
Saturday 3 October 2015

Paint Table Saturday#100!

Not very much to show this morning as I'm putting the finishing touches to my first entry for 'Zomtober 2015', which I hope to share tomorrow.  That said, I didn't want to let today go by unmarked as it is the 100 edition of 'Paint Table Saturday'.  This was such a lovely idea that saw a community of likeminded hobbyists share what was currently on their painting tables.  Sofie, it's founder, should be immensely proud of her achievement as the community has gone from strength to strength.

For those of us with a natural curiosity it is such a treat to see what others are up to and I know that when I was particularly distracted by 'real life' issues, just sharing what I was doing on a weekly basis was such a boon and helped keep my interests alive.  So what of my paint table today?  Perhaps not unsurprisingly, masses of undead, with a liberal sprinkling of survivor!  The recent 'Studio Miniatures' Kickstarter has given me plenty of scope, so I will need to spend some time this morning sifting through my options.

With regards to 'Zomtober' there is still time to get involved and I would politely direct you the following blog posts to glean the full details, including a list of those taking part this year.  It is great to see the list slowly growing and I'm looking forward to seeing the results of everyone's labours slowly shuffling off the painting tables.

So here's to many more 'Paint Table Saturdays', don't forget to visit the rest of the community here and once again a big thank you to Sophie for her inspiration in setting it all up!


  1. What motivates us makes us stronger.........therefore we thrive..........I think!

  2. I really enjoy visiting your blog! Keep painting Michael!

    1. Thank you, hopefully plenty more to come this month if all goes to plan.

  3. Paint Table Saturday is immensely successful I've been working too many Saturdays to continue with it but its a great motivator non the less. I don't recognize the survivor with the m60 who makes him?

    1. I couldn't agree more, it just helps to keep things ticking over. The M60 wielding survivor is from Black Cat Bases. I ordered him nearly over a year ago, they have been suffering a torrid time with ill health, then suddenly he appeared in the post. Hats off to them for honouring their outstanding orders.

  4. 100? Well done with keeping this up Lord Michael :)

    1. To be fair, I've not managed all of them, but the community is certainly going from strength to strength.

  5. Well done Sir! More impressive then the 100 entries is the quality of them
    I visited at least every week, but usually much more frequently than that :-)

  6. Excellent stuff Sir Michael! 100 not out, a decent knock indeed. Looking forward to your Zombtober work!

    1. It certainly promises to be a fun month, maybe just what you need to get the brushes wielded again? I certainly hope so.

  7. Flip-flops and an M-60. I like what I'm seein' so far.

    Here's to the next 100 PTS's.

    1. PS - May I use that spiffy Zomtober 2015 banner of yours over on my humble blog?

    2. He is a fabulous miniature, from Black Cat Bases and of course you may use the banner, I would be honoured Sir.

  8. Fun stuff nicely painted. Hey! The old geezer toting the MG looks like Alfred Hitchcock to me.

  9. Unique looking survivors here. I hope the bloke with one leg is a very good shot or he'll be zombie toast.

    I shall be away from reading blogs for a few weeks as I'm busy with Autumn yard work. Also I'm painting and laying carpet in the music room and I'm doing it by myself.

  10. Whoah 100 already! Here's to another 100 then!

  11. I do enjoy your Paint Table Saturday posts. It helps me to realise how crap my painting haul has been the last year. Keep it up, my good man!!!

  12. I do enjoy your Paint Table Saturday posts. It helps me to realise how crap my painting haul has been the last year. Keep it up, my good man!!!

  13. Hola Amigo
    buena buena mesa tienes hay
    como siempre grandes minis
    un saludo

  14. 100 already? Wow that is some going. Good luck in all things Zombie


  15. A lazy 100 eh? More impressive is the quality sir. Keep 'em coming!

  16. Really looking forward to see all the goodness I'm sure you'll come up with during Zombtober again.

  17. One legged bearded zed apoc survivor - where have I seen him before?
    Looking forward to seeing your Zomtober entries, M. Awdry.
    I have my eye on Studio Miniatures for their zombie Nazi set, which I could probably use.

  18. An excellent start, Sir!
    Happy Zomtober! ;-)
