
Sunday 18 October 2015

So do you have any regrets?

...Garfield, maybe.
Zomtober 2015 - post#5

There's always a danger that a particular genre of filmmaking can become swamped with tired storytelling and over used clichés, zombie films particularly are prone to this, but every so often one stubs a toe on a gem of celluloid creativity, something that looks at things a bit differently, I would like to offer up Zombieland as one such example.

This is essentially a road movie, as our band of survivors, following a list of survival rules, make their way toward a rumoured safe haven in Los Angeles.  There a plenty of laugh out loud moments sandwiched between the inevitable gratuitous violence and gore, but a particular highlight is when our band of plucky survivors seeks shelter in a Hollywood mansion belonging to no less a celebrity than Bill Murray himself.  What follows is a wonderfully absurd sequence that sees the untimely demise of Mr. Murray due to a case of mistaken identity.

Imagine my delight then, when I saw this splendid two piece casting*, simply known as the 'Celebrity', but a sculpt that could so easily be mistaken for a certain B. Murray Esq.; another stretch goal from the successful 'Studio Miniatures' Z-Clipz: Outbreak Kickstarter.  This was too good an opportunity to pass up and when it came to applying paint, I was keen to play homage to the man. Initially I was worried about the pattern on his Pringle golfing sweater, but after much concentration and the occasional blue word this soon became my favourite area.

*The left arm a separate piece

When it came to basing I was keen to hint at the Hollywood mansion, where the character meets his untimely demise.  Unsure how to proceed I stumbled across some wooden floor bases from  'Fenris Games'* in my bits box and then inspiration struck!  I remembered that Furt had kindly resized some rugs that he was going to use for his games set in the exotic Indostan.  A quick visit to the always inspiring 'Adventures in Lead' and I had a veritable bazar at my disposal, the rugs available as part of an "over stocked, half priced, closing down, clearance, end of financial year, camel soiled sale" were simply downloaded, with a section snipped off one corner and pasted onto the painted base.  Once assembled the miniature was drilled and pinned on top.

*That said, I don't seem to be able to find them anymore on their webstore.

So what next?  Well, I'm hoping to finish off some Victorian undead for a sneaky mid week post and then, if all goes to plan, I have another 'Studio Miniatures' survivor for the final run in to the finish line of 'Zomtober 2015'.

Bill Murray: [dying] Is that you say hello where you come from?
Columbus: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, I can't believe I shot Bill Murray.
Tallahassee: Mr. Murray?
Bill Murray: I'm just Bill, I think, now.
Tallahassee: Bill?
Bill Murray: Yeah?
Tallahassee: [pokes at Bill's wound] I don't think we're gonna be able to stitch this.
Bill Murray: Ah. That's still tender.
Tallahassee: You think you might pull through?
Bill Murray: No.
Columbus: If it means anything now, I am so sorry. It was just instinctive.
Bill Murray: It was my bad. I was never a very good practical joker.
Little Rock: So do you have any regrets?
Bill Murray: "Garfield," maybe.


  1. Brilliant work, especially on that sweater pattern. Zombieland (& Bill Murray) are great! - The opening sequence of mini vignettes & the Murray scene are particularly excellent.

    1. I couldn't agree more such a giggle throughout and thank you.

  2. Superb mini and painting. Kudos. :)

  3. Snarky Victorian undead? Beware that's just a hope skip and jump down the rabbit hole. Bill is fantastic the sweater looks perfect! You've somehow made him look like a live zombie well done Lord Awdry.

    1. Thank you Robert, I still look longingly at your project and think I must jump in, bust just about resisting at present.

  4. "...I've had a few, but then again, too few to mention"
    (my favourite rendition of that song is, of course, that of the late Sir Sidney Vicious)

    Lovely figure and that's a great film :)

    1. I can almost hear you belting out that track! :) Thank you.

  5. Wonderful stuff Sir Awdry, just gobsmackingly good. Terrific film and you've nailed Mr Murray down to a tee ;-)

  6. Nice work, sir, on old Baby-Steps.

  7. Great work! The basing is excellent!

  8. That kitting pattern is CRAZY!
    Somehow you continue to amaze despite the despicably high standards we've all come to expect here Michael :-)

    1. That's ridiculously kind Paul, but thank you.

  9. Very cool figure. The Bill Murray scene is my favorite part of the movie - short as it is. His last line is classic Bill Murray.

