
Thursday 24 March 2016


With Spring now officially sprung, lambs gambolling in the fields and an overabundance of daffodils lining the roads of this fair isle, it seemed a fitting time to stop and reflect on the hobby juggernaut that was 'VI Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge’.  Before I go much further, I must take a moment to wholeheartedly acknowledge the Herculean efforts of one man, the legend that is Curtis Campbell Esq. - editor in chief of  'Analogue Hobbies'.  This year, ably assisted by a crack squad of hand picked Minions, the team managed to process an inordinate amount of entries, many breathtaking in their quality, ingenuity or simply scale - it really has been a feast for the eyes, thank you one and all.
For my own part, I thoroughly enjoyed this year's challenge, determined as I was to make up for last year's difficulties, and managed to improve upon, albeit marginally, my tally from 2015.  Along the way I manage to snaffle a couple of prizes in the bonus themed rounds, which brings me to the rather charming image that opened this post.  I was thrilled to hear that for bagging first spot in the 'Nautical' bonus round, I was to receive a book token to spend in the virtual halls of Edwin King's Diplomatist Book Shop. Well it didn't take long to spy a couple of titles that I fancied and in no time at all they were dispatched to 'Awdry Towers', complete with a hand written note on a postcard.  
The postcard depicted a work by Frederick Sandys simply entitled 'Autumn'*.  Painted in 1860, packed with symbolic details and clearly influenced by the Pre-Raphalite Brotherhood, 'Autumn' has a certain melancholy note that many of us who entered the challenge now feel.  With my own sense of focus and drive now removed or exhausted, the painting table stands bare with denuded paint brushes idly gathering dust. This is, of course, a temporary aberration as like a good many I find solace in a spot of retail therapy and with 'Salute 2016' on the horizon, I'm sure many a new project will surface, but for now it is time to relax.
So a final group shot of my efforts this winter, most of which I have already featured on this humble weblog, but nonetheless I have added a couple of shots of my bonus round entries.  Finally, don't forget that there is also a giveaway to commemorate '28mm Victorian Warfare's' fifth anniversary.  To enter, and be in with a chance of winning two packs of 'Empress Miniatures', just leave a comment on 'Blogday' post here.  The draw is due to be held on the 31st March 2016.

* The following is from the Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery
'Autumn' 1860, bequeathed by R.J. Colman, 1946 - Oil on canvas. 79.6 x 108.7cm

This painting is one of Sandys' most ambitious and successful works. Painted soon after his first encounters with the PRB it shows the influence of their ideas on his work, with its rich colours, minute detail and symbolic meaning.

Several studies for this painting exist and in fact the largest of them, included in the exhibition, was shown at the Royal Academy instead of the finished oil. The landscape is highly influenced by the beautiful background of Millais' otherwise disastrous painting 'Sir Isumbras at the Ford'. Although Sandys used that painting as a basis for a savage cartoon, called 'A Nightmare' he also used Millias' work in a more positive way to create the stunning riverscape and sunset sky we see here.

As is typical in Sandys' work, each aspect of 'Autumn' has been painted in incredible detail. It is possible to identify the uniform and medals of the soldier - he was a member of the West Norfolk Militia Battalion of the 9th Infantry Regiment. In fact the family in 'Autumn' were probably a real Norwich family whom Sandys often used a models. The man is seen again in 'The Old Chartist' whilst the girl appears as the heroine of 'The Portent'.


  1. A sterling effort young man! I am looking forward to next year. (I am now on the cool down)

    1. Thank you Clint, I've started scribbling down some ideas for next year already too.

  2. Well done that man! Impressive quality and quantity once again in this year's challenge. You'll enjoy the 'Josiah the Great' book, he was definitely an interesting character (i.e. an ever so slightly bonkers American).

    1. Thank you Matt, looking forward to 'Josiah the Great', not heard of him before.

  3. You've certainly had a good Challenge - what you've painted up during it certainly does look top draw.

    I have to admit to receiving several, excellent postcards from Diplomatist Books in the past. Edwin must have quite the collection of beautiful postcards :)

  4. Your entries showed the characteristic quality, attention to detail, creativeness and sense of whimsy that we have come to expect and look forward to :)

    You had a great Challenge once again Michael. See you at Salute :)

    1. Thank you Tamsin, it was certainly a fun year made all the better for your contributions.

  5. Staggeringly good stuff both in quantity and top, top quality sir.

    Cheers Roger.

  6. Great to see it all together...such quality, particularly the dioramas which are truly outstanding!

    1. Thank you Gordon, it was good fun putting them all out together like that.

  7. I'm glad you enjoyed the postcard - I hope the books give as much pleasure!

    1. Thank you Edwin, certainly looking forward to both.

  8. Replies
    1. That is incredibly kind of you, thank you very much.

  9. Wonderful collection of entries Michael. Hopefully they are proudly displayed as they continue to inspire you to greater painting feats

    1. Thank you Terry, I'm afraid some have had to be put away so as not to receive the wrath of the Saintly Mrs. Awdry.

  10. Super nice modeling, Sir!!

  11. Cool collection this year. Next year I'm going to focus on the bonus round, less production line work

    1. Thank you Martin, I really enjoy the bonus rounds, but they are a time sink.

  12. I;m speechless, some excellent dioramas. I could look at them for hours. I like the underwater one. It just captures something for me. Well done and thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much, I certainly felt that I had a good challenge, but glad to take some time now to wind down.

  13. Excellent modeling all round Michael!

  14. Most impressive results in terms of quality and quantity!

  15. Fantastic collection of entries! Your dioramas are once again among my favorite entries for this year.

  16. Another cracking year mate. Well done indeed. I thoroughly enjoyed wrestling with you over the bonus rounds!

    1. Thank you Michael and you certainly pulled out all the stops on the bonus rounds, placed in every round - that was some achievement!

  17. Wonderful effort in the painting challenge this year. Your bonus theme entries were all works of art.

    1. Thank you so much Rod, it was certainly great fun.

  18. Replies
    1. Thank you very much Francis, it was a good year all round.

  19. That is a superb effort Michael well done!

  20. Quantity and quality by themselves is one thing but together, is very impressive. Well done Michael and thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much Pat, that is very kind of you.

  21. A wonderful collection of figures Sir M. Some real quality work!

  22. Super dioramas, wonderful painting skills, I always look forward to your themed entries Michael

  23. Impressive what you did for the The Sixth Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge. Cheers, Karl

  24. Great work, Michael! I have loved all of your entries this year - great quality, amazing imagination and fantastic modelling. super work, Sir!

  25. Hey Michael, you did a fantastic job on the challenge. I've been following it from the beginning but there were to much posts I didn't give comments. Congrats with the prizes!
    Great painted entries!

