
Wednesday 23 November 2016

The Iron Mole!

Having completed my recent batch of ‘Antediluvian Miniatures’, it was inevitable that the next thing to hit the painting table was the Iron Mole.  I have wanted one of these splendid pieces from ‘Ironclad Miniatures’ for such a long time and with the release of the ‘not’ At the Earth’s Core Adventurers, I decided that the time had finally come to raid the piggy bank and purchase one.
As I was scrutinising the ‘Ironclad Miniatures’ website, I noticed that they do a version on tracks, but went for the one triumphantly emerging from the ground.  It is a large chunk of resin or more correctly three large chunks of resin that I glued and pinned together for added strength. 
Having primed the Iron Mole some time ago, I have been studiously ignoring it, worrying about how I was going to paint it.  Finally, when procrastination was no longer an option, I called upon the trusty airbrush and blocked in the metal and wood sections.  Buoyed with a renewed enthusiasm for the project, I employed a fair bit of dry brushing using successively lighter colours to achieve the desired effect.  With the addition of some weathering and detailing the job was done and I have to say that I’m rather pleased with the final result.
Looking at the paint table, I see this is likely to be the last entry for ‘Dinovember 2016’, what with news that the ‘VII Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge’ is due to commence next month my attention will undoubtedly turn to prepping and planning.  Once again it has been great fun to indulge predilection for all things prehistoric and I thank all those that offered kind words of encouragement along the way.


  1. Nice work on the Mole m'Lord. As always, I'm greatly looking forward to your bonus round entries in the Challenge :)

    1. Thank you Tamsin, thinking of taking it a bit easy on the bonus rounds this year, but we shall see. ;)

  2. This must be one of Iron Clad Miniatures best sellers as I have seen several on different blogs . But your version is quite the nicest version I have yet seen.

    1. What a lovely thing to say Clint, thank you. I must admit I have seen a fair few myself, such a great product.

  3. Really nice work Michael. It's a cool looking model. :)

    1. Thank you Rod, I am quite tempted by the other version as well.

  4. Cower before the might of the Iron Mole pathetic over worlders!

  5. I say old chap, I thought the plan was to drill to the other side of this Welsh mountain. This doesn't look like Merthyr Tydfil

  6. Looks great! Really must get mine sent off to Matt!

    1. Yes you must, it would wonderful with all your terrain.

  7. Beautifully rendered, old chap!

  8. Gorgeous work Michael. Simply gorgeous.

  9. Yep, must buy one of them at some point. Great painting as always sir.

    Cheers Roger.

  10. Stunning as standard, you always impress Michael :-)


  11. Very nicely done Michael. Excellent painting for an excellent model. :)

  12. A stunning example of technological progress kind Sir!

  13. Wonderful work once again, Sir M!

  14. Well done, as usual. A fine example of British Science, Engineering, and Pluck!

  15. Very nice paintjob from the master.Love it!

  16. Great work Michael! It looks so good as it is that I'm totally ok that the drill doesn't have any 'earth/mud weathering' on it ^_^ One of those cases where the end result is just too good to dirty up. :)

  17. I well remember watching the film version of this emeging from the ground and wondering if it would work!
    Great renditionof the 'beast' and pleased you didn't 'grime' it up and went for a more pristine look.

  18. Love it michael! Looks a tight squeeze for all the adventurers to fit inside mind.

  19. Excellent work, Michael! I see you are a fellow Sagittarius! :) Many happy returns!

  20. Thats an awesome looking kit and I love what you've done with it! I really like the churned earth around the edge of it. It makes it match with the figures very nicely indeed and they all look great together.

  21. A tremendous piece. Beautiful work, Michael!

  22. Most impressive Mr Awdry, most impressive! You were absolutely right in going for the one just breaking from the ground. This makes for such an iconic piece.

  23. HOLY MOLEY! That looks fantastic Michael. I've seen that model before, but have refrained from it's purchase. At least until such time as my Pulp gaming takes off.
