
Sunday 16 October 2016

if a job's worth Dylan!

Zomtober 2016 - post#4
It's been another one of those weeks at work and there is now a real sense that winter is drawing in with shorter days and a noticeable drop in the temperature.*  So as the nights draw in and thoughts start to turn to 'The Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge' there is still the small matter of completing 'Zomtober 2016'.  To that end allow me to present my latest offerings who are, one in the same, Dylan the Handywoman.  
*Thank you to all my Antipodean Blogging friends that have been posting pictures of BBQs and even parrots in the garden!
Dylan is a Zombicide, Paolo Parente, Special Guest Expansion Pack and comes in both Survivor and Zombivor, a zombified survivor, variants.  This was another one of those 'moment of weakness' purchases and has been idly gathering dust since the pledge arrived.  It was a fun exercise trying to keep a sense that these two were, in fact, the same person and in the end it was just a simple matter of painting each corresponding area using the same colours across the two miniatures.  As with all Zombicide characters, Dylan comes with a back story and hers, lifted directly from the 'Guillotine Games' official site, reads as follows:
“Measure twice, cut once!”
Dylan was working as the on-stage assistant for a popular home improvement show sponsored by a major power-tool company. Mainly on the set for eye-candy, she was, in fact, handier than both the star and his bearded assistant. When the zombie apocalypse hit, she was on stage, watching the star do his usual grunting comedy routine while trying to keep him from losing a finger by mishandling a circular saw. By the end of the first day of zombie apocalypse, she discovered fighting off coworkers’ grabby-hands with power-tools had been perfect training for battling against groping undead hordes. Now she roams the streets using her construction skills to help other survivors. She is still always thrilled to meet a fan, provided they keep their hands to themselves!
Taking inspiration for the colour palette from the original character cards all was progressing nicely until it came to the checked shirt, which I'm afraid I bottled; the eyes and the unsteady hands were just not up to the job on this occasion.
The Zombivor version is just ridiculously good fun and in this putrid state, Dylan has ditched her cordless drill for something a whole lot more industrial!  Once again favouring the decaying green skin option the pair were completed with a little addition to the bases to give that 'oh so apocalyptic' feel.  
So two more additions to the good and with half term, thankfully, looming into sight we are hopeful that we might safely negotiate to end of another themed month.  More zombies next week and then a couple of survivors to see out the challenge.


  1. "Hello miss, be careful, you've got something on your leg.."."Don't even heart me sir, I'm courageous..." ...and beautiful!

  2. Lovely work on them bot Michael. I love there weapons just hope the batteries and fuel don't run out!

    1. Thank you Simon, always have a spare battery on charge.

  3. Nice and I love the Home Improvement references...

  4. Great looking figures Michael, and love the "Home Improvement" back story. Does this mean the other characters are lurking on your painting table too?

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, alas it is just Dylan for the time being.

  5. Nice. Always good to have an "after" figure just in case the dice rolls go south!

  6. Great looking figure I think I prefer the non-zombie version....personal choice of course 😀

  7. Lovely before & after figures m'Lord :)

  8. Fabulous, it's always tool time

  9. Beautiful work Michael & such a cool miniature. I must have this one stashed away at the moment. She would make a wonderful Drill Sergeant clad as she is!

    1. *groan* Very good Terry, I was horrified at just how much plastic there was hidden upstairs, I daren't do an inventory.

  10. Love them! Both are really nicely painted.

  11. Excellent job on both version Michael!

  12. very nice. In fact stonkingly good.

  13. Keeping the colors between both versions worked great, nice painting!

  14. Terrific stuff my friend. I especially like the grey you create for your zed-flesh. It genuinely looks lifeless (if that makes sense) and provides a great contrast to the lively pink of the living version.

    1. Why thank you Simon, really kind of you as always.

  15. Hola
    Simpáticas figuras
    buen trabajo
    un saludo

  16. Looks excellent, and the regular model is perfect for something I have in mind for the Batman game. I may have to snag a copy of the model for myself.

    1. Thank you Kieron and you have certainly piqued my curiosity as to the Batman game.

  17. Brilliant miniatures kind sir! And yes Millsy's parrot's got me up a tree as well with all the dreariness going on over here. Anyway: is there a way to contact you more private through email or something? I have some questions I'd like to put in front of you.

    1. Thank you so much Sander, they certainly seem to be having a great start to their summer in the southern hemisphere! As for getting in touch if you email - twenty eight millimetre (the first part written as numerals and abbreviations) little men at g mail dot (just a full stop will suffice) com - all of this without gaps you should find my inbox.

    2. I will drop you a line then ;-)

  18. Top nocth painting on characterful minis: a great combo. :)

    Well done as ever Michael. :)

  19. I hadn't imagined a Rosie the Riveter in zombie form before!

    And yes it was a lovely 28deg C here yesterday in Sydney. Which of course is far too enjoyable to think about sitting around indoors painting. I guess we all have our crosses to bear...

    1. To be fair it is still unseasonably warm here, but getting gloomier by the day and certainly not 28 degrees!

  20. Excellent work, Love the skin tone of both of them!

  21. Very nice painting! I am seriously impressed by zombie skin color on zombivor version of this mini.

  22. Great Work, Nice to have a survivor and turned version of a figure!

    1. thank you Mr. Smillie, going my luck the zombie version will be used more often.

  23. Yet more great looking additions! Amazing job Michael!

  24. Nice work on these - especially the skin tones.

  25. A very impressive Dylan! Definitely, Nobel prize material...;) cheers!

  26. Great brishwork Michael, but a rather strnage sculpt imo; she looks to be in a very awkward stance (probably something to do with what must be very awkward "weapon". No doubt she'll look great with all the others and instantly recognisable too!

  27. Very nice, Michael. A characterful set of sculpts complimented by your wonderful painting.

  28. Very nice, Michael. A characterful set of sculpts complimented by your wonderful painting.

  29. "Thank you to all my Antipodean Blogging friends that have been posting pictures of BBQs and even parrots in the garden!"
    You're most welcome mate :-)

  30. Oooo, I like. A terrific job, as always.

  31. Well, I'm not a fan of either the leggy, "eye candy" miniature or the "zombivor" concept.

    Having said that, your finishing of this model is excellent! The chequered shirt would certainly have been a stretch goal, I think.

  32. That shirt.... I think you could have done it, albeit a toned down version.

    Great work otherwise though Michael. You must have the prettiest games of Zombicide...

  33. Excellent pieces of work again, Sir!
    Well done.

  34. A wise decision, painting the t-shirt white, it hurt my eyes just looking at it!!

  35. Nice skin tones on both of them I say. Im ust admit that that last picture causes some ambivalent feelings. She might be the zombie version but hell she seems like a sexy albeit a bit unhinged version of the first survivor. LOL

  36. Amazing work once again Mr Awdry! I myself do have this lady waiting in the painting queue and will make sure to check back here for inspiration. I'm not a big fan of those Zombivors but yours turned out nicely I'd say.

  37. Wonderful skin tones for both the living and the dead. Spot on Michael.
