
Sunday 17 April 2016

Salute 2016

So having safely returned from the show and stashed the swag, whilst the 'Saintly Mrs. Awdry' was out*, it is time to reflect on the biggest independent one-day wargaming show in the country.** Salute 2016 was very nearly a non event for me this year.  I was scheduled to have some rather expensive, not to mention traumatic, dental work done yesterday and this coupled with the travel disruption that was widely broadcast rather took the appeal out of the day.  That said, other than feeling a bit bruised and battered the Dentist wasn't as bad as I had feared and a revised treatment plan that left me with considerably more pocket money at my disposal than I had planned.  Still not convinced that I was up to battling with rail replacement buses and with my wingman, the Provost Marshal otherwise disposed, I decided to sleep on it and see how I felt in the morning.
*That was quite a result! 
**Their words not mine, Salute guide 2016
Now I want to game the Vietnam War!
A new day brought with it a renewed determination and having hastily gathered up camera and swag bag we decided to give it a go.  As it happens the travel wasn't as bad as I had feared and with a combination of a little forward planning and the absence of the London Marathon competitors all heading in the same direction to register, I found myself at the venue just before eleven o'clock.  Shunning the idea of a restorative coffee I joined the tail end of the queue that was just filing into the venue, with the marshals collapsing the queuing system around us - perfect timing, I thought.
Frostgrave at its best - lots of LEDs this year too.
So there I was, party bag in hand and suddenly aware that I hadn't a clue what I had come for, but this didn't seem to matter as a broad grin swept across my face.  I popped across to see Michael 'Dalauppror' and their wonderful Battle at Foteviken 1134 game, which was a delight to see as I had been watching the progress on it over several blogs.  Just as I walked away, I realised that I had't taken any photographs and really needed to have a better plan!
Battle of Agincourt
With no real shopping list to speak of, I was happy just to pootle from table to stand depending on what caught my eye.  Whilst seemingly a less stressful approach to the day it does prove an expensive one as I found myself looking at all manner of wonderful shiny things.  Rather than be lured in by recognised brands I was interested in the smaller stands and let's be honest they were easier to get to, not besieged by a throng of day-sack wielding consumers with a veritable blood lust to get to their 'precious' goal. 
My favourite game on the day- The siege of Brostol
There were a couple of 'must haves' that included a box of the new Perry Miniatures plastic North West Frontier/Sudan British Infantry, although I couldn't, with my output, justify the three boxes required to claim the metal Ensign, and I picked up Colonel Snook's new book having had the man scribble in the front of it.  I know I missed a huge amount and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's photographs in due course, but I did enjoy chatting to a few more of the traders including the chaps over at 'Battle Systems' who were able to show me samples of the Urban Apocalypse range that I had backed as a Kickstarter.  
I also had a lovely chat with a gentlemen manning the 'Eureka' participation game using a skirmish ruleset called 'Tribal', which might be worth investigating a little more.  On the subject of participation games, was it my imagination, but were there more smaller games backed by miniature companies than Club games?  There were some of the usual stunning set ups and I think this is another reason for me to keep going back to Salute, just to see what an actual proper wargame looks like, although once again, I have not done them justice as taking photographs soon gave way to purchasing goodies!
The highlight for me, and indeed perhaps the reason for me changing my mind and attending this year, was the the now legendary Bloggers meet up at one o'clock.  It is always good to put a face to the avatar and this year I managed a couple of new ones, Roger and Jez it was lovely to meet you both.  That said, I don't do this part of the day justice as my crippling shyness saw me hiding at one end of the meet, but I am getting a little braver every year.  
Tribal - Honour is everything!
I decided to leave shortly after the meet up as I was in danger of spending a lot of money that I didn't need to on the likes of '4Ground's' new Gothic City range.  So another year gone and as I started the journey home, tired but ultimately glad that I had made the effort, I felt that there were still enough positives in the day that would see coming back time and again - I had better start saving now!   
The Swag.

Thank you Tamsin, for the photograph.


  1. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures Michael, for those too far away from the place to be! Love Hastings and Brostol especially...

  2. Nice haul! Looks like there were some superb tables and games this year!

    1. It certainly never fails to impress, a great day out.

  3. The joy and danger of having no plan. Usually go to shows with a rough idea. The only time I preordered I regretted it. Nice haul

    1. Sound advice Martin, I was tempted to pre-order but given that there was doubt that I might not go I just couldn't risk it.

  4. Nice report Michael,there are a couple of pictures of games I never actually saw myself, there was a lot of "eye candy" (hate that term) games there but I felt that there was a lack of real eye popping games this year like "Stingray", the "battle of Hoth" and the Bernard Cornwell based "AWI" games last year, just my opinion though.

    I was a real pleasure to meet you yesterday and press the flesh that paints those beautiful miniatures.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger and likewise a joy to finally meet you too. I think you are right about the games, but that said there were some stunners!

  5. A pleasure to see you yesterday Michael, and many thanks for the wonderfully painted mini too. I forgot to ask whether you were planning on posting it up on your blog or if you'd mind me posting it up on mine (giving you all the credit obviously). Til next year :-)

    1. Thrilled to be able to hand over my forfeit in person and please post about him, he is after all yours. I will be probably do a quick post to log him on the tally, but only after you.

  6. And there was me thinking it was my unfeasibly good looks that had scared you off! Shame we only had a brief chat face-to-face, but that's the beauty of blogging - you can 'chat' online. A good round-up of the event and some nice pictures. Now to encourage you to spend some money - whilst I'm sure you saw Crooked Dice's Ectomobile, did you see TT Combat's Fire Station? If you, here's the link:
    On my shopping list for when I do the 'real' Ghostbusters!

