
Monday 10 August 2015

A walk in the park...

…or Gotham Zoo to be more precise!
Sunday saw the Penguin's nefarious actions curtailed by the arrival of the Caped Crusader; he can be so tiresome!  Having spent far too long tinkering with the terrain, I was still trying to read the rules when Mike 'The Dark Templar' Reynolds* knocked at the door.  Not having much experience gaming, I find reading rules particularly difficult as all the jargon, lists and numbers seem to overwhelm me.  This is why I was exited at actually putting the 'Batman Miniature Game' into context by playing a game, but at the same time determined to have  fun!

*His post of the day can be found HERE, including a rather splendid picture of the Penguin!

I have no doubt that we got things wrong including the positioning of loot markers and forgetting that firearms wound on a +2 but this was meant to be a learning exercise and sure enough as the game developed the sound of laughter increased.  I watched in dismay as the Batman swung effortlessly from building to building and groaned incessantly as yet another magazine of high velocity shells was seemingly emptied into thin air!  This was the experience that I was hoping for and wasn't disappointed.

We played one and a half games, the Penguin snatching the first by hiding behind buildings counting his loot, but the second saw the Batman, and elements of Gotham's finest, show just what could happen if you got things wrong amassing an unassailable victory posits tally by the end of turn three!  So where does all this leave us?  I clearly need to spend some time re-reading the rules to become more familiar with certain phases of the game.  Having downloaded the free version of the rules, I was finding myself scrolling through them on my iPad trying to find the relevant page as Mike was explaining what he was doing.  As a result, I was becoming quite flustered during these phases and so just took the opportunity to stop and watch what Mike was doing.  The other thing, I need to do is build a bigger crew!  Two hundred rep points was perfect for what we were trying to do, but the second game just highlighted how important victory points were; I just couldn't close quickly enough to keep in the game.  I made some fundamental errors early on and should have used Sickle as a bullet magnet sending him straight down the road to distract the Police from lifting the loot**  Royal Penguin, didn't manage to land a shot all game, but proved a constant threat especially with his added grapple gun allowing him to take up positions on the rooftops.  Penguin Emperor was a disappointment and with hindsight I would have been better off taking a couple of lesser thugs to reach and hold objectives.  

**Should the Police be allowed to hold the the loot?  We did briefly discuss the ethics of this action, were they on the take?

What was lovely was seeing Mike's jaded opinion of the game change over the course of the day so I'm hopeful that we might persuade him, and of course Bull's Joker crew, to return to the mean streets of Gotham in the near future.

A quiet stroll around the streets of Gotham.
The screeching of brakes shatters the peace! 
The Batman surveys the scene from up high.
The Penguin's only real view of the game. 
The vandalism of the street furniture continues unabated. 
Gotham's finest follow in the shadows.
First contact.
The SWAT team takes advantage of the distraction...
…but soon receives some unwanted attention...
…and takes cover behind a large rubber duck! 
He's behind you!  Gotham's worst sniper is oblivious to the Bat.
A last swing of the sickle before the points are tallied.
A criminal mastermind savours a fleeting victory.


  1. That scenery is gorgeous! Even unpainted it stinks of gotham! Great job!

    1. Really struggling not to jump into this game now as well :S. Just had to have a second go over this post. Just amazing.

    2. It just works for me as I don't get to game very often, so I can tinker with a small group of miniatures and terrain, then enjoy a great day out.

    3. That's a very similar situation with me, so this game is appealing for the same reasons.

    4. It does become very addictive as you try to out score your opponents by building better teams, not to mention expensive!

    5. Just so you are aware, I completely blame you for my weakness . . .

    6. Oh Mike, what have you done? If it's any consolation I blame you for a random dinosaur purchase the other day! :D

    7. Ha! That makes me feel a bit better then.

  2. Absolutely astonishing!
    it's a wonderful table!

    1. Thank you so much Luca, such a blast to put together.

  3. Great looking set-up for what was obviously a highly entertaining contest.

    1. