
Sunday 13 March 2016

Happy Blogday '28mm Victorian Warfare'...

...5 today!
Today marks the fifth anniversary of '28mm Victorian Warfare' and I felt that it was appropriate to just take a moment or two to thank you, dear reader.  I suggested, after this humble weblog’s first anniversary, that there was little in this world that is more self indulgent than having your own 'blog', particularly one devoted to the collecting, painting and gaming of miniature warriors just shy of three centimetres tall, but what an unexpected delight it has been developing and maintaining ‘28mm Victorian Warfare’ over the last five years.
First posted 15th March 2011
Conceived as a way or recording my tentative progress and observations through this most wholesome of hobbies, the 'blog' also became an important distraction from the ever demanding day job; an escape from all those ‘real life’ problems that befall us all from time to time.  Looking back at that first post, there was a clear agenda, a simple plan that over the years has been somewhat strayed from. In fact casual visitors to the blog may be confused by its very title as '28mm Victoria Warfare' seems to encompass everything but colonial wargaming in its present form. Regardless of distractions, and there will undoubtedly be many more,* I have no doubt that I will continue to find myself returning to the period that spawned my hobby interest. Whilst I may still dream of leading massed ranks of toy soldiers across the table top, I have a greater understanding of where my hobby progress lies and look forward to pushing on regardless.
*did someone say Ghostbusters?
First posted 29th March 2011
Finally and perhaps most importantly I just want to thank all that visit, particularly those that take the time to leave a comment - your support, enthusiasm and best wishes are truly inspirational. To demonstrate my gratitude in a more tangible way I have decided to run a modest giveaway.  To celebrate my first foray into the Anglo-Zulu I thought that I would offer the same set that I painted all those years ago - a pack of Empress Miniatures British Infantry in Campaign Marching Poses. In addition, and because I appreciate that not everyone has the same tastes, the winner of the draw may add a second pack of miniatures of their own choice ,with a comparable worth to the first, from the 'Empress Miniatures' website.
Fist posted 17th March 2011
In order to qualify for the draw you must be a public follower of ‘28mm Victorian Warfare’ and enter by leaving a comment below. I hope to make the draw on the 31st March at which point I will ask the winner to make contact via email to discuss distribution.  So once again a huge Thank You, and if I have erroneously overlooked your blog, then do please let me know by leaving a comment below.
Part 1 of the giveaway. 


  1. Congratulations on your anniversary, I'm rapidly approaching my 1st and passed 10K hits yesterday. It's a joy to visit your site, the work you produce is of the highest order and often inspirational. I bought some Studio Miniatures British Marines on Saturday and whilst looking on the web for painting guides I was your site that popped up (2011 ish)with some Redoubt ones. Should finish them tomorrow and will put them up on the Challenge.
    Right enough sycophanty don't you have some Zulus to finish;)

  2. Happy birthday! And many many years in future!

  3. Congrats on the blogiversary. I always enjoy my visits here and seeing what wonders you have to present to us. It's been a great inspiration to me in my own blogging.

    Ghostbusters, eh? I wonder if dinosaurs have ghosts...

    And, yes, I'd like to be included in your draw!

  4. Five years is a big milestone. I reached it in 2014 and can totally understand how blogging is an escape. Same for me!
    Keep it up.

  5. Only 5? Wow, you've done amazing things in that time Michael - well done indeed!

  6. Congratulations!
    Always a pleasure to visit your blog there are so many beautiful and inspiring work. :)

  7. Happy Blogbirthday Sir M, you are an inspiration to us all!!!! Here's to the next 5 years!!!

  8. Happy blogday! I've enjoyed following your work for several of those years and look forward to many more. Well done Michael.

  9. Happy Blog Day, Michael! And many many more, sir!

  10. Happy blogday and many happy returns. Keep it up!

  11. Happy to be part of many faithful readers ...Happy blogday Michael!

  12. Congratulations on your mile stone mate, having just reached one myself :-)
    Your blog is always so inspirational with beautifully worked vignettes and dioramas and cracking painting. Please include me in the draw also

  13. Happy blogday and may there be many more!

  14. Congratulations!
    I appreciate your comments on my blog as well!

  15. Oh yes please! Keep up the good work. Your stuff is excellent - though more Victorian stuff would always be welcome.

  16. Happy 5th Blogday m'Lord :)

  17. Happy Birthday and thanks for sharing your wonderful work! Cheers Michael!

  18. Happy Blogday! I look forward to reading the next year of posts!

  19. Congratulations! Happy birthday for your nice blog!

  20. Happy 5th Birthday, old sport! Here's to many more.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Happy Birthday Michael. Keep up the wacky and inspiring work!

