
Thursday 15 June 2017

An Amuse-bouche.

Seymour: It's true! I chopped him up. But I didn't kill him!
I used to worry about my inability to focus, but more recently I have decided to embrace it, to see where it takes me.  More often than not these flights of fancy lead to dead ends, but occasionally one takes hold and really lifts off.  So it was with this project as when I was assembling ‘Audrey II’, I found myself imagining different uses for all the redundant bits and pieces that I had collected during the build.  Before long a couple of little companion pieces were assembled, which I present for you here.
The first, ‘Audrey Jnr.’ started life as a simple bud, found amongst the assorted broken silk flowers and leaves that I had stashed away. It just seemed to cry out to me, “Feed me, Seymour!” and so before long I was looking for something suitable to plant him in. This flowerpot was made from a slender cardboard tube, with a simple cardboard lip. Using an off cut of the identical resin flagstone that had formed the base for the main build things were soon underway.
A couple of planting trays from ‘Supreme Littleness’ and some small dolls house terracotta flowerpots started to give the impression of a forgotten corner of Mushnik’s Florist. It still needed something extra though and by chance I unearthed the final element, a ‘S & D models’ metal watering can.
The other piece is a little darker and simply known as the ‘feeding station’.  For some reason I found myself wondering how Seymour would be able to feed the plant as it started to dwarf him? By climbing up his step ladder of course!  The floor is once again the now familiar resin flagstones with the rest of the elements predominately made up from various ‘S &D models’*, all originally bought a while ago as part of a now long forgotten greenhouse project.  The final addition of a couple of bags of miracle grow and some serious gore saw this particular flight of fancy exhausted.
*Available through Forty-Third Limited
Back to the build proper and 'Audrey II' has had an undercoat and a couple of passes with the trusty airbrush and I have to say that I am rather pleased with the results.  Everything is still holding and the green has had the unifying effect that I had hoped for!
Finally then, just a reminder that all the posts for this year's 'Forgotten Heroes' event have been dutifully reposted by the ever efficient 'Roger Webb' and can be viewed as a collective over at the official site 'here'.


  1. Oh this is so good, I'm in awe!

  2. You have outdone yourself Sir! They are spectacular.
    I might have to take a look at S&D as I just happen to have a greenhouse that needs filling . . .

    1. Thank you Mike, the S & D stuff is a little big for 28mm but it certainly helps to set a scene and would great in a greenhouse.

  3. Excellent distraction work Michael, and Audrey II is coming along nicely :)

  4. Oh dear that really is lovely stuff and would fit very well in any zombie game as well!

    Brilliant Michael!

    1. Thank you Sander, I hadn't thought about it for a zombie game, but you are right - I can feel another distraction coming on! ;)

  5. Brilliant!

    All I did was sculpt some underpants on my heroes head. You're onto another masterpiece here, Michael. A real pleasure to witness it taking shape.

    1. So Roy, you did up Black Adder then ;-)

    2. Yes, (I had to think about that reference then) but in my figure's case the hero wears the underpants to cover their face, so there was no room for the pencils! :))

    3. Thank you so much Roy, i was surprised just how much the sea caught my imagination.

  6. What can I say? Everything you do does improve it!

  7. Love those little scenic items you have a good idea for such details and the talent to paint them to a marvellous standard. Nice progress on the main piece as well.

    1. Thank you Simon, I certainly enjoyed trying to find a use for the bits and pieces that were left over.

  8. Love the little distraction piece and the main element is fantastic!

    1. Thank you so much, really pleased with the progress.

  9. Not sure if I want to have one of these in my garden, but otherwise it is a very beautiful and inspiring piece of art! :)

    1. Thank you Mr. Nimrod, you are going to need some strong weed killer on hand!

  10. Your distractions always seem to turn into some of my favorites! These are no exception.

    1. Thank you so much Brian, that is very kind of you to say so.

  11. Absolutely smashing - nice flight of fancy to have followed.

  12. great stuff and 2 new companies for me

    1. Thank you Martin, both have great service too.

  13. The feeding site is an amazing piece, dark and at the same time with a funny twist.
    Absolutely brilliant!

    1. Thank you, I was a bit worried where the feeding station was going initially, but hopefully it wasn't too dark.

  14. Fantastic! Love Audrey Junior!

  15. Awesome! I've enjoyed watching this build very much.

  16. Oh my... that is absolutely lovely. Very nicely done, Michael. As someone who knows all about those inspirational urges that take you places you don't expect, I applaud your diversion. 'Big' Audrey II is coming along nicely too.

    1. Thank you Jez, I have really enjoyed the silliness of the project and just taking a month off to work on such a flight of fantasy has been an absolute treat.

  17. Me who hates seeing an open trash ...fabulous job, I wonder if this man - thing - is going to exit...EXCELLENT job!

    1. Thank you so much Phil, I must remember to close that lid - sorry! ;)

  18. This flight of fancy certainly has taken hold. You're doing a FANTASTIC job so far. And as Phil says ... it's EXCELLENT too. Sorry for all this shouting XD

  19. Awesome, Sir Awdry, simply awesome. I fear for anyone staying within your humble abode with a plant monster like that growing amongst them :-)

    1. Thank you Simon as for staying around the project has taken on yet another diversion and Audrey II may have a place of her own soon!

  20. That is really nice! I like those little touches like the watering can and the stepladder.

  21. Michael, your a master of the bits! All those little odds & sod's that complete your projects. I am duly impressed once again!

    1. Thank you so much Terry, I have to confess that this has been an absolute blast!

  22. Brilliant! And remember - focus is for the weak! Meandering along with whatever takes your fancy is true strength in the face of hobby madness!

  23. Nice "duo-dio-rama. Or, nice models for the florist shop corner.

    1. Thank you so much Jay, now starting to thing of a shop for Audrey II to inhabit.

  24. I'm really impressed with how this has come together. I'm a fan of the Steve Martin version and the original and I think you've done them both justice to say the least :-)

    1. Thank you so much, it has been great fun drawing on the films and the comics, hoping to add a dentist soon.

  25. Such talent and dedication.......I would keep letting your direction wander 😀

    1. That is incredibly king of you Matt, thank you.

  26. More lovely work, and as others have noted some great little touches. :)

  27. Hilarious! Don't ever change mate, the world would be a much less entertaining place if you did.

    1. What a really lovely thing to say, thank you Millsy.

  28. Gruesomely wonderful work Michael.

  29. Cracking work Michael! Nice little companions for the veggie of doom!
