
Saturday 1 April 2017

Dinosaur Detector™

It will not have escaped many, that I have a ‘thing’ for dinosaurs.  I’m not sure why, but as a small chap something about them sparked my imagination.  The different shapes, the different sizes, the ridiculously long names that a precocious young Master Awdry seemed to be able to reel off at will, all combined with a heady mix of fear and mystery; yes it is true, everything is better with Dinosaurs.

Now a tad older, if not wiser, this love of all things prehistoric is as strong as ever and occasionally the passion is indulged.* One such indulgence is the recently discovered Dinosaur Detector™ – surely every Dinosaur lover’s perfect gift?
* The less said about the six foot inflatable Tyrannosaurus Rex that resides in my study at school the better!
I can’t deny that I was a smidge sceptical when I first saw this listed on a well known internet auction site, the scepticism somewhat heightened when I recently discovered that the company has changed the listing description, which you can see here, but all said and done this did present a thoroughly reasonable investment.

In a fit of childlike enthusiasm, I brushed aside all doubts and clicked ‘buy now’ and didn’t give the matter another thought until, that is, the Dinosaur Detector™ arrived on the doormat of ‘Awdry Towers’.  The excitement was palpable as I fell upon the package and in a ripping frenzy only matched by the king of lizards himself unearthed my prize!  Following the instructions to the letter I carefully filled the dinosaur detector with water and waited…
and waited, and waited.  In fact just when I had given up all hope and had started to scour the company’s webstore for a returns policy something amazing happened – another shudder and it was clear to all, the dinosaurs were coming!
Now good reader you have been patient for long enough so it is only fair that I share with you my record of this morning’s adventure.  I leave you with incontrovertible proof that my Dinosaur Detector™ is fully operational and hope that you enjoy the rest of this first day in April.

Post Script
To see another Dinosaur Detector™ in action you might be entertained by the following link: "Where's the goat?"


  1. Very good sir! Happy 1st April ;)

    1. I clearly have to get up earlier to catch you out Mike.

  2. You can never have too many early warning devices.

  3. Gadzooks! I knew I should have patented my invention! ;)

    1. There are far too many unscrupulous sorts out there Tamsin.

  4. Dinosaur detector using water!? I use the upgraded Version containing H²O.

    1. H²O?? Just a mo.. Cusses!!...Fooled again by technical mumbo Jumbo.

    2. I was hoping for the upgrade, but the science was beyond me. ;)

  5. If i had one it would go off everything the wife thundered by!
    Good jest my man.

  6. Sorry but I hate April 1st. it brings back very bad memories.

    But I do applaud you for trying to put a smile on my face.

    1. I am sorry to dredge up bad memories Clint, but always happy to try and put a smile on your face.

  7. Very witty, sir! It puts me in mind of the patent Dragon Detector. Consisting of a foot-long wooden rod, you hold it out in front of you and go in search for the beast. When the rod burns down to your fingers you've found the dragon. ;)

    1. That sounds brilliant, perhaps I'll have a look for one of those next year. ;)

  8. Drat! I thought this was real...! 😀

  9. My kids would love this prank.
    Happy 1st of April

  10. Well done Michael! And congrats on your recent acquisition. I have wanted one of these, but they are beyond my budget. Glad to see that it works too!

    1. There not as pricey as you might think Peter, the market has been flooded with imports from the far east, the only draw back, as you can see from the picture, is that it only detects plastic dinosaurs that have been stamped, 'made in China'!

  11. Also makes a great personal beverage delivery system.

    Jeff Goldblum not included.

  12. Hold on! Hold on! You have an actual STUDY at school and it fits a six feet Dinosaur!? I am Diplodocus-green with envy!

    1. Ah yes, sorry about that, in fairness I do share it with the 'Saintly Mrs. Awdry'.

  13. ;-) Happy 1st of April Michael!

  14. You could make a fortune selling these to the MoD and private military contractors in Iraq.

  15. Is there anything less appealing than a pint glass full of water??? :-)

    1. I doubt it, especially on a hot, summer's day! :)

  16. Replies
    1. Just follow the link in the post Matt, bargain it was - honest. ;)

  17. Great idea, strait from Jurassic park :)

  18. An excellent investment, for young and old ;-)

  19. Excellent...and not so expensive...

  20. Well done, Michael. This made me laugh out loud, as soon as I twigged the reference. Absolutely brilliant.

    1. Thank you Jez, the problem is thinking up new ideas for the next one!

  21. Curse your sudden - but inevitable! - betrayal!

  22. HEHE I know Dannoc mentioned it, but heaven forbid the detector did indeed go off due to the entrance of an obviously over encumbered better half, I would have to say it was due to a truck

    1. I certainly wouldn't be so brave to mention it, perhaps passing it off as a technical fault - these scientific instruments can be very sensitive I understand. :)

    2. I'm not brave - just lacking in grey matter i think ! Or it could be my self destruction mode.

  23. LoL ^_^ I tend to steer clear of April 1st posts but this was did put a smile in my usually dour demeanour :)
