
Tuesday 3 January 2017

2016, a year in review...

...and new targets for 2017.
My inevitable reflection on 2016 as a hobby year is once again somewhat late and I do hope that the kind, gentle folk who take the time to peruse my inane drivel haven't tired of such reviews as I appreciate that there has been a veritable glut of these of late, but I do enjoy a review of the year and I promise that I will keep this brief.
Whilst the world seems to have released a collective sigh of relief at the passing of such a difficult year, I have to say that '28mm Victorian Warfare' rather enjoyed 2016.  Having stopped worrying about posting and only doing what I can, I have rejuvenated my love for Blogging.  I still try to get around and comment on the many Blogs that I follow, but sometimes this has proved just too much when work is at its most demanding.  I still have concerns that my reading list is not necessarily as up to date as I would like and if you are in any way concerned that I have not visited you then do drop me a comment to let me know.  

Once again, I participated in the hugely enjoyable theme months of 'Zomtober' and 'Dinovember' with 'Forgotten Heroes' being added in 2016.  These, along with the juggernaut that is the 'Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge', rather dominate my hobby year and I have been mulling over whether or not to continue with all of them every year.  Whilst all help to generate some of my more creative work, I wonder if they have started to dictate what gets painted rather than allowing me to focus a specific project.

The lure of the crowd funding platform that is Kickstarter, saw me once again pledge far too much of my pocket money, but it remains something that I like to get involved in and I seem a little more measured in my approach to it.  An unexpected hobby avenue was the introduction of a Tabletop Gaming Club at school.  This has had a modest uptake, but it has meant that 2016 saw me play more games than in previous years with Bushido proving particularly popular. 

So on to the review of last year's targets:
1 Play more games! Target Met! Just as last year my gaming exploits were predominately board games, although 2016 saw Zombicide: Black Plague, Zombicide: Rue Morgue, Witchfinder General, Rum & Bones, Bushido and Space Cadets: Away Missions all played.

2 Maintain a credible level of posts throughout the course of the year.  I do not want to be prescriptive on this but will certainly look to maintain the interest in '28mm Victorian Warfare' by looking to post between 5 – 10 posts per month (a minimum of 60 posts for the year).  Target Met! 70 posts made in 2016 and again down on 2015, but I think this level of posting reflects a much more realistic and manageable target.

3 Attend at least one convention/exhibition/expo this year.  Target Met! Salute 2016, EuroMilitaire 2016 both attended this year and fabulous fun they were too.

4 I would like to try to curb the additional expenditure on miniatures this year, or at least try to bring it into line with output.  A simple tally score will suffice, hopefully something that will 'shame' me into being a little more restraint when it comes to all things hobby related.  Target Met! Painted 185 - 173 Bought = +12 in credit!  A credit score, but only just.  According to my tally counter the numbers are as follows*:

All miniatures are 28mm scale unless otherwise stated; tally for the year currently stands at:
Painted/constructed: 185
Bought: 173
Balance: +12
Detailed breakdown:
Foot: 110
Mounted: 1
Artillery: 1
Vehicles: 2
Buildings/Terrain pieces: 30
Livestock: 41

*All miniatures are 28mm scale unless otherwise stated

So to the future and what has 2017 in store for '28mm Victorian Warfare'? Well simply put, more of the same. That said there are a few possible distractions on the horizon.  With Bushido proving to be popular at school it seems inevitable that a small force of my own will need to be assembled and I have a hankering to build a mischievous Savage Wave faction.  I still feel that Post Apocalyptic gaming would be fun and having backed Across the Dead Earth and more recently received my pledge for This is Not a Test the genre has distinct possibilities and then of course there is Congo!  So time to reset that 'Tally Counter', take down the Christmas banner and present, in a roughly chronological order of creation, my efforts from 2016!


  1. Great stuff Sir! good to see you hit all your tallies for the year.

    Please don't drop forgotten heroes it wouldn't be the same without you.

    Best of luck with all you do in 2017, I'm sure it will all look beautiful.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger. I do hope to give Forgotten Heroes another go, but realised last year that my knowledge of comic book heroes is woefully poor.

  2. One of my favourite blog!
    FaNTASTIC WORK IN 2016 Sir!
    best wishes in 2017!

  3. Brilliant stuff! Hope 2017 is equally productive...

  4. Another stunning year, I love my Zulu. Keep up the good work and I hope that the hobby never becomes a chore

    1. Thank you Martin and I delighted that the Zulu is in safe hands, you certainly deserved him.

  5. Every blog post has been a pleasure to read and gaze upon.

    Long may it continue!

  6. Great review, glad to hear that Bushido has taken hold!

    1. I pressed publish way too early, ive loved the miniatures, forgotten heroes, diaramas. Just a great year!

    2. Thank you so much Andy, it has been great being able to use you blog as inspiration for Bushido, really helpful.

  7. Impressive results! Looking forward to see how you paint Bushido miniatures and it would be interesting to see post apoc minis and terrain too.

    1. Thank you Nimrod, I'm certainly looking forward to another busy year.

  8. A pretty good year by any standards. Should be another good year ahead.

  9. Once again a wonderfully varied and creative output mate! Like you I'm trying to put a few boundaries around 2017. No idea if it will work but I have to try :-)

    1. Thank you Millsy, the great thing about boundaries is that you get to push them from time to time.

  10. Happy New Year good sir! Excellent Review sir! A fabulous output and an amazingly varied collection we have our eyes to feast upon!

    1. Thank you Simon, I've certainly enjoyed 2016 and looking forward to more distractions to come.

  11. Happy New Year Michael. There is so much variety in the stuff you, brilliant. Looking forward to more of the same in 2017. And it is great to having you back commenting on our blogs again.

  12. All the best for 2017 and thanks for sharing these great pictures again. Top drawer Sir.

  13. Personally I think your 'Dick Dastardly' was the best paint-job you've done, Michael, and as a result sits very proudly on my miniatures shelf :-)

    1. Thank you Simon, I have to say that I was really pleased with him myself.

  14. You had a very creative and inspiring 2016. I truly enjoy reading your blog. Best of luck to you in 2017!

    1. That is a lovely thing to say Rod, thank you.

  15. Each visit on your blog was a wonderful discovery, talented and creative friend, thanks for this!

  16. Absolutely fantastic! Happy new year!

  17. Some really lovely figures painted during the year...... more of the same is good ...motto for 2017 is do more of what you enjoy 😀

    1. Thank you Matt and that sounds like a very sensible plan.

  18. Stunning year indeed!

    Live you painting and especialy the nice presentation in dioramas

    1. Thank you Michael and it was great to have our little collaboration which I am looking forward to blogging about this year.

  19. An excellent photo-roll of completed work, and reading your 2016 goals list was both useful (to me) and interesting. I definitely should look into something similar for myself.

    1. Thank you Roy, with regards to goals I have learnt to keep things simple and go with what I want to do.

  20. Good for you Michael, a damn good year!

    1. Thank you so much Francis, I was pleasantly surprised when I put the photo roll together.

  21. A cracking year Michael. Wishing you all the very best for 2017 projects.

    1. Thank you so much Dave, your encouragement is greatly appreciated.

  22. such a great year! waiting for a greater one!

  23. Phenomenal! Superb painting, kit bashing and writing all in one blog. Looking forward to so much more!

    Did one of your deep sea divers also grace the cover of a 10cc album? ;-)

    1. Thank you so much Monty, but I did have to look up the Deceptive Bends reference. :)

  24. Some wonderful output last year. So, with your "bought" tally... how does that work with kickstarters that take years to deliver? Does that go into the bought list when you pay, or when they arrive ;)

    1. Thank you Paul, now the Kickstarters are a mute point, but currently they only get added when they arrive.

  25. Your blog posts are always inspirational and encouraging. I honestly don't know how you find time to paint so many miniatures so well! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you so much, not sure there will ever be enough time to get all the things done that I would like.

  26. An excellent overview of what looked to me to have been a rather productive year for you. Really enjoyed following you on the journey.

    1. Thank you so much Nick, I have to say that I was pleased with this year's efforts.

  27. Simply fantastic. 2016 has seen many quality paint jobs from you and in good quantity too. Great stuff Michael, thanks for all the eye candy these past 12 months and here's to many more in the next twelve. :)

    1. Thank you so much, I hope that I can live up to your expectations.

  28. Awesome blog and very inspirational !
    Happy new year.

  29. You've had a great year, Michael, and congratulations on making your target figures. It does become something of a bind if you let a hobby become a chore, and it looks like you've avoided it. I do like the vignettes, especially the Great Escape and Blackadder Goes Forth. Keep up the good work, and here's to a great 2017!

  30. Always a pleasure viewing your stuff Michael. Of note is that by posting your review, it does really show you how much you have accomplished!

    1. Thank you Terry, I was certainly surprised to see how much I had achieved.

  31. seems like a great year indeed Michael, on to more of the same or even better for 2017!

  32. I am never sure what amazes me more... the skill of your work or how you can constantly pull it of with such a wide range of sculpting styles!

    Very well done!

  33. Wow. Just wow.

    I can only imagine what you've got up your sleeve Challenge-wise - here's to a happy and productive 2017!

  34. What a singularly good blog with absolutely lovely work! Happy New Year and please keep blogging to everybody's heart's content!

    1. That is very kind of you to say say, I shall do my best.

  35. What a fantastic year - wonderful, wonderful miniatures, great colours, and the fine attitude of an English Gentleman throughout it all. Just keep doing the same this year... and the next... and the next... and....

    1. Thank you so much kind Sir, greatly appreciated.

  36. You've got the mojo pot boiling hot, no reason to turn the burner down from where I am sitting. This is a nice place to just come, to relax, and to enjoy the bubbles.

    1. You Sir, are always welcome to come and enjoy the bubbles.

  37. A truly outstanding year Michael, your Great Escape Diorama is still the gem for me though.

  38. That's a lot of beautiful painting!

    I applaud your involvement with a school club; sharing experience with the next generation is a good thing :-) .

    As to the "too many blogs to read/comment on"; I understand that only too well myself. It's a big world and we are only a small fragment of it, but at least we're taking part & doing something...

  39. Your end of year tallies eclipse my own by far - you should be very proud of yourself sir. :)

    Always love stopping by to see what new delights you've got to show us - glad that it sounds like your hobby is where you want it and feel comfortable at!
