
Monday 1 April 2013

28mm Marie Celeste Crew

You must excuse my excitement, but I just couldn't wait to share this wonderful discovery with you all. For the life of me I can't remember ordering this exquisite box of miniatures and so you can imagine my surprise when they dropped onto the doormat of 'Awdry Towers'; mind you I say 'dropped' but I never actually heard them arrive, I simply became aware that they were there, such is their ethereal quality.

Now I freely admit that there has been a noticeable absence of things nautical, here at '28mm Victorian Warfare' as I am, after all, somewhat of a landlubber – ships being a necessary evil, particularly when it comes to the transportation of the requisite components required in the blending of my beloved Earl Grey tea.  That said the mystery that surrounded the stricken Marie Celeste and its luckless crew saw them elevated to the front of the painting queue.

Box contents

The company, 'Mysterious Minis' and their sculptor, the prolific talent that is Ffwl Ebrill, have done a tremendous job on this project.  The hard plastic sprues are comparable to the best of the 'Perry Miniatures' ranges and the fine detail is so exquisite that one could easily be forgiven for missing it altogether; as for mould lines, they are simply non existent on this product - a real boon indeed!

The variation and historical accuracy are fabulous and careful construction means that virtually the whole crew of seven can be represented without a single pose duplicated. The Captain, Benjamin Briggs (third from left in the photograph below) is superb – his Abraham Lincoln look reminds one of Captain Ahab no less!  As for Roger, the Cabin Boy (far right) his expression is one of absolute joy, standing as he is next to the ship's Master, Bates. 

Ready for painting on Fenris Games bases.

 The miniatures were not as easy to paint as one had hoped, the clothing of a C19th merchantman’s crew was somewhat sober at best, and one’s painting skills were certainly put to the test.  In a bid to render the desired palette, I resorted to what felt like an infinitesimal amount of near translucent washes; time consuming, but ultimately rewarding.  

A lovely addition to the box was the inclusion of a white metal table and bench, just perfect to represent that last meal or to offer some clue as to the fate of the crew; you can almost read the date at the top of the parchment - April 1st!


  1. You nearly had me mate until I realised the font in the MM logo is the same as your blog. And you couldn't be bothered to put the text on a path to follow the arc of the banner you lazy landlubber... ;-)

    1. Well spotted Sir and you should have heard the words of frustration with regards to that blasted logo!

  2. Hee hee, Nice one. Clever idea.

  3. Great sculpts I like the chap with the pegleg and wonky eye!

  4. I have to say, Michael, that you captured those merchantmens' uniforms perfectly. Such colours, and a wonderful glaze.....very memorable! LOL - awesome stuff! hvae a great bank holiday, Sir!

    1. Thank you Sidney, such a pig to get right but worth it in the end. ;)

  5. Absolutely spiffing work sir!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Paul, inspired by some of your previous posts if I'm honest.

  7. I am left speechless by this display of your skill. Never, and I mean never have I seen a historical period so well represented as I have seen here today. This is indeed, your finest hour you cheeky boy :)

    1. Far too generous in your praise Anne, in truth they painted themselves; that said I am delighted with the outcome. ;)

  8. I want a set too!!


  9. An excellent review on some of the best figures I have seen so far this year. I'll have several boxes!

    1. Can't wait to see what you do with yours Mark.

  10. They're extemely lifelike, too.

    Brilliant April Fool's gag, Michael!

  11. As the sculptor of this range, I appreciate all of your comments!

  12. Top Draw Old Bean you had me going there for a second.

  13. ho, ho, ho... I was thinking of doing the Spaghetti farmers , for my some Spaghetti Western,..

    good one Michael

    1. You've got to do that for next year! I can see it now Sheriff Dolmio, a saucy rascal!

  14. Is there any truth in the rumour that they plan to jump on the French-Indian Wars bandwagon and produce a range of Roanoke Colonists?

    1. I understand that it has been considered for next year, release date also April 1st!

  15. Excellent!!
    I was sure that it will be a Ghost Ship or Gosts-Crew !

    Well... good painting work !

  16. Replies
    1. Thank you, I need to start planning next year's now!

  17. Had me going for a sec there Michael!
