
Wednesday 23 September 2015

Redoubt Enterprises English Civil War Falconet

As last year's 'Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge' drew to a close, I was keen to go out with a ‘bang’ and one of my last submissions came in the shape of this 'Redoubt Enterprises' English Civil War Falconet 2 1/4 gun and crew.

Those familiar with Redoubt’s miniatures will hopefully understand what I mean about them being reassuringly chunky.  Certainly not the most anatomically correct sculpts by today’s standard, but for some reason I thoroughly enjoy painting them.  I have often wondered if it has something to do with the lack of extraneous detail that allows the painter to put their own stamp of the miniature that appeals to me, but whatever the reason I can honestly say that I am a great fan of them.

The addition of the officer with his sighting quadrant saw me through my one thousand point target score – albeit by the skin of my teeth.  If truth be told this accomplishment had more to do with the very generous votes my entries to the bonus rounds secured rather than the number of miniatures That I actually painted.  The Challenge proved to be a much needed escape to what was a particularly  difficult year and I was once again thrilled to be involved - roll on December when it all starts again!


  1. Astonishing stuff Michael, and I love the basing of the cannon as well. Those flowers and grasses really set off the red colour scheme of the weapon. Those figures look just the sort of minis I especially like to paint as well, as I dislike detail and much prefer the 'chunkier' model for all the reasons you mention. They look fantastic and they're sure to attract an opponent's attention on the tabletop.

    1. Thank you so much Simon, It is amazing the difference a well placed tuft can make.

  2. No fortress could resist such a beautiful cannon...excellent job Michael!!

  3. I remember that beauty. I agree with the extraneous detail comment. I like to paint figures in a shirt and trousers with maybe a bag and a hat. There is more chance to express yourself. Cluttered figures become painting by numbers.

    1. That is certainly how I feel. Don't get me wrong, I like a detailed miniature, but I often find that the Redoubt models look better from a distance

  4. Up to your normally high unfaultable standard (I bet you would not agree with Unfaultable, but modesty aside you know you are an excellent painter) .... and so do we.

    I also like painting Redoubt figures as well there is something about their chunkie-ness which is enjoyable.

    1. Thank you Clint, I thoroughly enjoy the painting aspect of the hobby and I am thrilled that I can maintain a certain level of consistency. I am just grateful people take the time to comment, it is such a confidence boost.

  5. Wonderful brushmanship Sir! I know exactly what you mean about Redoubt figures, They do fit into that larger 25/28mm figure categor, and are very easy to paint up as well.

    1. Thank you Ray, perhaps it is my tiring eyes, but they seem easier than most to achieve a decent result with.

  6. Stunning paintwork Michael!

    Any more pike and shot units in progress?

    1. There should be Michael, but as usual I keep getting distracted. I have a box of ECW Cuirassiers that I can't fancy having a go at, maybe for this years challenge?

  7. That was a great entry indeed Lord Michael :)

  8. Fabulous brushwork on this piece and crew, Michael. BTW, I have only Redoubt's Trojan War and Early-Italian (Oscans) figures, but those are very nice. Anyway, I like the larger 28's :)

    1. Thank you Dean, I must admit I haven't really venture too far into their other ranges. That said I do have some of their Boxer Rebellion collection.

  9. Really nice painting, sir. I enjoyed your "artistic" use of red color to draw my eye through the diorama-scene in the last picture: [left=red britches; center=cannon wheels; and right=hat's red ribbon].

    Your "director's eye" is showing. Sweet!!

    1. Very kind of you Jay, although I'm not I planned it in that much detail, there was certainly a consideration to matching colours and foliage.

  10. Fantastic looking group of minis. I won't describe them as chunky though, they look suitably hefty to lug round a big piece of ordnance.

    1. I must admit you are absolutely right, it is only when they are scaled next to other makes that I start to think chunky.

  11. Very nice paintjob - I think the sculpts are great too.

  12. It was a great way to finish and like you I am looking forward to this years start of the challenge. A far more modest score will be my target this year


    1. I think me too Ian, I enjoy the bonus rounds, but they do tend to distract me from the original concept of getting things done.

  13. Brilliant stuff, really brought to life with such great paint work. Nice to see some ECW miniatures.

    1. Thank you, I will eventually get around to doing some more before too long.

  14. Great work. I love the blue-grey base that comes through with the white shirts. It gives them a very light feel.

    1. Thank you, not sure that was entirely designed, looks like the colour saturation in the photographs has been pushed a little too hard.

  15. Loads of character in the Redoubt ECW range, especially when painted up so well.

  16. Great brush-work as always, but they do look like they've all just come out the showers!
    (I'm a great fan of Redoubt figures too)

    1. Far too clean, you are of course absolutely right. I do enjoy a bit of 'soiling', but clearly forgot on these.

  17. Delightful work, Michael! The shading is excellent.

  18. "reassuringly chunky" made me laugh out loud. Not what I thought when I painted mine but each to his own. Lovely work as always mate.

    1. Good to hear that I brought a smile to your face. It is when you compare them to other ranges that they start to look a bit hefty, in a good way you understand. ;)

  19. I haven't had any experience with Redoubt figures, but I do like what you've done with your crew.

  20. Another lovely submission amongst an array of awesomeness!

  21. A fine looking piece of ordnance, Michael.

  22. Cracking painting Michael! The basing is top-notch too.

  23. Stunning artillery and crew Sir Michael!

  24. Cracking job there Michael and I love what you have done with it. I do know what you mean about redoubt's minis and I too like them for that reason

    1. Thank you Pete, I've certainly seen you wield your magic on a fair few over the years. They just seem to work don't they.

  25. Nice work Michael. & of course if you wanted to add a title to this little depcition it could be "Ready to Fire!...Wait a Sextant"


  26. Positively beautiful paint job and fantastic basing as well, all of which is to be more than expected from you, Mr. Awdry!

  27. Fabulous paint job as always but I'm really blown away by the basing. Lovely textures and colours to compliment the colours on the miniatures. Great stuff!

    1. Thank you, I must admit I do enjoy basing the models, it just adds a full stop to proceedings.

  28. Hola Amigo
    Magnificas piezas,queda una buena mini escena
    un saludo

  29. Fabtastic Michael a great looking artillery piece and little diorama in itself :)

  30. Unless I am mistaken you have used this colour scheme before and then as now I LOVE IT. Having a combo of blue-light brown-orange just works. It really does.