  23. Happy blog day, Michael. Your work is an inspiration to us all - your vignettes being an especial highpoint and your Gotham City zoo posts ones I'll be referring to when constructing stone walls of my own. I can't wait to see how your foray in Ghostbusting territory manifests. No need to include me in the draw, as they're are more deserving out there. However, should you see fit to paint "Pixie Awdry" soon, that will be reward enough. ;-)

  24. My best wishes to you Michael, and without sounding too corny, one of my highlights of last year's Salute was shaking you by the hand; as you're postings are inspirational (and sometimes costly) :-)

  25. Happy Blogbirthday Michael! Its been a fun, inspiring ride & I've been able to use some of your tricks/tips to enhance my own meager skills! Cheers!

  26. Happy blogday, 5 years and not a wrinkle in sight!

  27. No need to enter me in the draw. I just wanted to wish you a happy 5th Blogday!

  28. Happy Blogday Michael. I had to also to reflect that my own blog has now been in 'operation' for over four years so I can well understand your pleasure in lasting so long. Your blog s always a pleasure even if I'll never aspire to the heady ranks of your artistry it is still inspiring.
    Thank you once more for all the years of pleasure.

  29. Congratulations on the milestone and with continuing so successfully with the hobby. I've got to say that I love that artillery piece, shown.

  30. Congrats Michael! With you beeing one of my favourite artists in this hobby I wish you all the best for the next five years! May the distractions (tm) never cease and the dice always roll high.

  31. Happy anniversary and many more to come!

  32. Congrats on the blog anniversary! 5 years is quite a long time in the hobby blogosphere! This has definitely been one of my favorite blogs to follow!

    I'll skip on the draw though. Better leave it for some other lucky individual :)

  33. Happy birthday, Michael! Here's to may more years and many more interesting posts!

  34. Congrat's on 5 years Michael! Looking forward to many more.

  35. Well done that man! A blog I always enjoy visiting, a fantastic (growing) collection of top quality painted figures.

  36. Congrats to your anniversary! :)

  37. Congratulations, sir! Always such a pleasure to drop by...very much looking forward to the next five years!

  38. Happy Birthday! Keep up the good work.

  39. Best wishes to you sir on this most auspicious occasion! Of course I *knew* this was coming up when I submitted my "tribute" to your talents for the last AHPC bonus round :-)

  40. Best wishes! It's a pleasure to read you!

  41. My very best wishes for your blog birthday, my friend!
    Your wonderful work has been accompanying me since I made my first steps into the bloggosphere. Nevertheless it's still a place which I always appreciate to come to and enjoy your wonderful pieces of art as a constant source of inspiration.

    Of course I would gladly join the raffle.

    With very best wishes

  42. Happy birthday to the blog, and a couple of thanks yous - not only for maintaining this blog, with its preponderance of eye candy, but also for being such an active commenter on everyone else's blogs!

    1. *thank yous - who knew typing on an iPad with a baby sleeping on your chest was so difficult?

  43. Congratulations Michael, I simply reiterate the comments of your other followers

  44. I don't wish to be included in the giveaway, but I will add my congratulations for your consistently fine blog and wish you many more years of showing us painted excellence.

  45. I'd like to congratulate you for the anniversary!

  46. Happy 5th year! It almost makes your blog adult! :)

  47. Hello Michael! Congrats to your achievement! Merry blogging!

  48. Best wishes for your blog's birthday!

  49. That's a really cool set of giveaways! Very detailed and nice. Oh by the way ... CONGRATS on 5! :)

  50. Congratulations from Wargame News and Terrain!

  51. Add my (belated) congratulations to the list. Is there any blogday cake left over?

  52. Congratulations on the 5 years! I have enjoyed following you! Look forward to many more

  53. Bloody love yer blog. Bloody love the idea of free stuff. Good work sirrah and congrats!

  54. Happy birthday to one of my favorite blogs! Keep up the excellent work!

  55. Wow! five years! Many congratulations... it's no mean feat maintaining a blog for that length of time..... I should know- I've got three! LOL :>)

    Bon ani


  56. Happy Blogday!
    Here's to many many more Sir.

  57. Congrats Michael and up to the next five years! Always a joy to see your beautifull paintwork!


  58. Well done to you. You are very consistent with your blogging, regular, always spectacular and hugely entertaining. I salute you sir.

  59. Congrats on five years, long may you continue!

  60. Very happy blogday, a very interesting blog it is too!

  61. Congratulations on reaching the golden age of five. i see lots of the guys i know web wise that is have applied their typing finger here so i thought i would too.
    After all said and done your blog certainly does arouse curiosity!
    My own little blog has yawned itself awake and has limped over a year and a bit now. Greetings Beano Boy

  62. Congrats on the 5 year milestone. I look forward to your blog posts, as there's always some well painted minis, and beautifully imagined dioramas to look at.

    Also, what a great give away, Empress minis are quite something.

    Here's to the next 5 years.
