
Wednesday 1 August 2012

And we're off...

The Tale of 3 Painters begins.

Just the briefest of posts to 'kick off' my leg of 'A Tale of 3 Painters' charity challenge.  Yesterday I received my allocated miniatures in the post form 'The Dark Templar', the evil mastermind behind the project!  Already assembled and based by Mike, all I need to do is clean up a few lines and get on and paint the beasties!

So what did I get?  

Ryle and a Hunter!  This means almost nothing to me, so before I get much further I need to get my head around what exactly the 'Malifaux' universe is all about.  

Based in an alternate Earth, Malifaux uses gothic, steampunk, Victorian horror with a dose of the wild west to inject fun and depth into the magical lawlessness of a world rife with monsters, necropunks, man-machine hybrids, gunslingers, and power-hungry politicos. Actively using character-driven stories to define the world of Malifaux, seek your fortune in this fast-paced and brutal 32mm tabletop miniature skirmish game. Assemble your crew and stake your claim! 
The Malifaux Record 

Well that all sounds encouraging enough and includes a few themes that I'm familiar with and plenty more that I will thoroughly enjoy researching into, but who on earth are Ryle and the Hunter?

Ryle is Hoffman's brother, (Hoffman heads up the new 'Flesh-Construct Grafting Illegality Division'; keep up everybody!) and has gone through some severe changes since arriving in Malifaux.  Ryle, desperate for a treatment for his polio, was left helpless when Breach Psychosis grabbed hold and ravaged his body. Only through the quick intervention of Dr. Viktor Ramos did Ryle survive - but as more machine than man, armed with a Gatling Gun to vaporise the enemy, peachy! 

"The Hunter stalks its prey like a feline predator from the wilds. It has a penchant to wait in ambush and pounce on its unwary prey. With a vicious chain spear, it can pull its reluctant targets into its eager, flurrying claws."  That is one cat you don't want to meet in a dark alley then!

Mike has given us a free reign to interpret the miniatures as we see fit (he may live to regret that decision!) with the only consideration that we try and incorporate 'Guild' red, but who on earth were the Guild again?  The idea is that we try to post progress reports to keep the momentum rolling so please continue to lend your support to the project.  Don't forget to keep up to date with the others as well, Andy Walker at 'The Lair of the Breviks' and of course 'The Dark Templar' himself, Mike Reynolds.


  1. Replies
    1. Funnily enough that was what I was thinking when they touched down on the painting table!

  2. They are nice figs. look forward to seeing what you do with them

    1. They are stunning, but I shall be heading over to your for reference on all things Steampunk!

  3. They look very nice figures and all the best there chap.

  4. I like those figures and good luck Michael!

  5. Not your usual fare but nice looking minis. I love that hunter thingy

  6. It all hurts my head but I'm sure you'll do marvelous things with them.

  7. Your the man, Michael! Your choice of colors and their placement will be most pleasing to the eye! Anxiously awaiting progress report.

  8. Good luck painting these up and good luck trying to figure out Malifaux! :-/

  9. Nice start! Good luck and have fun with it :)

  10. Many thanks to one and all, I've finished pouring over various Malifaux sites and feel a little clearer about things, but not much. I think I just need to get on and paint them really.

  11. I know nothing about Malifaux but it sounds intriguing. Best of luck with these sculpts.

    The first one puts me in mind of a character from 2000AD comics, one of Judge Dredd's adversaries... part of the Angel gang... I think they were called.

    The second one reminds me of the Decepticon 'cat' out of one of the transformer movies...

  12. Malifaux is an interesting world and the character all have a backstory. The game is huge in the US. Mike has been painting these for a long time and knows how each character behaves. I think it will be nice to see how different painters interpret their pieces. Now prime those mini's Michael.

  13. Nice models and a new adventure in our hobby! What's more to ask?
    Good luck with your new efforts Michael!

  14. Good luck. Looking like challanging figures.

  15. Those figures look fantastic. I think that you will really enjoy this challenge. Good luck with it!
