
Sunday 19 June 2016

Forgotten Heroes...

...still a work in progress.
Now let's be honest, there hasn't really been much progress at all.  The frenetic pace that comes as the end of the academic year looms into sight has rather scuppered my plans to resurrect 'Bouncing Boy' from 'forgotten' to  'occasionally talked about'.  The irony of this sad tale is that I chose this character because I thought that it would be simple and quick to do! 
There has been some movement and I have collected, what I hope will be, the composite parts required to finish the job.  Included in these are a selection of spherical objects to form the main body.  The beads, my first choice, are clearly too small and the ping pong ball feels a little big, but I think that I am going to go with it anyway, if for no other reason than comedy value; my only concern with this choice is that I have a nagging thought that ping pong balls don't react well to superglue?  I will let you know!
To further compound the ignominy of my current project there has been some truly wonderful progress made by my fellow contributors, which has all been documented on the official site and I would encourage to stop wasting time reading this drivel and go and see what should be happening!  Hopefully, once I have ticked off a few chores this morning, there might be a little more to show later in  the week. 


  1. Some progress is better than no progress, Michael. And you do have a valid excuse, so you are forgiven. Now stop playing Black Plague and crack on!

    1. Braaaains! Sorry, yes will do Jez, promise. ;)

  2. Sculpting is a secret art to me!!! I have mentioned (on Bryan Scotts BLOG) that I might be able to sculpt some "tribbles" from star trek but nothing more complex so I admire all those that can sculpt! Yourself included!

    1. Not sure I'm up for too much sculpting on this build, more just sticking things together.

  3. I'm sure you'll once again create a absolutely stunning piece once you get in gear... so get movin' ;-)

  4. Hope he comes to life soon. I get a month off in July so have a plan for stuff to do. My first month off since I was unemployed 14 years ago

    1. I'm just trying to imagine how much stuff you might get painted in a month - it is going to be a sight to behold.

  5. Replies
    1. I shall do my best, but thank you for the encouragement Matt.

  6. Michael, I utterly sympathise, sir. I have have been in blogging flat line for over a year due to ridiculous work levels etc, etc. But, I am (almost) back...

    1. These things happen and I'm reliably informed that it all helps to keep our interest alive in the hobby, after all, who wants too much of a good thing? No, wait, that would be me! ;)

  7. Stick with it, M; exams are almost over and the summer beckons.

    1. Yes, you are, of course, absolutely right, I can almost hear the dulcet tones of Alice Cooper as I write this.

    2. Alice Cooper! would that be "Schools Out" or "I love the dead" though Michael?

    3. Definitely thinking "Schools Out", not long now!

  8. Sorry to hear of the woes, i'm sure you will create something outstanding though!

    1. Not sure about outstanding, but determined to get something done.

  9. You can do it...and do it well too! BTW: what sound does a rotund bouncing super hero make when he is bouncing down the side walk?

    1. Thank you for the words of support Jay, as for the sound, not sure, but might have to go with 'Boooiiiiing!'

  10. A man of your talents, should be able to figure this obe out Sir M. Keep pluggin' away!

  11. I'm sure you'll be 'wow'ing me with the finished article soon enough!

    1. It is the word 'finished' that is worrying me in that reply, but I will see what I can do.

  12. Replies
    1. You are absolutely right, less wallowing in self pity, there will be time aplenty soon enough.

  13. School work comes first.... hobby when you have the time!

  14. "Chronophage" is the Fench word for our hobby..."time consuming" could be the translation...

    1. That is superb, I had no idea and how apt!

  15. Replies
    1. Thank you for the words of support Rodger.

  16. Good progress even with a busy schedule to take away precious hobby time!

    The ping pong ball should be fine with superglue. It doesn't affect the material at all, just sticks to the uneven areas of the items that are glued together. The only real materials that cyanoacrylate (super glue) reacts with are natural fibers where it heats up.

    1. Thank you for the tip, I've done some construction tonight and rather bottled it and used PVA. Mind you if bits start to drop off I'll definitely be reaching for the superglue!

  17. Hola
    a por ello que tu puedes
    un saludo

  18. As said above progress is progress, but remember the clock is ticking....(LOL)

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Finally got some building done tonight, by my word I'm making hard work of this! :D

  19. Good luck with this, though I haven't a clue really what it's all about.

  20. You have the will. You have the skill. You shall rescue Bouncing Boy from obscurity. It is your destiny.

  21. Sometimes the simplest things we think we can do turns out to be the hardest ... life, you gotta love it while it lasts ^_^ :) Not sure what bouncing boy is all about though ... so my curiosity is piqued.
