
Sunday 14 October 2012

Royal Marine Light Infantry

I need to say a big thank you to all those who have continued to browse the pages and leave comments here at '28mm Victorian Warfare'.  I have continued the lurk around the many blogs I follow and  have seen some tremendous work this week, not to mention Fran and Ray's tremendous giveaways - go and have a look before they make the draw next week.  Work continues to demand much of my time, but I'm looking forward to a break in a couple of weeks time.  

Until then just the briefest of posts to showcase these members of the Royal Marine Light Infantry, part of the British force during the Boxer Rebellion.    These are from 'Redoubt Enterprises' who, it has to be said, seem to do the most 'complete' collection of the period.  There is something wonderful reassuring about the 'chunky' feel to their sculpts and whilst not to everyones' tastes, I have to say that I thoroughly enjoy painting them. 

That said I have recently discovered that 'Studio Miniatures' have released a splendid new range of colonial figures and I may need to invest in a couple, purely in the interests of comparison and as a general service to the hobby community as a whole you understand! - at least that is line that I'll be taking with the Saintly Mrs. Awdry, when yet another packet lands on the doormat of 'Awdry Towers'.   

In addition to the 'Studio Miniatures', I've stumbled across some rather nice examples over at 'Oshiro model terrian' of the Japanese delegation, so it might be prudent to wait a little to see how these ranges develop before diving headlong into yet another project.


  1. Nice painting on these unique figures. I agree that Redoubt does have some nice ranges unavailable elsewhere. Looking forward to seeing the Studio Minis too. Best, Dean

  2. Michael

    The Redoubt figures dwarf my own colonials, but I must say they painted up well in your capable hands.


  3. Fantastic looking paintjobs and figures. I don't mind figures being a little chunky it certainly makes you feel like you have value for money. Look forward to seeing the Studio miniatures examples that you are going to show us :D

  4. I don't have any Redoubt figures, mainly because their website is so lousy, but these look good. Much enhanced by a very superior paint job of course!

  5. Great looking figures! Very nice work..

  6. Great looking figs! I like the shading / highlighting on the blue coats. I recently watched "55 Days at Peking" again and was tempted by the period.

  7. Both work, the detail and colors are always in the go

  8. I too have a soft spot for many of Redoubt's figures (most of my ECW collection is from them) and you've done an excellent job on these. Well done, Michael!

  9. Again lovely work.
    The bugler/drummer must have had a difficult job..he wouldn´t have known wether he should blow or bang.

  10. I agree, i like the 'chunky' quality to such sculpts too- something refreshing & charming about it.

  11. Wonderful paintjob on those leathernecks Michael.

    I think chunky-looking figures work well for some periods - colonials, pulp etc as they have a somewhat "Boys Own" feel

  12. Great work Michael.I think Redoubt are often floated as being over large butI have a different opinion and think they mix quite well when painted and based in a like style with most of the ranges I have!
    Keep up the great work!
    Best wishes

  13. Neat sculpts, and neater paint work, Michael.

  14. Two great looking figures Michael! redout do make some nice figures! And thanks for the link backs to Fran and my blogs!

  15. Great paintjob there Michael and I have to say i like redoubt minis too. Its nice to see Royal Marines being done but do you have a David Niven figure yet?

  16. Nice paintjob Michael. As you say they are certainly 'stout'. I can't help but think the bugler's legs need to be a tad longer!

  17. Lovely work again, Michael.

    The 'stout', 'chunky' look could be put down to all the bully beef and ships' biscuit they ate on the journey there. None of this foreign muck for these lads! ;-)

  18. Full of character. Lovely work mate!

  19. Beautiful work there Michael.

  20. Not chunky at all Michael. But, then again, it depends on who paints them. I am pretty much sure, that any figure that has fallen to your hands and brushes, has turned out excellent - as all of your works suggest. :)

  21. Absolutely fantastic, you certainly put my efforts to shame. What did you use for the blue?

    Can't say I share your enthusiasm for the Studio figures (in addition to looking a tad too stiff I also find their proportions weird) but am nevertheless eager to see you tackle them.

    1. Thank you Vip, I know what you mean about the Studio Miniatures, I'm a bit concerned about the length of the rifle barrels! The blue was a base of Vallejo Dark Sea Blue, then progressive highlights of Dark Prussian Blue followed by Prussian Blue.

  22. What a great advert for Redoubt. Superb painting once again Michael.
