
Thursday 11 August 2016

A Warrior Princess

Well the 'play date' came and went and it was lovely the catch up with 'The Dark Templar' and 'Bullcher Feb'.  I haven't posted a battle report mostly because I didn't take any photographs and was simply enjoying the opportunity to actually play a few games with friends.  Mike has posted a quick round up of the pertinent action including a nod to the key players here.  I was keen to get my newly painted miniatures onto the board, but I have to confess that they didn't perform quite as I thought.  'Klom' wasn't given much opportunity to call upon his Barbarian skill as we tended to opt for a more cautious approach of game play.
When he did manage to deliberately put himself in harm's way it ended up with dire consequences for the group, a zombie activation card meaning that they were on him before he had an opportunity to unleash his mighty mace.  'Gowan', who will be for evermore known as  Connor, faired a little better, although I was concerned initially when he just seemed to be ambling around the board wondering why nobody would stand and fight him!  His Regeneration skill is particularly useful and on several occasions he was able to take the bite for the team knowing that it would be simply removed at the end of the turn.
 My compatriots, however, dominated the show with their choices of characters, which rather brings me to the point of the post.  So taken was I with the make up of our little band of warriors that I felt it only right and proper to promote a couple of them up the painting queue in honour of their achievements.
Xuxa with her super strength meant that even armed with the smallest of pointed weapons we had an abomination killer on our team from the outset!  Just knowing this seemed to steady the nerves and as a result we played through each encounter in a calm and organised manner.  Xuxa official blurb reads as follows:

Xuxa leads a bandit crew, a great troupe of scum and villains that makes its way across the land, pillaging and stealing and never staying in one place long enough to get caught. It’s barbaric, but hey, it’s a living.  Or, at least, it was. Then the zombies started cutting in on their business. Xuxa isn’t really into humanitarian causes, but she’s very into turning a profit, and if the creatures are going to get in the way of that, she’s going to get in their way in return.

Now this is all well and good, but Xuxa is always going to represent Xena, Warrior Princess in my eyes and as was duly painted accordingly.  Interestingly I don't remember being a huge fan of the television program, although why the exploits of leather clad Amazonian warrior wouldn't appeal escape me and perhaps a spot of retrospective reviewing will be required?  What I can tell you as a Zombicide, Black Plague character, Xuxa is a devastating force as 'The Dark Templar' has already identified, much more eloquently, here.
So with Xuxa joining the ranks of my other survivors, it is time to go in search of a Wizard!


  1. Can I suggest an appropriate ululating battle cry be made every time Xena goes in to attack? ;)

    The trio look good together.

    1. Thank you Roy, I think that should definitely become a 'thing'!

  2. Nice painting m'Lord! Glad to hear that she proved a useful member of the team in your games :)

    The series was good fun. Just make sure that you get the real Xena ones and not the pr0n homage(?) that one of the TV channels ran shortly afterwards - the Saintly Mrs Awdry may be less than amused if you got the wrong one to watch ;)

    1. Thank you Tamsin, I may have to indulge on your recommendation, not the naughty version though. ;)

    2. hahahaha - that reminds me of the time my Mum was accidentally given "Flesh Gordan" instead of "Flash Gordan" at the Video Rental shop for my 10th Birthday party. We 10 yr olds felt right ripped off :-)

  3. Tip top stuff Michael, and I can see your "Black Plague" party easily being the talk of the town; interesting line-up with tip top paint-jobs. Wonderful series of postings. Keep 'em coming :-)

    1. Thank you so much Simon, I have to confess that I am rather enjoying them myself - Merlin next.

  4. More loveliness, she is good fit but needs a female sidekick

    1. Now that's a good point, I shall have to go and have a closer look at what else is in the plastic pile.

  5. Fabulous paintwork. And can I just say - woof!

  6. Excellent and all I can say is Lucy Lawless in leather armour.....oh dear is it warm in here?

    1. Thank you Andy and what was I thinking, of course I am going to get the box set!

  7. Most impressive!
    Skin color and leather armor turned up very nice.

  8. Lovely job, squire! I didn't see the TV series, but the lass looks a ringer for the delectable Ms. Lawless.

    1. Thank you kind Sir, I feel I may need to do a little more research on this one.

  9. Love this character she is great

  10. I seem to have missed the post telling what company is offering these wonderful miniatures. Well painted.

    1. Thank you Elderac, these are all from the recent Zombicide Black Plague Kickstarter and are all plastic pieces, great fun to paint and require very little preparing.

  11. Nicely done Michael & glad you had fun at your gaming venue. Now off to read the report!

    1. Thank you Terry, it was a great treat to have to boys round and we managed three fun games in the time.

  12. Awesome trio! You're great artist Michael!

    1. That is incredibly kind of you to say so Michał, I really appreciate it.

  13. Beautiful work Michael! that is simply the best Xena fig I have ever seen.

    Cheers Roger (jealous as hell now!).

    1. What a lovely comment Roger, thank you so much.

  14. Great work again, Michael!

  15. Whether it's your skilful painting or the superb sculp, I instantly recognised Xena, (or Xuxa); onvbiously you've got a fan in me on this.

    1. Thank you Joe, I am definitely going to see if I can't get my hands on a copy of the series boxset and see what it was all about.

  16. Excellent work, Michael.

    A superb pantjob on a very cool mini based on a mediocre television program.

    1. Thank you Mr. Finch, like you I don't remember the television program being great, but resolved to give it another go.

  17. I believe the term here is "similar to but legally distinguishable from"...
    ; )
    She'll make an excellent addition to your force, and she's been painted up a treat. Well done!

    1. Thank you Ev, the Intellectual Property debate rages on, must be a very fine line, but it does make for some very lovely sculpts.

  18. She looks superb...and dangerous!

  19. Sounds like fun was had, and another great paint job. I really should try black plague.

  20. Fantastic work ! And she almost looks like Xena. A chakram instead of the bow & finished ! Again fantastic paint-job , very Xena like !

  21. Great stuff Michael! On a not related sidenote: you do know about the existence of some true Highlander movie figures right?

  22. Stellar work as usual Sir!

  23. Excellent paintjob on her. I like the reddish brown colour you used for her armour.

  24. Superb work. I am always in awe. :)

  25. Ooo! Really like how you've painted her! Very close to the screen Xena. She sounds rather handy in a fight too!

  26. What a great collection of figs!

  27. Wow what a lovely looking model I'm well jealous. Such a stunning paint job :D

  28. Another sterling Awdry paint-job. With both yours and Bryan's postings on this game, it's moving from 'won't buy' to 'may buy'.

  29. Mighty fine work on 'Xuxa',Michael! Never liked the Xena series but you've definitely nailed the paint job.

  30. Lovely, lovely, lovely. As a fan of Xena (not Xuxa) all those years ago I can say you did justice with this mini.
