again xx

    1. As soon as Steve took the time to explain how it could be adapted for solo play, I was in. Then I saw just how amazing the miniatures were and I couldn't stop cracking on with the scenarios.

  15. Everything Hils just said more, and..... I`m loving your home made additions, that`s all it needs to lift the thing and make it truly yours, a unique experience. Nice one my friend.

    1. Well I can't thank you enough for persuading me to tip my toe, so to speak.

  16. Oooo, printed scenery for Imperial Assault!
    Looking forward to your posts in the future.

  17. Hope things get better for you soon. I think most of us miss this blog as much as you do.

  18. Sounds very familiar - we all go through spells like this, I think. Don't worry about it, just do what you feel like, when you feel like it. After all, if it ain't fun then why are we doing hobby stuff?

  19. No worries mate, I can feel your pain!

  20. Whatever and whenever you can post, you can rest assured your posts will be welcomed.

  21. And as ever I'll be looking forward to your next post sir.

  22. The frequency of your posts is practically belt-fed compared to mine, Michael; you have nothing to worry about.

    1. Thank you Monty, hopefully back on track soon.

  23. Looks like someone has been doing some 3D printing for that game of Imperial Assault!

    1. Not me I'm afraid, but they are rather lovely.

  24. Hope you will be back soon :) looking forward to se some star wars stuff ;)

  25. Hope you will be back soon :) looking forward to se some star wars stuff ;)

  26. Understand the feeling ....If I have to chose between painting and blogging I tend to chose painting 😀 We'll wait patiently for you return

  27. Blogging is suppose to be a stress-free and fun diversion so don't feel pressured to update all the time. When you do, we'll be here ^_^

  28. You're not the only one who's been quiet on the blogging front! Real life has a habit of getting in the way sometimes!!

  29. Don't worry about posting, seems like real life has been getting the best of many people in the blogosphere lately! That being said I'm definitely looking forward to Zomtober and Dinovember once again! Can't wait to see what you can come up with this time around

  30. I only know too well how real life can intervene with ones hobby ambitions. So I'll simply wait for your next bout of hobby extravaganza ;-)
