
Monday 28 September 2015

The Moon of Skulls...


As is the tradition of this humble web log the next post following a book review should, in some small way, be representative of the story highlighted.  With the collective tales of Solomon Kane safely shelved in the library at Awdry Towers, I can finally share this motley crew with you.  As the 'Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge' was drawing to an end, I had a convoluted idea of producing a vignette for the 'Anti-Hero' bonus round based on the Solomon Kane story, 'The Moon of Skulls'.  One of Robert E. Howard's longest stories*, 'The Moon of Skulls' sees our hero infiltrate a lost city in Africa ruled over by by the she fiend, Nekari of the Negari in a bid to rescue a kidnapped girl. 

 *almost a short novel!

 I had hoped to depict the final, climatic scene as Kane races against time to save the girl before she is offered to the Gods of the Negari in sacrifice.  In the end it wasn't Kane that ran out of time, but myself and the idea got shelved in favour of a single miniature. That said, I was desperate to get the miniatures earmarked for the vignette painted.

I had spent quite a bit of time tracking down a suitable candidate for Solomon Kane and was delighted when I happened upon this chap from 'Black Army Productions'.  The only thing is that he is rather shy  young man and the angle of the head, sculpted as it is, hides lots of the lovely details.  Still a minor detail and there is a sense of intense brooding that befits the character from the stories.  

The other two characters are from 'North Star Military Figures', the chap with the feathered headdress being part of the cannibal war chiefs pack.  A couple of skulls added to Nekari's base, seem wholly appropriate and I deliberately tried to link the two together with the use of orange, a singly bright colour in comparison to Kane's dour, Puritanical look.


  1. Totally excellent paint jobs.

  2. Wonderful work, as always Michael.

  3. Amazing job,! Your colors, once again, are fantastic, especially feathers...

    1. Thank you Phil, the miniatures had so much to enjoy with the sculpts that they were a joy to paint.

  4. Stunning artistry - they all look the part so well. The colorful natives and the dark anti-hero.

    1. Thank you Dean, it was just a bit too much to get done in tine unfortunately.

  5. Excellent painting and portrayal of the Dance of the Skull Moon.

    1. Thank you Jay, maybe one day I'll go back and create the final scene properly.

  6. Very nice skin colors and feathers, and bright clothes are extremely good executed.

  7. Fantastic! I love the Solomon Kane stories and your minis are wonderful! Great choices for the Negari!

    1. Thank you Mr. Mouse, I did have my eye on a rather nice Red Box miniature, but it was all getting a bit expensive!

  8. Those oranges and yellows look beautiful against the African skin tones, which are well done. As always, your brushwork is superb!

    1. Thank you Anne, I wasn't looking forward to the yellow as it never seems to cover as well as I would hope. Still got there in the end.

  9. Hola Amigo
    Magnificas piezas
    Me gusta sobre todo el cazador
    un saludo

    1. Thank you J.D. he is quite a character and great fun to paint too.

  10. Ooooh, me like! The figure used for Nekari I especially like and Black Army has several figures I could use. Thanks for posting this, Michael - lovely brushwork as usual. How's your zoo coming along?
    Regards Jez

    1. Thank you Jez, it was all coming together quite well, but simply ran out of time. At one point I was considering LED lights and crystal skulls! the zoo is on hold at the moment, just so much going on with work, then there is zomtober, followed by dinovember and then it will be the challenge again, but I am certainly not giving up on the idea.

    2. Hi Michael. Where In North Star's rather comprehensive range of figures would I find the figure you used for Nekari? I tried the obvious places, but couldn't find her. And you'll be pleased to know that Devil Dinosaur is finished! Extra blog post yesterday just to show everything off.
      Regards Jez

    3. Hi Jez,

      if I remember correctly it was part of their Gods and Mortals range, I've just been for a look and I can't see her there. I have a feeling that I picked he up from the bargain bin. Sorry about that. Love Devil Dinosaur though, absolutely superb!

  11. Brilliant! Especially love the chap in with the feathers...the orange is superb!

    1. Thank you Gordon, he was such a great sculpt that he practically painted himself.

  12. Wonderful work Michael & that is a great figure for Solomon. One could say his averting of eyes is befitting the Puritan

    1. Thank you Terry, it took a bit of tracking down, but I was pleased to have him in the collection.

  13. Lovely painting and very cool minis. Kudos. :)

  14. Delightful paint work, sir! The effect of shading on those figures is excellent. I like the lighter areas on Solomon Kane's knees as if the material is worn down through use.

    1. Thank you A.J. I definitely wanted to give a distressed feel to his clothing. Certainly in the story the description suggests that he was practically in rags by the end of the adventure.

  15. Top drawer as usual sir - the colours are fantastic.

  16. Totally amazing mate and I think you have really got Kane right in image and more importantly moan. Well done Michael

    1. Thank you so much Pete, I always find it interestingly how different peoples interpretations of the same character can differ, so delighted to hear that you think this befits the man, much appreciated.

  17. Excellent work, though I fear that young Mr Kane's crippling shyness may stymie his ability to actively look into the face of evil!

    1. You might be on to something there Evan, let's hope that he snaps out of it in time to save the world.

  18. Right up to your usual exceptional standard mate. Love em!

    1. Thank you so much, I certainly enjoyed working on them.

  19. First rate, Michael. Ditto to Phil's comment about the feathers.

    1. Thank you Mr. Finch, I did rather enjoy doing them.

  20. Absolutely lovely paint job Mr. Awdry. The orange works great with the reddish/ brown skin.

    1. Thank you kind Sir, I was certainly delighted with how the three miniatures held together. I wonder how it would have worked with more in the scene?

  21. How did I miss these! Fabulous work Sir Michael.

  22. Another splendid piece of work!
    And a very good read as well. A post at its best. :-)