    1. It was lovely to meet you too Jez and as you say a shame that we didn't natter longer, I had much to ask about Ghostbusters and did I really need to see that fire station - now on my shopping list too!

  7. LOL Michael, we much get name badges! Next year.

    I missed several of the games you have photographed. I think your Hastings is... Agincourt!

    Best, Simon

    1. I keep saying that I'm going to do that Simon, the badges that is. As for Agincourt, you must be right, not sure what came over me there?

  8. Thanks for sharing, looks like a great day.

  9. Nice report Michael. It's a shame we didn't get to talk for longer, but with so many folks at the meet it does get difficult.

    1. oh, and you are welcome to nab the bloggers' meet pic from my blog if you want :)

    2. Well there is always next year and thank you, I'll shall nab away.

  10. Michael, I was at the bloggers meeting with Kyle (I'm stood behind him with the cap), but failed to properly announce myself! I think your 1066 photo was actually Agincourt (using dba rules?) btw :-) Next time I'll be better behaved!

    1. So near, yet so far, but maybe next time. Not sure what I was thinking about with Agincourt, clearly still a little jaded! ;)

  11. Great eye-candy and a very respectable haul, Michael.

    In Hitchcock fashion you've made a cameo appearance in your own pictures, I see. (That is you in the shoulder pads and aviator-goggles, isn't it?) ;)

    1. Thank you Mr. Finch, sadly on this occasion you are mistaken, but I did think that the same chap had wiped my cricket bat as a prop - they really went the extra mile for the game.

  12. Your last phot is the reason why I gave Salute a miss this year.

    The gaming tables looked brilliant.

    1. You're not wrong, I thought it was a small haul by previous year's standards, but having just done a quick tally I was quite shocked at how much I spent.

  13. Nice to see it all without having to travel/queue/stand on hard concrete for hours/over-spend! Thanks for sharing, Michael, I'm glad you had a good time.

  14. Cracking pictures. I will only encourage you to play Vietnam games. Some of the games do look so good, real show stoppers.

    1. There were an awful lot of Vietnam War movies produced in the 80s and this particular teenager, couldn't get enough of them, it will have to remain an idea for now, but maybe one day.

  15. Looks great chief. Someday I should really make it to Salute.

    1. Well if you do, it will be lovely to have the opportunity to say hello in person.

  16. Thanks for sharing these pictures and your impression of the meeting. Maybe one year I can make it with the rowboat to join you all!


  17. Glad to hear you were able to spend some of your dental funds on wargaming goodies instead.

    You certainly took a lot more photos than me Michael and I didn't even get to see some of those games. I find I get side tracked and end up missing some of the games and trade stands with this show.

    Those Perry figures were very tempting, I look forward to seeing yours painted.

    1. Thank you Pat, I had such good intentions with the camera, but like you I was soon side tracked by all manner of lovely looking goodies.

  18. We looked for you and we missed you. A real pity that. The whole event felt different. There were couples and hand holding and children and normality. Really good, but very different to the previous norm. I loved the event and am glad that you did too. now lets get some gaming dates in the diary!! Batman has just got to happen and I am happy to host.

    1. I was really glad that I went in the end, albeit briefly and will be putting it in my diary for next year. Speaking of Diaries we must do that very thing, busy at work until the end of May, but then should have some more time.

  19. So much Greate pictures Michael ! ...and non of our game... ;)

    Was indeed really nich to get a face to the name and have a chat, glad that you liked our game :)

    Best regards Michael

    1. I am so sorry Michael, I was so intent on saying hello and seeing the table that I completely forgot about getting the camera out - what an idiot I am! :)

  20. A great collection of photos Sir M. Great to meet up again, even if it was breifly.

    1. Always a pleasure to shake your hand Sir, albeit briefly.

  21. Glad you were able to attend the show, sir.

    1. So was I in the end, definitely a good day out.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Looks like another feast for the eyes convention for you Michael! Yes start saving your quatloos now! I think from the games you showed in your photos, the Road Warrior one sticks in my mind! Oh & of course the Frostgrave

    1. They certainly caught my eye too, Frostgrave is looking very tempting.

  24. Lovely photos Michael, thanks!

  25. Oh, how I envy you!!! :D Splendid photos, thanks for sharing!

  26. And a good day was had by all or a good haul was had by day.
    More piccies of some great looking games to make me even more jealous. QUite a hual of your own too.

    1. Thank you Joe, certainly a great excuse to spend some pocket money and so much to choose from!

  27. A splendid report my friend. Most important it's good to hear that your dentist session was better and less expensive than expexted. Unbearable to apprehend you in the hands of dentist Christian Szell... ;-)

    As for Salute it looks like a blast again. The blogger meeting alone justifies a visit and I must admit I'm aiming at 2018 to jump over the channel myself to give it a go.


    1. Oh don't you will have me reaching for the clove oil! Half my problem is not sticking to regular appointments, my own stupidity really. 2018 sounds like it could be a good year then, it would certainly be wonderful to catch up face to face.

    2. Catching up face to face with you and some of the other blogging fellows is the main reason to visit Salute for me!

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  29. The Battle of Agincourt looks AMAZING! O_O

  30. One year or another I hope to make a ttrip back home and attend the convention. I keep reading excellent reports and see all the wonderful pictures on people's blogs and i find I'm become rather envious!
    Thanks for sharing Michael!
