
Tuesday 28 August 2012

20 Questions

...better late than never!

Fearing that the weather was going to be against us as we embarked on our restorative Bank Holiday weekend, I decided to take along Fran & Ray's 20 questions as a bit of fun.  It has to be said that there have already been some rather wonderful submissions from other erstwhile bloggers, but for what it worth here are mine.  Deliberately lighthearted and most definitely not to be taken too seriously.

1.   Favourite Wargaming period and why?
The Victorian Era - a rich tapestry of derring-do that has been woven into the psyche of every red-blooded Englishman! 

2.   Next period, money no object?
Regular readers to '28mm Victorian Warfare' will know that I can be distracted by the merest hint of something new and shiny and will therefore not be surprised to hear that I have had my eye on several other eras that include, in no particular order:
A very British Civil War
First Word War 

3.   Favourite 5 films?
A choice of five - impossible!  That said here are few that forced their way to the top when I started to think about it!
Kelly's Heroes
Star Wars
A Matter of Life and Death

4.   Favourite 5 TV series?
The Professionals
Fawlty Towers
The Man from Atlantis
Blackadder Goes Forth 

"Millions have died, but our troops have advanced no further than an asthmatic ant with some heavy shopping. "
Captain Blackadder

5.   Favourite book and author?

6.   Greatest General? Can’t count yourself!!
Joan of Arc; perhaps not the most tactically astute military leader, but at seventeen years of age she is the youngest person in history to command the armies of a nation, a shame then that she was fighting for the enemy!

7.   Favourite Wargames rules?
Tricky one this seeing that I've not yet managed to roll a die in anger.  I've bought numerous rules over the past twelve months including Black Powder, 2Hours Wargames, Triumph & Tragedy and Tooth & Claw.  I'll just have to hold off deciding until I actually play one!

8.   Favourite Sport and team?
Cricket has always been a passion; I used to love to play,  knowing all the shots, the only problem was that I used to execute them in the wrong order! As for a team, it is hard to top England's Rugby World Cup winning side of 2003.

'This is the one. He drops for World Cup glory ... It's up! It's over! He's done it! Jonny Wilkinson is England's hero yet again'
Ian Robertson on Radio 5 Live

9.   If you had a only use once time machine, when and where would you go?
Now there is a question; is it a oneway time machine?  Can I get back?  I've read some tremendous answers for this elsewhere, but mine would be a little more mundane.  May1895, Bristol; a county cricket match between Gloucestershire and Somerset.  A certain W. G. Grace would go on to complete his hundredth century.  

10.   Last meal on Death Row?
My thoughts for this were immediately drawn to childhood favourites; a last meal on Death Row just seemed a bad time to experiment with culinary tastes - imagine if you didn't like something!  So my last meal consisted of a classic '1970s Prawn Cocktail', my Mother's 'Best End of Lamb' and 'Brandy Snaps' filled with cream.

11.   Fantasy relationship and why?
My darling wife, the Saintly Mrs. Awdry; the most loving, supportive and loyal person in my life.

"My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me."
Winston Churchill

12.   If your life were a movie, who would play you?
A whole plethora of quintessentially British actors spring to mind including the likes of David Niven,  Sir John Gielgud, Sir Alec Guinness, I'd even consider Daniel Craig at a push, but realistically speaking it will most likely fall to Matt Lucas!

13.   Favourite Comic  Superhero?
Not technically a superhero but Rouge trooper from 2000AD was always a favourite.

14.   Favourite Military quote?
'Broadsword calling Danny Boy, Broadsword calling Danny Boy!' 
(yes I know 'Where Eagles Dare' is not real!)

15.   Historical destination to visit?
One day I hope to visit the First World War cemeteries in France and Belgium.

16.   Biggest Wargaming regret?
Not starting this most wholesome of hobbies sooner!

17.   Favourite Fantasy job?
Professional miniature painter; the only problem is that as I paint so slowly we would probably starve!

18.   Favourite Song, Top 5?
Five, really?  Well in no particular order;
The Fly - U2
Wish you were here - Pink Floyd
Unfinished Sympathy - Massive Attack
When you were young - The Killers
Daydream Believer - The Monkees

19.   Favourite Wargaming Moment?
Another of those tricky wargaming questions that are difficult to answer, but in a loosely related way meeting up with fellow enthusiasts and bloggers at this years' 'Salute' was certainly a highlight.

20.   The miserable Git question, what upsets you?
Snapping a shoe lace!
Missing items in a takeaway delivery!
Delayed trains and subsequent missed connections!


  1. Some cool answers there, Fawlty Towers - definitely! Man from Atlantis, cor! Remember that?! Rogue Trooper, oh yes - fond teenage memories of 2000AD...
    I'd certainly recommend doing 15. It's an experience that will stay with you...

    1. Excellent someone else that remembers the Man from Atlantis! As a child I would drink lots of water in the hope that my hands would become webbed!

  2. Excellent and interesting answers all! Thanks for sharing! (You're certainly infinitely more equanimous than me... :) )

  3. From yuor awnsers it is clear that you have put some thoght into the 20 questions. Lots of good awnsers and a joy to read.

  4. Great stuff: I love your movie selection and as for 200AD characters, well enough said.

  5. Some nice answers, I'm intrigued by Heart of Darkness already and i'm off to investigate further

    1. You won't be disappointed! Widely accepted as the inspiration for Apocalypse Now.

  6. Fun answers Michael. Fawlty Towers and Blackadder were simply two of the best programs in the history of television. And on QI every time pigeons come up, I keep expecting someone to make a joke referencing the episode where Blackadder eats that eats that lovely speckled pigeon and no one does.

    1. Ah the case of the Flanders Pigeon Murderer; it makes me chuckle just thinking about it!

  7. Great answers Michael, 14 has been my ringtone for quite a while and well done with 11 but that's real and not a fantasy.....

    1. It all depends on where the computer is in Michaels house and whether the SWMBO can see over his shoulder!

    2. Diplomatic as ever Michael - although I have seen SMA armed with a hockey stick (actually, he has to say that as today is her birthday!)

      Pip pip

  8. Great stuff - Blackadder and 2000AD - classics.

  9. fun stuff :)
    I always liked the Monkees :)

  10. It seems that the more of these '20 Questions' posts I read the more things I realised I missed off my own set of answers!

    Some superb answers in there – very entertaining – and well done for keeping the last question equally lighthearted!

  11. Great set of answers, the vast majority of which would match my own. Except No. 11 of course, because that would make things a bit awkward.


    1. It certainly would, questions would be asked and eyebrows raised! :D

  12. An interesting read Michael. Soe classics in there all right

  13. Great answer there Micheal and some I missed out of mine, how did I missed out Blackadder goes Fourth, A Matter of Life or Death and Bladerunner? 2000Ad rules and Rouge Trooper is tops. Great Answers

  14. Excellent answers Michael!
    A Matter of Life and Death, what an excellent film, I made my 17 year old daughter sit and watch that a couple of weeks ago, she loved it. I'm surprised some hollywood geek hasn't re-made the film and totally ruined it all yet! Me and an ex work partner used to call each other on the radio, with your favourite quote. Sad I know!!!

  15. Very nice answers Michael! Thanks for sharing this with us!

    About nr 11: I think Fran is jealous :-D


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