
Friday 19 July 2024

Congo teams assembled

Just the briefest of posts from me this morning to detail the additional forces that were required to host the game of Congo last summer.  I have been trying to reign in the hobby expenditure of late, at least a tad, and so made a determined effort to use miniatures that had been left abandoned in the drawers of despair as a first port of call.  As part of the adventure was going to involve a rush back to the paddle steamer, I decided to have the a nautical theme for the Adventurers' Party and was fortunate to fall upon some wonderful 'Empress Miniatures' Naval Brigade troops that had even been prepped.  The rules allow options to field a group of soldiers, well trained men armed with rifles that can ignore stress tokens.  So for soldiers read sailors, similarly well trained and with hearts of oak, ably commanded by officers who, for this scenario, were designated as adventurers.  

The final two adventurer slots went to a certain rugged archaeologist and his somewhat taller leading lady.  Dr. Jones, who in this adventure is now Welsh and working for the British Museum, was originally bought from 'Studio Miniatures', but is still available at 'Hayland Terrain'.  Her ladyship, Beatrix, who hails from the Potteries is inexplicably drawn to gentlemen in blue jackets with silver buttons, particularly if their name was Peter, and is another 'Empress' sculpt. 

I already had a well established 'Forest Tribes' team from our previous encounters, but needed to move things around to gain parity across both teams.  This created a vacancy for some scouts and provided me with an opportunity to indulge in some rather fanciful war paint, inspired by the artwork in the rule book, on some 'Foundry' miniatures.  With the teams now assembled was little terrain and some extras, but here, dear reader, is where the mission creep set in.  



  1. Excellent work on all Michael, worthy of any adventure, and wouldn't be out of place in a movie.

    1. Thank you Dave, my games owe much to movie style narratives.

  2. They are looking so great! Tarzan waits, lol!

    1. He has certainly be known to show up before now.

  3. Some very colourful troops Sir M, and a very tall lady too!!

    1. Thank you Ray. At one point I had Dr. Jones stand on a box to make things more even.

  4. Congo is a superb game!

    1. It really is, always delivers fun adventures.

  5. Lovely work on them as always Michael. Congo is such a great game, though new players can struggle with the card mechanics. This system is right up there with Pulp Alley for fun random shenanigans!

    1. Thank you Terry and I couldn't agree more, I thoroughly enjoy the game. It took us a turn or two to get back into the swing of things, but then had a blast.

  6. Glorious array of miniatures, Michael. I particularly like the tribal scouts. I'd imagine they'd look absolutely terrifying if you encountered them in the wild.

    1. Thank you Simon, a bit of a fanciful design, but something that I always wanted to try.

  7. Splendid looking bluejackets and others, they will look splendid in your paddle steamer too!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, a slightly anachronistic lineup, but the emphasis was very much on fun.

  8. Ah, up the Congo into the Heart of Darkness. I must read that again, soon. We watched the Peter Jackson King Kong on Saturday. I'd forgotten what a good film it actually is. And how good Naomi Watts is in it.

    1. A great book and still relevant today, one of the few that I am happy to reread. I thoroughly enjoyed Jackson's King Kong, a wonderful source for inspiration.

  9. Beautiful figures all around, Michael!

    1. Thank you so much Dean, that is very kind of you.

  10. love the bone warpaint...they look scary. That paddle steamer is a brill set piece. Nice one.

  11. A lovely collection of Pulp Adventuring figures Michael! Where about in the Empress range is Lady Beatrix - I could not find her (always on the lookout for more Pulp females!)
