
Sunday 13 September 2015

Beam me up...

Well this is a little embarrassing, it has only been a week since the 'Rum & Bones' Kickstarter safely docked at 'Awdry Towers' and now 'Space Cadets - Away Missions' has beamed in!  Now fortunately for me I managed to get this rather large box over the threshold before the 'Saintly Mrs. Awdry' noticed, allowing me time to unpack and have the packing safely squared away before the inevitable confession. 

I have tried to explain that there was a good two months between pledges, but having two parcels arrive in as many weeks was a tad unfortunate to say the least, in my favour this was a modest haul by comparison to the previous booty; the core box and a rather nice hardback book with exclusive scenarios and artwork.  

Everything is nicely printed, with good quality card stock and of course a legion of little green men! 

The success of the Kickstarter saw the designers invest the obey back into the core box with the addition of coloured plastic cubes to represent Hit Points and Oxygen along with some rather splendid sparkly dice - there was even a brain in a jar! 

For me though it was the addition of the backers' names on the side of the box that made my day - nice touch.

Unlike 'Rum & Bones' this game works well for solo play as the alien movement and attack is governed by a set game dynamic.  With that in mind it seemed appropriate to crack on with the first mission - Mercury: Alien Probe a good old fashioned bug hunt! 

Yeoman Cookie Hannah and Chief Lance Desoto survived the first contact with the Alien menace and start scanning the ship for the elusive Sentinel.  Every scan sees a tile flipped revealing the contents on the room, which could include useful items, alien technology and of course enemies. 

As the team worked their way around the ship more and more saucer men appeared along with a leader and then the appearance of the Sentinel himself - *gulp*.  After a moment of 'panic', which saw Yeoman Cookie lose a precious oxygen cube, both members unleashed their Atomic Rifles to good effect, scoring the four hit points required to put the Sentinel down - *phew!*

I don't know exactly why, but this game really appeals to me, more so than the hugely successful 'Rum & Bones'. Its collaborative nature will mean that it will be great for team play and the use of items means that each player can often string together wonderfully elaborate turns that never fail to raise a smile. The slightly corny feel of early Sci-Fi is alive and well and try as I might, I couldn't help but make *swoosh* noises every time a hatch was opened.  Time to strap on the oxygen tank and head off for the next mission...


  1. Trying to conceal the amount of deliveries from the better half is definitely something every gamer seems to have to do every now and then :) Too bad they seem to have an uncanny skill in spotting new acquisitions.

    Looks like a great game. I ended up skipping this kickstarter, but I'm really starting to feel like I have to buy it when it hits shop shelves.

    1. Eyes like a hawk my wife. It is really great fun, had another couple of games today.

  2. It looks to be a fun and entertaining game! It also looks like you have a lot of painting to do if you plan to that!


    1. I would certainly like to get the Rocketeers painted and perhaps a brain in the jar!

  3. That is the thing about Kickstarters, you never know when they will turn up. Sneaking things in is never a good move, I bet the saintly does it with shoes though! Several wargamers I know get it delivered to friendswho then look after it for a while until they can honestly say they have had it for a while or that "John" has just "Given" it to them! All of which may technically be true!

    I do like the look of the game and I hope it plays as well as it looks.

    1. This is a great fun game Clint, had a go at a couple more scenarios this afternoon and it is not as easy as it started out.

  4. Very nice. Great to see your name on the side of the box, too.

  5. I've found it's hard to conceal the amount of deliveries when the posties treat you like an old friend and stick around for chats on the doorstep!

    1. They do like to chat don't they. Normally I wouldn't mind, but it was making concealment difficult!

  6. That looks like great fun Sir Michael! Nice to see you stocking up on figures to paint over the winter. Did the Rum & Bones help with your smuggling skill, being all piratey and that?

    1. I'm certainly getting more proficient not sure that if that's a good thing. You are certainly right about things to paint - where to start?

  7. It looks like you've got a lot of painting to do Mr. Awudry!

    1. Thank goodness we have a painting challenge coming up!

  8. More fun times at Awdry towers!
    Nice to see you name up in lights once again :-)

    1. It really is a blast, certainly not to be taken too seriously but hugely entertaining.

  9. Looks good and always a bonus if it works with solo play.

    1. I have had a couple of hours with it today, hugely entertaining.

  10. Nice Michael, glad your enjoying it, but I suggest avoiding the helium, that will really take you over the edge.

    Cthulhu Wars also put all the backers names on the Kickstarter Edition Core sets which is a nice touch by the makers.

    1. Loving this Terry and looking forward to painting some of them up.

  11. Great looking new game, Michael. It appears the quality is as high as the previous Rum & Bones set.

    1. The production is equally as good as Rum & Bones and just hugely entertaining.

  12. Haha... Trying to hide stuff for the Mrs can be really triky, i know how it is to run a black budget ;)

    1. A black budget! I love it, great phrase Michael.

  13. Looks like a fun game. :)

    And I too know the feeling of sneaking a box in before getting caught! :)

    1. It is just simple and fun, I'm really pleased with it.

  14. That looks like great fun, sorry I missed the kickstarter, but will keep my eye out for it in retail.

    1. I am thrilled with it, lots of silliness and fun.

  15. Looks fabulous - and the names on the box is a gorgeous touch.

  16. I like the sound and look of it Michael.

    1. It just seems to work for me, quick and simple!

  17. Very nice looking game. And the game probably wouldn't have been as much fun without the Whoosh noises!

    1. Absolutely right and then you have to do the phaser sounds as well.

  18. Sounds like a very cool game Michael!

  19. Oops .. Two parcels in two weeks... Beware the payback!

  20. Now this looks like an interesting game and, from what you've said so far, a lot of fun. From the pictures, I'm getting a "Forbidden Planet" vibe, which is cool, as that happens to be one of my favourite movies. Imagine playing the game with music from the movie playing in the background...would certainly add to the atmosphere. Would the Martians from Mars Attacks look out of place with these figures, as that could give you alternative foes? Once this is on general release, I may very well be considering a copy...

    1. I could certainly see the Mars Attacks Martians making an appearance, might make me paint some of those up.

  21. Interesting and good looking game. Always nice to get goodies in the post despite the attached guilt of having to explain them!

  22. Fun stuff! Looks like a lot of interesting projects will be appearing on your blog. :)

  23. Sounds like a really interesting game. Especially the option to play solo is priceless since our significant others rarely share our joy of playing...

    Thanks for the nice review. This game could really seduce me but luckily Imperial Assault is holding my attention. ;-)

    1. Yes Imperial Assault, I think I need to stay away from that, but the solo aspect is a real boon for me.

    2. Come to the Dark Side, Michael!

  24. Lucky lucky you. So many cool minis to paint. :)

  25. You might find this interesting -

    1. Thank you for the tip off, I'm shall certainly have to have a go at that resin for the brains!
