
Monday 6 August 2012

A Tale of 3 Painters... an update

The glorious British summer deemed fit to make a brief appearance this weekend on the 'Sunshine Coast', at least long enough to finally get a undercoat on my allotted miniatures for 'A Tale of 3 Painters'.  Slowly but surely I am starting to get my head around the crazy, mixed up alternative world that is Malifaux and more importantly the characters that I have to paint.

To say I have been apprehensive about the challenge would be an understatement, especially given the exulted company that I find myself in, but in the end I have taken Mike 'The Dark Templar' Reynolds' words to heart and just paint as I would normally.

The obvious place to start seemed to be the skin on the Ryle character and I've just used my normal palette that I employ on my standard 28mm miniatures.  The usual 'Pseudo-Impressionistic' style had to be tidied up a bit on this slightly larger miniature, but we got there in the end.  

One of the only restrictions was that we had to include 'Guild' red somewhere on the characters and I had been racking my brain as to how to do this.  The obvious thing to do was to paint the trousers red, but I thought that would be too dominating a colour for the rest of the miniature and in the end created the striped effect on his trousers softening the glare of the red with an ochre; well I was told to interpret the miniatures as I saw fit!  

I've yet to start the 'Hunter' character, but I'm considering building this stipe motif into that miniature; a sort of terrifying, techno tabby!  Who knows where this will end up!

As always don't forget to keep up to date with the others, Andy Walker at 'The Lair of the Breviks' and  'The Dark Templar' himself, Mike Reynolds.


  1. Have to say when I first saw these photos of Ryle I thought "OMG! Pyjamas!". However, they're really growing on me and just the reason why I wanted you guys to do your own thing. Excellent :)

    1. Oh my goodness, you're right, pyjamas! I'm hopeful with a bit of weathering and all the metal elements in place it will all start to come together - fingers crossed anyway!

    2. Oh my.. now all I can see is Ryle in his Sunday Undies.. and ready for a story before bed :)

  2. I love your take on this Michael. You've done the right thing by not changing your style of painting. The thing that makes this so interesting is seeing how each painter differs in their approach to the pieces. And I think not having played the game is an advantage because you're not burdened with pre-conceived notions about how a Malifaux figure 'should' look.

    1. Thank you Anne, that is very encouraging of you and you couldn't be more spot on about not being burdened with pre-conceived notions about how a Malifaux figure 'should' look; they don't more naive about this than me!

  3. Excellent work Michael. I am very impressed.

    1. Thank you Rodger, starting to get to grips with the beastie!

  4. Loving the direction your taking with it. The different style as stated above is just what is needed. Really changes the theme and feel for the model also.. looking forward to seeing how you do up the metal sections.

    1. Thank you Sir, there does seem to be an awful lot of metal to do on these things!

  5. Definately your style of the trousers,the vertical stripes emphasise the sculpts lines and the skintones look great.

    1. Thank you Paul, just trying to stick to what I know best.

  6. I like his 'Brady Bunch' pants! :D
    When I was a kid we had wallpaper just like that in our kitchen. Stripes aren't easy- nice work!

  7. That must have been a sight whilst eating your corn flakes first thing in the morning! I'm pretty pleased with the stripes, but will need to tidy them up a little bit.

  8. Really digging the trousers, great work sir! I have some catching up to do...

    1. Thank you Andy, but not looking forward to all the metal!

  9. Really digging the trousers, great work sir! I have some catching up to do...

  10. A great start. Very nice on trousers!

  11. A sinister yelling...
    Fantastic painting Michael. I stand in front of the pic with awe. Patience and talent, or perhaps talent and patience? Im confused...but, nevertheless you have them both Michael, and in abundance! :)

    1. Thank you Thanos, very kind and encouraging words that are much appreciated.

  12. Oh..yeah!! Your smokin' now, Michael.

    1. Thank you Jay, not sure that I'll want to give him up now!

  13. Great work Micheal, I like the troos they remind me of the stripy trousers worn by Landschneckts.

    1. Funny you should say that Ray. One of the occasional bags of figures I manage to sneak into Awdry Towers past the eagle eyes of the Saintly Mrs A contained a few of the aforementioned Swiss chappies. The next time I tackle Michael in our local I'll have to try to persuade him to start them as he's got the stripes nailed perfectly.

      Pip pip

    2. Thank you Gentlemen, there was certainly a consideration to said Landschneckts, but as to when I get around to starting the ones smuggled into Awdry Towers, that is anyone's guess!

  14. Looking pretty good! The striped trousers are really effective

    1. Thank you, they are certainly growing on me now.

  15. Blimey... great work on the stripes.. now all you needs is some prisoner 99 arrows on them!

    looking forward to the final take - it certainly different

    1. Thank you Dave, I think broad headed arrows might just work. ;)

  16. Looking good so far Michael - I like the stripey pants and flesh tones.

  17. Thank you Scott, it is pretty much all metallic now, which I never seem to get to work as I would like.

  18. Great start Michael! Although stripped pants have never been my thing, after seeing everything from Vikings to French Revolutionaries wear them, I've pretty much accepted them now. :) They certainly are welcome addition to this mini, and red, yellow, and black work well together.

  19. Looking real good in a very scary way! Looking forward to seeing it finished!

  20. That is wonderful work there Michael and I love the detailing. I cant wait to see he/it? finished in all his glory

  21. I meant to say and then forgot it that the free hand work you did on those pants was stellar. Painting at the smaller scale like you do has given you some seriously good brush control.

    1. That is very kind of you Anne, the only problem is with these larger miniatures the mistakes stand out more!

  22. Fantastic painting, Michael. I do love those striped pants. Dean
