
Sunday 29 October 2017

Dead Funny

 Zomtober 2017 - post #2
Now I would like to tell you that I am getting back into the swing of things and that normal service is once again resumed here at '28mm Victorian Warfare', but having seen the list of things to do and the fact that we are back to the grindstone after the weekend, I am reluctant to make any promises that might prove difficult to keep.
That said, I delighted to add another shambling sack of sorrow to the undead horde, this time in the shape of a Jester.  This is a plastic Notorious Plagued Character form the Zombicide: Black Plague game.  Given that these are just simple plastic miniatures, I am always impressed at just how well they paint up.  Just enough detail to hold your attention, but not too much to put you off starting in the first place.  Rather unimaginatively, I have simply copied the game's box art, but added lashings of gore to the piece to give him some more undead character.  
Back in April Messrs. Feb and Templar were invited round to Awdry Towers for a day of Zombicide: Black Plague, but with a twist!  The twist was that I wanted to use my recently painted 'Studio Miniatures' Grail Knights, along with Tim the Enchanter, for a Monty Python themed day of gaming.  Given that none of us had prepared any sort of strategy for the characters in question much hilarity ensued with the inevitable phrase 'run away!' heard at every possible juncture.
Both gentlemen have posted their thoughts of the day on the splendid weblogs, Bull's is here, whilst Mike's account of the day can be found here.  Sadly, and once again, I seem to have conspired to produce absolutely no evidence whatsoever of the day, the not so brave Knights' adventures  seemingly becoming the stuff of myth and legend.  Fortunately for me, I was able to steal a couple of photographs form the chaps' accounts, reproduced here by kind permission, and in a bid to honour that fateful day I resurrected the Knights and introduced them to Jester - 
                                                                             Run Away!
                                                                Run Away!



  1. Very nice work on the Zombie Jester Micheal. Always a pleasure to see your painted minis mate. :)

    1. Thank you, just wished there had been more of them this year. :(

    2. I get that feeling, but hopefully there is plenty more to come as you get back on track. :)

  2. Lovely painting on that Jester Sir! The game of "Run-Away" looks like great fun indeed. Regarding the meetgrinder: I am right in there with you and can only say waht I am telling myself: Nil desperandum!

    1. Thank you and keep going my friend, Christmas is coming!

    2. yes well, these must be the dark days before Christmas then...

  3. Apparently you can only kill a Zombie Clown by going for his juggler..

    1. "Just enough detail to hold your attention, but not too much to put you off starting in the first place."
      My Sentiments exactly.

    2. PS; Great paintjob btw..I love the way you´ve done the gore.

    3. Thank you Paul and brilliant joke! Loved that one. :D

  4. brilliant paint job and looked like a great day of gaming.

    Win, win all round!

    1. Thank you, fortunately no one was taking it too seriously and so there were a lot of laughs.

  5. {{{Apparently you can only kill a Zombie Clown by going for his juggler..}}}}

    HHAHAAHAHAHahahaa I love it ^^

  6. This post really makes me want to get out our (still unopened) Black Plague and all its sealed kick-starter trimmings and get to grips with it all.. one day... one day sooooon.

    1. "get out our (still unopened) Black Plague" - leave it be Steve, mine's still in a large box too, so its best not to prod the sleeping beast imho. I don't need your excellent postings about it forcing me to dig mine out too!! ;-)

      Great paint-job, Michael. Good to see you painting and posting :-)

    2. {{ I don't need your excellent postings about it forcing me to dig mine out too!! ;-) }}

      LOL I hear you bud, I hear you ^^ *grins*

    3. Thank you both, but Black Plague is a lot of fun and before you know it there will be an even bigger box when Green Horde arrives! :D

  7. Lovely work on a really nice figure, the monty python mob look good too!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, it was great to get the Knights on the board, even if they did keep running in the opposite direction!

  8. just lovely. in an icky way....

  9. A great job, it fits in with my Mordheim Circus of Death plans.

    1. Thank you Phil and Mordheim Circus of Death plans sound intriguing!

  10. Top notch painting as ever Michael! Too bad real life seems to get in the way of a decent hobby time for you.

    1. Thank you Nick, it does seem to be a very busy period at the moment, but I'm sure we'll find a way through it.

  11. Wonderful painting and it looks like a lot of fun!

    1. Thank you Rod and definitely fun, made possible by the sporting nature of the fellow players.

  12. Beautifully rotten jester. :)
    These slightly muted colors look very nice!

    1. Thank you Mr. Nimrod, I have to confess that I was rather pleased with the final result.

  13. Now that is a stunningly "wicked" character. Impressive brushwork again.

  14. "Alas, poor Yorick... Yikes!" Good stuff, sir! I like the Monty Python figures. My wife and I recently saw a local production of Spamalot, so after seeing those figures I now have *that* song running through my head. :)

  15. Fabulous job Michael. The Walking Dead sculpts are similar in that they are more interesting than game board pieces but not as complicated as some other figures.

  16. Clowning around can get you killed! Excellent work Micheal!


  17. Great looking Zed Michael, the game looks like it was a lot of fun, very characterful

  18. Oozing character - and other stuff!

  19. Now that is an amazing piece of painting on a great looking figure. Really well done.

  20. What a handsome chap! Great painting Sir M!

  21. What a handsome chap! Great painting Sir M!

  22. They look great. Good to see them on the board.

  23. Excellent as always Michael! After stomaching your Zombie, they shall all be seeking the pail! Lovely figures of the grail knights....will need to keep these in mind as I am a huge Holy Grail fan & have emulated Tim at the past 3 comic expo's I've attended.

  24. Groan! Great title for a post and a wonderful paint job mate.

  25. Great painting, this awful and scary character is just superb, love him, love the game, and of course, the Monty Python's reference...excellent!

  26. What a fun character and an excellent paint job. I've also read both reports of the Pythonesque games of Black Plague. Sounds like it was a lot of fun - which is why we do this, after all.

  27. That's a very impressive jester! I was initially going to describe the model as "beautiful", but whilst it fits the dictionary definition, I somehow feel that it's wrong to use a positive, happy adjective on such a grimy, disturbing model. I'm rambling, but I'm sure you know what I mean...

    The "Holy Grail" version of Zombicide: Black Plague sounds like a hoot!

  28. The jester is a work of art, but in a very disturbing way.
    I would have loved to have been an observer in your game - sounds like it would have been hilarious!

  29. A great advert for the game and the painting on the figures look superb. I may treat myself to the game for xmas.

  30. Amazing paint job! All the Zombicide miniatures really are suprisingly well made and with good detail. They've certainly improved massively from the first few boxes and even those weren't too shabby either.

  31. That zombie jester ... I assume he is a jester ... looks creepy as hell. Well done Michael!

  32. A really nice piece of work.
    Well done, my friend!
