
Tuesday 30 August 2016

Zombicide Black Plague - Genevieve

With the start of the new academic year looming into view, and its subsequent curtailing of hobby time, I was desperate to complete one more Zombicide Black Plague survivor.  When Messrs. Templar and Feb visited Awdry Towers earlier in the month we stumbled across a hugely effective combination of survivors.  Both Gentlemen have documented their thoughts and reasons behind their choices and I was determined to honour those chosen few by promoting them up the painting queue.  
Genevieve is the last of the team and was brought to the table by 'Bullcher Feb' who quite rightly identified that her starting skill of +1 Damage: Ranged meant that she was able to give out a lot of punishment from the start of the game without necessarily closing with the enemy, vital for taking down larger adversaries or covering any retreat.  
A compatriot of Klom form the Paul Bonner special guest box, Genevieve is another cracking little sculpt.  With her fearsome looking crossbow and heavily padded gambeson she looks ready to take on the shambling horde.  Her official fluff reads as follows: Genevieve is taking absolutely no guff from anyone. When the zombies attacked her home in the dead of night, she held them off while still in her nightclothes. Now that she’s in her armor and well-armed, it’s going to take a siege engine to stop her. Genevieve is a crack shot with her crossbow. She can take down a man, a boar, or a zombie from fifty yards. If they manage to get too close to shoot, she has been known to take a head clear off with her machete. Genevieve is in this war to win it.
So Genevieve completes my group and survivors and the goal is now to work through the scenarios in the core box before moving on to the Wulfsburg expansion and benefitting from all manner of additional weaponry.  All is going reasonably well, but a couple of games have had to be re-run as my enthusiasm for progress often places survivors in unnecessary danger.  This coupled with my re-reading of a couple of rules, most notably the extra activation awarded to a certain type of zombie if none are available to add to the board, has seen unfortunate fatalities in the dying throes of the game. Still Zombicide Black Blague continues to prove a most welcome diversion and it has been wonderful to actually play a couple of games with painted miniatures finally. 


  1. Another wonderful paintjob Michael, can't work out who this one is based on (if anyone). A simply stunning little warband of survivors you have there now. I still think Xena is my favourite though.

    Great series of posting, Simon will start pestering you for Batreps now you know!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, this is just an original sculpt from a very talented fantasy artist.

  2. Another great character! Well done!

  3. Looking great there Michael

  4. Another great figure....the company grows ever larger and more powerful😀

    1. Thank you Matt, I think that will do it for time being.

  5. Great job on the who the whole group and good luck with the scenarios!

    1. Thank you Brian, hoping to squeeze one more run through in before the start of the academic year.

  6. Very nice. That last picture looks ace.

  7. Nicely done! Those sabatons she's wearing looks like she could kick a zombie's head in with no fuss.

  8. Wow, impressive and splendid!

  9. Very nice work on Genevieve Michael. This is a great-looking set of heroes that you are painting up. :)

    1. Thank you very much, hoping that these should do the business for the time being.

  10. Wow Michael, she adds to an already impressively painted cast of warriors. I really should look into getting this game, my son would love it and by the look of them these sculpts should be a pleasant experience to paint up.

    1. Thank you Dai, I have thoroughly enjoyed working on these. Even though they are plastic the material is hard enough to take paint really well.

  11. Great work again, Michael!

  12. More wonderful eye candy! Well done once again Mr. Awdry. Your getting quite a band together!

    1. Thank you Terry, that should be enough for the moment, but great fun to work on.

  13. Another fine addition to your crew. Well done!

    1. Thank you so much Stefan, but that will have to do for now as back to work tomorrow.

  14. What they ^^ all said! Great brushwork sir

  15. Great job Michael. I like the work on the whole team.

  16. She looks like the no-nonsense sort of person who I'd put in charge of a town militia (or a school outing)... (Good luck with the new term!)

  17. I'll wager that she doesn't appreciate talk about the clothes that need washing and the ham steaks that need frying. Nice job, Boss.

  18. Genvieve is quite lovely and a pleasing contrast to another famous crossbow armed zed hunter. Your band of survivors looks equally ready for a zombie apocalypse or a Renn Faire. A charming group.

  19. Another excellent addition Micheal!


  20. A sensibly dressed female figure? What is the World coming to! Where's the pneumatic breasts? The exposed thighs? The ridiculously over-sized weapon? I shall be writing to my MP...
    Very nice work, Michael. And it's refreshing to see a figure that actually looks like it's prepared for the zombie apocalypse or anything else, for that matter.

  21. Marvellous work indeed Michael! Really love how your small group of survivors is coming together now.

  22. A splendid addition, Michael.

  23. Great addition to finish up your squad of survivors! I really need to start painting up mine as well. Your work really does provide an excellent inspiration!

  24. Great bit of brushwork Michael and a goor addition to your force; I do like this pose, rather thn the all too well known shooting variations so often seen.

  25. Very nicely done Michael. And that group shot looks great!