    1. Thank you Dean and that scene always makes me smile.

  10. Good movie, excellent figure again Michael!

  11. Great job on this Sir Michael. I too like the way you did the pattern on his sweater!

  12. That's a cracking paint job and bit of basing. Brilliant.

    Don't know if you've a Kindle or the like, or are interested in the tales of Thomas Flashman (Harry's uncle, set in 1790s - 1812 so far), but if you are then Amazon are offering Flashman and Madison's War,

    1. by Robert Brightwell, at 99p. Generally its very similar to Harry Flashman, though less long-winded in the story telling. I've read the first three books in the series so far, and for the £2 or so on a Kindle they are nicely valued (though there is some additional words in sentences that an editor should have spotted and fixed).

      I pressed the wrong button, hence why this is in two-parts

    2. Thank you Roy and thank you also for the tip, I shall definitely go and have a look at those.

  13. Beautiful work Sir Michael! Sublime sweater and based to perfection. You never fail to inspire!

  14. Really awesome job on the sweater and basing!

  15. That's a glorious paint job, sir. Magnificent work on the sweater.

    1. Thank you very much, I was pleased to get it finished and it was touch and go for a while, whilst I figured out how it was going to work.

  16. A brilliant likeness and a superb paint job, Michael! I agree that a lot of zombie movies are very similar, so it's nice when one like "Zombieland" comes along. A good 'zomedy' trio would be Shawn of the Dead, Zombieland and Fido. The last stars Billy Connolly in a completely non speaking role and is very funny.

    1. Thank you Jez, I'd not heard of Fido, but have ordered up a copy and looking forward to enjoying over the half term break.

  17. A great little miniature, nicely done, and I like Zombieland too. Bill Murray stole that movie. =)

    1. Thank you A.J. and I have to agree with you, an inspired sequence.

  18. A really nice little ministure. Well done, Sir!

  19. Great movie, great miniature, great painting!

    Cheers Roger.

  20. Wow that put a smile on my face, well done there Mr Michael

    1. Glad you like it Pete, he certainly made me smile whilst I was painting him.

  21. Bill Murray and the promise of Victorian undead? Cool!

    Very well done, Michael.

  22. Brilliant work! And another great subject choice. Zombieland really is one of the best Zombie movies that has come out in the last years and that Bill Murray scene was an amazing idea.

    1. Thank you, I found Zombieland such a breath of fresh air and hugely entertaining.

  23. Brought a smile to my face, that did :-) . One of my favourite zombie films and a very good miniature...

    1. Thank you another inspire sculpt from Studio miniatures.

  24. How did I miss this post? That was a great moment in a great film and your model really does homage to it.

  25. Fabulous work Michael and one of the many funny moments in that movie!

    1. Thank you Simon, certainly a stand out scene for me too.

  26. Ace! That's some really impressive painting Michael. Love the sweater.

    1. Thank you Nick, it was good to tackle something a bit different.

  27. Hola Amigo
    Que buena,MAGNIFICO
    Me encanta la película
    un saludo

    1. Thank you so much J.D. that is very kind of you.

  28. Nice work, classic zombie pose, I like it

    1. Thank you Scott, I did wonder if the arm should have been at the same level, but the fit was better where they currently are.

  29. Its just all about that sweater. A work of art sir - great job!

    1. Thank you Sir, I feel a must have accessory for the next game.

  30. Loved Zombieland and this is NOT a critic of your work which is excellent but for some reason the zombie looked more like Paul McCartney to me. ^_^

    1. Oh my goodness, you are absolutely spot on, it's the hair and hangdog expression! We just need a zombie John, Ringo and George!
