
Tuesday 4 September 2012

Burmese Standard Bearers

There seems to have been something of a painting malaise hanging over 'Awdry Towers' of late; projects have stalled and targets have been missed!  I'm putting it down to several contributing factors, not least the return to work after a rather wonderful summer break.  That said a little progress has been made; these two chaps have been lurking around the periphery of the lead mountain for what seems like an age, unsure as I was, as to how to fashion their standards.  Fortunately help was on hand in the form of Ian Heath's invaluable series, 'Armies of the 19th Century', particularly the volume entitled, 'Asia - Burma and Indo-China'.

The regimental standards would come in a variety of shapes and colours, but often bifurcated.  The triangular regimental, red pennants were attached to a bamboo poles, which was surmounted by a glass globe or an inverted English decanter.  The black cross was often used to symbolise the dynasty's artillery, which was operated predominately by Christians since its formation in the mid-18th Century.

These standards were made from foil wrapped around piano wire with a couple beads on top to represent the glass orbs or decanters.

In other news:

On Sunday 'Awdry Towers' received a visit from Mike 'The Dark Templar' Reynolds.  Mike was undertaking a massive 657 mile and 35 hour road trip travelling to Plymouth and back to meet up with Joey Berry in a bid to promote the auction on her youtube channel.  It was an absolute delight to finally meet the man behind the madness that has been, 'A Tale of 3 Painters' and to see the models together; the skill of both Mike and Andy is just superb and I can't express just how much I've learnt from both of them along the way.  The auction goes live tomorrow night (Wednesday) and you can get up to date with the goodies bundle and other news by visiting Mike's site 'The Dark Templar'.  Not forgetting, of course, to pay a visit to Andy's sensational, 'The Lair of the Breviks'.

Mike's meeting with Joey


  1. They look great. loving the new background very nice

    1. Thank you, the photograph of the crew together is from Mike's blog.

  2. Very nice figures and love the standards as well. Good to see you painting again.

    Now onto the video-holy cow!!! Mike really did a bang up job with getting all those manufacturers to pitch in. This is something you can be really proud of Michael. You three are exceptional painters and people. Congratulations!!

    1. Many thanks Anne, Mike was such a nice guy and the work that he did in organising and promoting the event was nothing short of heroic.

  3. Long sleeved tunic and a short pair of trousers...I like them! :)
    Your painting style is unique Michael and its results, simply stupendous!

    1. Thank you Thanos, they are a little strange aren't they!

  4. Beautifully done as always; still watching the vid and a + to your karma for joining a good cause!

    1. Thank you Andrew, certainly proud to have been part of the process.

  5. Lovely work as always mate!

    I have to say I think your version of Ryle is superb - the photographs just can't do him justice, the trousers especially :)

    ...and of course the hunter looked great too, how did you do the leaves on the base?

    1. Thank you Andy! As for the challenge models you can talk!!! - I just could believe what you did with yours, Hoffman was just amazing!

      The leaves were bought from antenocitis workshop at Salute this year. A tiny dab of PVA and a pair of tweezers did the job.

  6. Fun stuff :) going to have a nice army there!
    Congrats again on the charity too.

    For banners, I really miss the old lead foil from wine bottles. I worked in a cafe in early uni years and still have a little bit left- precious stuff made amazing banners.

    1. Thank you and another good reason why plastic corks are just wrong!

  7. Fine work Michael, those bamboo poles are great.
    The chap in the top pic to the right - is that a cigar ?

    Very cool. The 3 Painter's work is a wonderful ensemble.

    1. Thank you Scott and yes it is a cigar! A couple of the poses have them chewing away on a cheroot.

  8. The Burmese look great! What an interesting period to game.

    1. It should be great fun, hot, steaming jungles, danger at every turn!

  9. I want to ask you if it's okay if I put a figure in my story to represent the Sainted Mrs. Awdry.

    This is the figure

    She's a limited edition and the only Victorian figure they've ever done. This is how I'd include her.

    I'm going to build my own Tardis and have the SMA arrive in it and drag you back to Victorian England where you belong. It would be humorous, but tasteful. Much better than the end that is in store for Ray!

    1. Absolutely Anne. The Saintly Mrs Awdry was a little apprehensive to begin with, but having seen the proposed mini is now rather excited at the prospect!

  10. Top notch paint job as always and great looking standards.

    1. Thanks Matt, really pleased with the sense of movement on them.

  11. I'm embarrassed to say that this post completely passed me by in the whirlwind of yesterday.

    I do recall these guys sitting on your painting desk on Sunday. I do love the curl of the banners. I have to say that as good as the photos are your models really do look even better in person.

    …and having now met her I can confirm that Mrs Awdry really is saintly!

    1. You are a good and kind man Sir! The Saintly Mrs Awdry is now blushing! ;)

  12. Excellent work all round Michael!

    1. Thank you Rodger, I was just glad to get something off the table again.

  13. Beautiful work, Michael. I especially like those bamboo poles.

  14. Rather fine and nice and colourful.

    1. Thank you Dave; I do tend to get through a fair bit of red these days. :)

  15. Super work and that tone of red really gets the job done!


  16. Nice treatment of a little known subject

  17. Great work Michael! Those Burmese uniforms are so good painted! And they are funny :-D

    Also the other figures are excellent painted!


  18. Great work on the Burmese standards there Michael and the unit looks fit to fight.

  19. Lovely paint job and as a unit in the movement tray they really come together, superb.

  20. Great looking minis Michael I love these odd periods!

  21. It has been nigh on a week since you've posted Sir Michael. Pick up that brush and paint!

    1. God bless you Anne, a virtual kick up the backside! ;)

      Hoping to get some time this weekend to get things back on track.

  22. Fabulous group - very interesting period and unit too. Best, Dean
