
Wednesday 10 October 2012

Dong & Dim...

a Chinese Warlord and his Bodyguard.

These two gentlemen are from the wonderful 'Black Hat Miniatures', the wizard from their 'Tales of the Dragon Kings' range and the human tank from the 'Mutants and Madmen' collection.  I can't claim any creativity with regards to colour palette as they are pretty much as illustrated on the company's web site, that said there are some rather lovely examples of the range over at Auton's, 'The Lead Mountain'; well worth a look.  Both are been used as characters in the 'secret project':

Din Dong, is the self proclaimed leader of the international smuggling ring that operates from the comparative, and sweetly scented, safety of the laundry.  A calligrapher by trade, Mr. Dong was famed for his incredibly long...
scroll work back home and blessed with a good education has found it easy to maintain the charade of International Crime Lord.  This has been made somewhat easier by Dim, his bodyguard, a giant of a man who can crush the skull of a man with his bare hands!   For Dong the real problems started to arise when during the routine pillage of long lost treasures he stumbled across an ancient manuscript containing a fragment of a reanimation spell...

The gang outside the 'still yet to be completed' laundry!

 A two for one offer!

Now in a bid to justify another purchase along historical lines, it just so happens that this miniature can also represent another Dong - it's a small world!

Dong Fuxiang was a Han Chinese General who commanded Muslim soldiers during the Boxer Rebellion of 1900. The Chinese Muslim armies of Dong Fuxiang were known as the Kansu Braves and formed the rear division, picking up the unfortunate title of the '10,000 Islamic rabble'.

They proved to be an effective and ferocious force, striking fear into the minds of the westerners who considered Dong to be an ogre.

I also need to apologise for the apparent lack of presence around the blogosphere at the moment, Im afraid the work/life balance seems a little out of kilter and with no apparent let up until the end of the month.  I am hopeful that I can get some bits and pieces painted in the coming weeks and rest assured that I am still lurking around your blogs, even if the comments fall off for a week or two.


  1. lovely painting Michael. that warlord/crime boss in particular - there's just something about his face that screams malice

  2. Really, really nice Michael. I like the creative photography you did here and they look great as a whole group in that dio.

    You have to take care of your real life before bloggerlife. Hope things get less hectic for you!

  3. Multi use figures are always the best! Great work on these love the bodyguard. He'll take some stopping!

  4. Fantastic Michael i like this figures

  5. Nice figures, Michael. I can't wait 'till the reanimated-one meets ancient forest dweller!

  6. More good work and I like the naration. I echo Anne, some goodmood shots


  7. They look splendid. Don't want to argue with this gang

  8. A tough looking pair indeed, and excellent painting.

  9. When Dong lets Dim loose he creates a real Ding dong. Great pair of minis..and I know what you mean about life getting in the way of painting etc...I´m thinking of renting a buddhist retreat with just an internet connection and a trusted postman to bring new models to the door..

  10. Lovely work, Michael. You may want to check out Bob Murch's 'Pulp Adventure' figures as he has several in his 'Yangzee Gangs' range that may work well within your theme.



  11. Put a goatee on the big guy and it's like a mirror image, great work though!

  12. Lovely painting and figures and the effects of your photography in picture three looks very effective.
    It would be intersting to know how many figures you have in your ever expanding 'secret project' collection.

  13. Beautiful work Michael, and I am looking forward to seeing the completed Laundry.

    I know what you mean about blogging and 'commenting'; I'm struggling to get round all the blogs I now follow...

  14. Such great minis & well painted! Great background for them- both real & created. You know, on the Warhammer Forum right now, is a painting competition for a 2 character team: any genre minis is fine, it's not limited to warhammer or even GW in general: I won the last competition so I got to create the theme for this one, so i know these two qualify for the theme ;) You should enter them :)

  15. Great paintjobs there Michael on both figures and I rather like the palette used. Good history behind them too.

    And real life is also more important than bloging mate, just take care of yourself.

  16. I love the skin tones on Dim, and Dong's costume - great work sir!

  17. Really fantastic figures, beautifully painted - love your ongoing project. Best, Dean

  18. Remind me to stay out of Dim's way! Really great figures and painting!


  19. again very nice painting jobs!! Love thos Black Hat miniatures!!.

  20. Blimey a lad not to tangle with and his boss. Reaaly great work Micahel , and nicely unusual too,
