
Saturday 14 May 2016

Stop that Pigeon!

Hopefully by now, you will have seen Simon’s post on his wonderfully entertaining ‘Fantorical’ blog* showcasing the spoils of  his recent victory in a little side duel that we had as part of the ‘VI Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge’.  Although I managed a few meagre points in this battle of the brushes they fell someway short of my fellow combatants, with Simon emerging the overall Champion.
*It seemed only right and proper that he have the first opportunity to post about the miniature – after all it is his and I only mention it here so that it qualifies to be added to my tally for the year, and after ‘Salute 2016’, I desperately need to redress the balance a little!
So this being the ‘The Pulp Challenge’, with Pulp being defined as being from 1850-1950, I wanted to paint something for Simon that fell into this category.  After much scrabbling around the periphery of the lead pile, I managed to unearth ‘Group Captain Villain’, a particularly splendid sculpt from ‘Artizan Designs’ and certainly one that would suit my needs.
On closer inspection of the miniature, I was instantly reminded of one Richard ‘Dick’ Milhous Dastardly, the much maligned ‘hero’ of the hugely enjoyable Dastardly & Muttley in Their Flying Machines**, which charted the hapless ‘Vulture Squadron’s’ efforts to ensnare the courier, Yankee Doodle Pigeon.
"Drat, drat and double drat!"
Now completely unable to shift this mental image from my addled brain, I set about trying to recreate Dick Dastardly’s flying attire as best I could.  When complete, and without thinking, I gave him a liberal coating of matt varnish, but suddenly realised that this might be not to Simon’s tastes as he is rather fond of protecting his miniatures with a wonderful high gloss glaze.
With forfeit now completed and delivered, I have put aside miniatures that might represent the rest of the Vulture Squadron, sadly lacking a suitable Muttley at this point, just in case we have a similar challenge next year!

**I should stress that this is a children’s animated program from the late 1960’s and seemingly re-run endlessly in the 1970’s for young Master Awdry to enjoy and not some lost celluloid gem; nostalgia is a wonderful thing.
Muttley, you snickering, floppy eared hound.
When courage is needed, you're never around.
Those medals you wear on your moth-eaten chest
Should be there for bungling at which you are best.

           So, stop that pigeon

           Stop that pigeon
           Stop that pigeon
           Stop that pigeon
           Stop that pigeon
           Stop that pigeon
           Stop that pigeon

                     Nab him

                     Jab him
                     Tab him
                     Grab him
                     Stop that pigeon now!

                               You, Zilly, stop snickering, it's not worth the chance.

                               For you'll be returned by the seat of your pants.
                              And Klunk, you invent me a thingamabob
                              That catches that pigeon or I'll lose my job.

                                         So, stop that pigeon

                                         Stop that pigeon
                                         Stop that pigeon
                                         Stop that pigeon
                                         Stop that pigeon
                                         Stop that pigeon
                                         Stop that pigeon

                                                    Nab him

                                                    Jab him
                                                    Tab him
                                                    Grab him
                                                    Stop that pigeon now!


  1. That music is now in my head, great figure and painting Michael!

  2. Cracking... And a personal favourite in the cartoon genre I must say. Now if only someone would make a Mutley!

  3. What an excellent post and what a gorgeous (and elegant!) pigeon hunter!

  4. Happy childhood memories! And a lovely fig!

    1. It certainly brought a few memories back for me and an enjoyable time watching a couple of episodes on YouTube.

  5. What everybody else said although I did prefer the Wacky Races

    1. Now you see those were good too, but he definitely looks like a pilot to me.

  6. As always great painting. I used to have a Muttley, one of those erasers that could be stuck on top of a pencil by inserting it into muttley´s nether regions. Too big for 28mm though..

    1. Thank you Paul, a pencil topper Muttley, I'm getting closer to tracking down the illusive hound.

  7. Cracking painting Michael, and well worth the wait. I have put up a link to this as promised within the text of my posting. I too am now also on the lookout for a sniggering hound mini. Many thanks for painting this model for me. It is very much appreciated and one of my collection's most prized models :-)

    1. Thank you Simon, that is incredibly kind of you, but it was entirely my pleasure Sir.

  8. Absolutely stunning Michael!

  9. He really does look so very good indeed.

    Now would not stop the Pigeon make a GREAT show game? If the models were done well it would be absolutely brilliant!

    1. I'm pretty sure someone has done that as a participation game in the past year or so (and I'm not getting it confused with the Wacky Races game that was at Salute this year).

    2. I was right - Huntingdon & District Wargames Club have put it on at a few shows. It may have been longer ago than I'd thought though...

