
Sunday 17 September 2017

Euro Miniature Expo 2017

I always find that when very busy at work it is important to get out and do things at the weekend, if for no other reason than to prove to others that you are still amongst them!  With that in mind, the 'Provost Marshal' and myself decided that we should take in the modelling extravaganza that was once known as 'Euro Militaire'.  Euro Miniature Expo hasn't changed noticeably in its format, but I think it was fair to say that the number of traders and exhibitors was considerably down on previous years.  Admittedly we were there quite early on the first day and so things might have picked up, but there seemed to a genuine concern amongst a couple of the traders that the reduced footfall might jeopardise the future of the show.  That said, from a purely selfish, point of view, it was nice not to return home bearing the scars inflicted from rabid, rucksack wielding punters! 
One thing that remained consistent however was the sheer quality of the work on display in the exhibition halls.  I find this humbling and inspiring in equal quantities and hope that the show continues to run as a showcase for these amazing painters and modellers.  What follows are a selection of entries that caught my eye.  Back to work this afternoon, but hopefully getting through the worst of it now.


  1. Awesome event!
    Thank you very much for a photos!

  2. Some excellent painting .. but for the muted (realistic) colours, my favourite is the Crusaders Vignette.
    The Conan fig with female over his shoulder, what make and scale is it? I wouldn´t mind having a bash at painting that.

    1. Hi Paul, it was approx 75mm and I think it was from Black Sun Miniatures.

  3. There's some lovely work, there, displayed in those miniatures. Brilliant. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Some stunning stuff, far above and beyond my capability

  5. Stunning is the word! Thanks for sharing these!

  6. Wow that is quite spectacular. . . . . . I am now going upstairs to weep into my paints!

  7. many thanks indeed for taking to time to put this posting together Michael. As you say, humbling yet inspiring stuff :-)

  8. Thanks for the photo journal. Wonderful modeling. For me, the walrus warrior has found a way into my mind...he's so cool. (Pun intended).

  9. Amazing, too many to even pick a favourite although I love the Wizard of Oz take - so dark!

  10. Beautifully painted works of art!

  11. Astonishing work! I like the Dad's Army characters and Private Baldrick.

  12. What a great eclectic mix of subjects you chose Michael was nice to see some of my friends pieces in there. The only shows I get to go to are ones I'm trading at and miss all these wonderful pieces, so thanks for posting these up

  13. Fantastic stuff ....I put these down as ART...🙂

  14. Some great looking display models there. :)

  15. I went once and the quality is amazing. I can remember one painter showing how he highlighted an eyeball.

  16. Looks like a great event.. great photos Michael!

  17. Some absolutely stunning work, very well captured. Thanks for sharing mate.

  18. Some of those are inspirational.. others just depress me in how good they are ;)

  19. Thanks for this eye candy Michael, great to see you are taking some you-time from work!

  20. To a mere mortal like myself, these are truly fantastic works of art.
    Thank you so much for sharing

  21. Humbling indeed - some amazing stuff out there, wow. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Thanks for attending, then providing the images. Those do certainly inspire! Alas its another of those UK shows I shall never see.

  23. Fab pics Michael a fair bot of post apoc and zombies which is lovely to see!

  24. Thanks so much for sharing. There are so many works of talented painters on show there. Such expos are virtually unheard of in my country.

  25. Lovely pictures Michael! Euromilitaire was one of the shows that I'd been planning to visit for a long time. Too bad it's over now, but this really does seem like a worthy successor. Maybe the visitor counts will pick up in the coming years when people become more familiar with the new event.

  26. Hi Michael, just catching up with this (so apologies for the late comment!). Wonderful photos, and thanks for posting. I'm torn between being in total awe (which I am), and being utterly depressed at the amazing standard of work on display! So much talent - a fantastic day out!
