
Sunday 31 March 2013

We have some winners!

A Happy Easter to one and all and as promised I have great pleasure in announcing the various draws, but before I do just a brief word regarding the claiming of your prize, if you are lucky enough to be one of the winners.  With draws 1 - 5 all I require is a postal address and the easiest way to do that is to email me at:

twenty eight millimetre (the first part written as numerals and abbreviations) little men at g mail dot (just a full stop will suffice) com

My apologies for the unnecessarily cryptic address, (I should also point out that there are no spaces either!) but I am led to believe that this helps to reduced the likelihood of additional unwanted spam, something we are already plagued with.

With regards to the two winners of the 'Command Stands' if you use the same email to open up a line of dialogue, I'm sure we can soon sort out what it is I can paint for you.

A huge 'Thank You' to all that entered and helped to celebrate this humble web log's second anniversary; drum roll please!

1. The Usborne Activity sticker book was won by Ian - The Blog With No Name

2. The winner of 'Britain's Forgotten Wars' a must have reference book for all of Victoria's little wars was Mark Hargreaves - Over Open Sights

3. James Thomas Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan, a Wargames Foundry miniature painted by your truly complete with a miniature Crimea War Campaign medal goes to Sidney Roundwood - Roundwood's World

4. The painted Empress Miniatures' Hollywood versions of Chard & Bromhead this time with a miniature South African Campaign Medal are heading to Francis Lee - The Angry Lurker

5. Finally the 'Command Stands'!  These have been scooped by Mike Reynolds - The Dark Templar and Dave D - One Man and his Brushes.  I am a little concerned that this could mean an unholy alliance of Cowboys and Aliens!

My congratulations to the winners and my commiserations to those that missed out this time, I'm sure there will be more opportunities to bag a prize in the future.


  1. Congrats to the winners and to toy for running the competition. Best Wishes Clint.

  2. Well done to all the winners apart from Fran....of course!

  3. Winner, winner chicken dinner, I'd like to thank my parents, the academy, Pamela Anderson and of course Michael!

    1. That was the first time I've been included in the same sentence as Pamela Anderson - thank you!

  4. Congratulations there chaps well done and well done to Michael too for this great competition

  5. Congrats to the winners and a huge round of applause to Michael for running the prize draw :)

  6. Congrats to all the winners. Nice one Michael!

  7. Happy Easter and congratulations

  8. Happy Easter to you also. Congrats to all your winners and thanks for the comp.

  9. Yeehaaar! I'm a winner, thanks ever so much Michael, I shall get a few cowboys rounded up for ya!

    1. Oh goodness I me, I was worried that might happen; very many congratulations nonetheless Dave.

  10. Happy Easter and congratulations to the winners! Thanks for the comp Michael :D

  11. Congrats to all the winners, and thank you Mr Awdry, for running the competition! : )


  12. wow I won, I won. well my son will have really as the sticker book is for him.

    many Thanks Michael


  13. Happy Easter and congrats to the winners. Best, Dean

  14. Congratulations to all the winners. Have a Happy Easter Michael!

  15. Happy Easter to you too Andrew.

  16. Michael, wow.....I'm pretty speechless. I've dropped you an email, but I just want to say a huge thank you for running the competition and for your great generosity. Thanks again!

  17. Wow… can't ever remember winning anything before until I joined the blogsphere. Thank you so much Michael for running the competition.

    …and don't worry, not an alien in sight ;)

    1. Couldn't have gone to a better chap and phew!

  18. Thanks a lot Michael for running such a great prize draw.

    And of course congratulations for the winners! You have many jealous eyes on you. ;-)

