
Sunday 6 September 2015

Ahoy Mateys!

The start of any academic year is a busy time at best, but this year the return to work was sweetened with arrival of my 'Rum & Bones' Kickstarter.  Having learnt my lesson from past crowd funding escapades I pledged for the basic Captain level, with a couple of extra packs of dice*, back in December 2014.  Of course that is the problem with Kickstarter, the waiting!  Back in 2014 you couldn't move for piratical wargaming fun, but at the back end of 2015 there is barely a black sail on the horizon!  

*You can never have enough dice!

Of course there are other benefits to pledging and that is all the free stuff!  The additional exclusives on this one meant that I failed to sneak the not insubstantial box past the 'Saintly Mrs. Awdry', which in turn brought a derisive, "what have you done now?"  Not one to be deterred by the sudden frost that enveloped 'Awdry Towers', I set about unpacking my plunder.

My first impressions are that it looks fabulous, the design of the miniatures, boards, rules and even the packaging have real quality to them, but what about game play?  I hurriedly set up the boards and populated them with pirates selected my factions - in this case the Wellsport Brotherhood and the Bone Devils.  From the outset it was clear that this wasn't really intended for solo play, but my intention was just to get a handle on the rules.  Before long deck guns were cutting swathes through pirates intent on crossing gangplanks, heroes were rigging across from ship to ship with no apparent regard for health and safety and the Kraken, well actually the Kraken didn't turn up because as just as I got going it was time to put my toys away for supper!

Supper time!

Unperturbed, I tried again this afternoon and can report it really is great fun!  Fast and furious, the game  requires you to accumulate objectives to secure victory points, but of course there is treasure to be had too!  Gold is awarded when Heroes dispatch Deckhands and can then be used to unleash ever more powerful attacks or unlock special abilities.   

The above pictures show key moments as members of the Wellsport Brotherhood snagged the three objectives necessary to see them win the game and below the state of boards at the end of the game.  All over in just over an hour and half, this is a great fun, fast game.  I imagine as one becomes more familiar with the factions' attributes, and depending on the luck of the draw with the tide cards, each game could differ completely.  That said, I'm glad I didn't go overboard** with my pledge as I can always add different factions if it captures the imagine of our small gaming crew.  I shall certainly be painting up a few pieces in due course as they really are too good not to, but as to well - who knows?
**Pun very much intended!


  1. Delighted you've picked this up as well Captain Awdry, and although I've not had a chance to give mine an outing yet, it certainly looks like a lot of fun :-) I know a few others have bought into this KS so perhaps we should have a Rum'n'Bones month at some point ;-) Really looking forward to seeing how yours paint up, and I've certainly moved a few pirates up into my painting queue.

    1. Rum & Bones month, now there is an idea! How about Black Flag February?

  2. That looks like a great game and a wonderful haul of miniature goodness. Sure to make the first half term more bearable.

    First day for me tomorrow. Got my class lists and form group allocation at 4pm today. Nothing like organisation, is there?

    1. It is certainly a blast and the miniatures are really fun now if I can just find some time!

  3. Ooooooh! Aaaaaaah! Something new and shiny. This look VERY interesting. No time for more games though. :-/

  4. Replies
    1. It certainly has high production values and really looks the business.

  5. That wasn't very Pirate-ish, not being able to sneak your booty past Mrs A, was it?
    Looks a lot a fun though!!

    1. Failed at the first attempt! More practice need me shipmate, Arrrr!

  6. Quite an impressive haul, Michael - I would say well worth the wait. Particularly with the addition of the exclusive freebies. The board looks great as do the figures - I can see them taking your fabulous brushwork very nicely.

    1. Thank you Dean, it certainly was a wait, but I'm now certainly not short of things to paint!

  7. A fine haul of booty Cap'n Awdry! Loads of plundering to be sure. I hope your hook doesn't affect your painting. Aaarrrggghhh! Keel haul them kids!

  8. That looks like a really fun game!

    1. Not too good as a solo game, but should be a blast with friends.

  9. Glad to see the Rum & Bones made their port-o-call at the Towers. I didn't open mine, knowing full well it would keel-haul my focus. Though from the looks of it, it will be fun when I do.

    1. It was a very brief distraction as work demanded all my attention last week, but I shall certainly have to earmark some miniatures for the brush.

  10. You got an awful lot with just the basic package. Looks like a good one to have backed. Looking forward to seeing some of the figures painted!

    1. I really couldn't justify anymore, but really pleased with what I got here.

  11. A wonderful narration of what sounds like a great hobby day. The game looks rather interesting and I glad to hear that you're satisfied with the KS stuff.

    Let us know how your quest for gold, glory and rum continues, Captain!


    1. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing how it plays with friends and perhaps painting some of the miniatures.

  12. There is a guy at my wargames club who somehow seems to back many kickstarters I am sure when painted he'll bring this lot down and we can get a game. Looks interesting. What is more I am sure you will painteverything to the highest standard.

    1. I seem to have backed an awful lot at the moment, certainly have more than I can possible manage to paint at the moment.

  13. That is a big box of goodness Michael, look forward to seeing more.

  14. Looks like great fun there Michael!

  15. You are going to need a bigger house!!

  16. Looks like great fun, Michael.

    Hopefully the Saintly Mrs. Awdry doesn't pick up on the theme and bury your newfound treasure out back ;)

  17. Oh my goodness ... what an excellent stash. I wish I could afford the whole Rum&Bones shebang as I think their miniatures look fantastic. Please say you are going to work on the minis ASAP. Can't wait to see you give them your usual masterworks colour scheme treatment.

    1. Now I had planned to get some on the table straight away, but there has been a bit of a development!

  18. Hola Amigo
    Buena pinta tiene ese juego,veo que te esperan horas de diversiĆ³n y de pinceles para pintar las minis.
    un saludo

    1. There is certainly a lot to pant, but where to start?

  19. Always nice to get something in the mail! Enjoy the game!


  20. Looks like a fun game with lots of shiny stuff!

  21. Have to agree totally with what Ayumi Sophia says Michael.

    You made me chuckle with the mention of sudden frost at 'Awdry Towers'. I think we have all been there.

    1. It seems to be happening a lot recently, I may need to invest in warmer clothes! :D

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