    3. Now that would be a game I would love to play.

    4. Thank you Clint and great researching Tamsin - good to se that the grey matter isn't letting you down.

  10. Wonderful work m'Lord - you've captured him perfectly :)

  11. Great job mate - loved that show as a kid too.

    Dick Dastardly was also in the wacky races, so he would make an AWESOME driver figure for one of these babies:

    1. Thank you Paul and those would be perfect!

  12. Drat! I have that song stuck in my head now. Lovely job painting this one Michael. I think your post has triggered some childhood memories...

  13. Absolutely wonderful!
    Great cartoon!

  14. Wonderfull painted figure again Sir! Never seen that cartoon but I love it now!


    1. Thank you Peter and happy to share this fond memory of my childhood.

  15. Hola
    que buena si señor
    un saludo

  16. Lovely job Michael, sorry for mentioning Muttley to Simon.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger and not a problem, I feel it needs to be done now.

  17. Fabulous work and a great nostalgic trigger Michael. Maximum kudos. :)

    I saw this on Simon's blog, and hadn't quite connected it to you. Great stuff. :)

    1. Thank you my good man, I must admit it really did kickstart all manner of fond childhood memories, now if I can just find a Double Decker chocolate bar!

  18. Also painted this guy and it's a great figure. You done a great job mate. Now i just need a 28mm Mutley :/

    1. Thank you, I always enjoy the Artisan sculpts and definitely need a Muttley now.

  19. Oh, good heavens, that takes me back. My favourite was Klunk, the inventive genius with his odd language. Nicely done figure!

    1. Thank you A.J. and I agree, Clunk was brilliant, with his designs becoming more and more outlandish.

  20. Excellent work, as usual! And what a wonderful characterful miniature. Makes a perfect Dastardly figure. I could also see Terry-Thomas there, playing some sort of villain in a 1960s farce about the 30s or 40s.

    1. Thank you and it definitely has an air of the great Terry Thomas, I may need to get hold of a copy of Those magnificent men in their flying machines.

  21. Very characterful figure and flawless painting. I like it.

  22. All I can say Michael is
    Gimme Gimme Gimme !
    Medal Medal Medal !

    Oh dear, oh my!

    He really is Jolly Good

  23. Absolutely spot on mate! That brought back oodles of childhood memories...

    1. Thank you Millsy, I will have to do the rest at some point, they are just too nice not too.

  24. Oh brilliant - fond memories :)

    1. Thank you Scott, certainly brought a few back for me too.

  25. Superb, Michael. Now to find a suitable Muttley analogue.

    1. Thank you Mr. Finch, there has to be one out there somewhere?

  26. Magnificent. You must now start producing a series of cads; Terry-Thomas, Leslie Philips...

    1. Now there is an idea, certainly one to conjure with, many thanks.

  27. Excellent painting, Michael. Being of a "certain age" I remember watching this, Wacky Races, the Perils of Penelope Pitstop and, of course, Scooby-Doo. In order to present the full compliment of Vultures Squadron, you do need a Muttley. I'm sure I've seen something somewhere that would suit...

    1. Okay, not exactly Muttley, but the facial features and 'helmet are almost there...

      Might need a little conversion and I'm not sure exactly how big it is (being Essex, might be closer to 25mm), but it's a start. I will continue to look...

    2. You absolute star Jez! That might just work, certainly worth a go, thank you.

  28. Fond memories for those of us old enough to remember😀

    1. Absolutely certainly got me thinking - perhaps the Scooby Doo and the Mystery Inc. gang next?

  29. Superb painting Michael, you have certainly captured the right look with Dick Dastardly.

  30. What childhood memories this brings back, I loved it. An excellent figure sir.

  31. He definitely has a rather impressive moustache! Suitably villanous!

    Amazing paintjob as usual Michael!

  32. I immediately thought "Dick Dastardly" upon seeing this and I'm sure the sculpter intended it as such - "Group Captain Villain" indeed.
    Super rendition as always and looking suitably villainous

  33. Was one of my favourite watches, back in the day ..... Love it!

  34. That's brilliant, Michael!

  35. LoL! Nice post that made me relive my childhood moments in front of the TV watching Dastardly, Muttley AND Penelope :)
    AND your painted mini of the villain himself looks gorgeous!

  36. A wonderful paintjob and a nice childhood memory you planted in my head. Splendid!

  37. Simon previewed the fig and I saw him as DD immediately, but ashamed ly didn't think to see if you had put up a sister post considering you'd painted him and all.... a failing on my part.

    I loved that re-re-run cartoon very much in my 80s childhood. You've made a great effortime to recreate a fun character

  38. Excellent. Also a remarkable similarity to Sir Percy Ware-Armitage (played by Terry-Thomas) from Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines. I wonder if Dick and Percy were related? Cheers WW.

    PS Penelope Pitstop next please.

  39. What an absolute rotter! I loved that cartoon as a kid, especially Dastardly & Muttley.

  40. Ha Ha Cracking such awesome memories of that show! Lovely brushwork particularly his face! Top notch sir!
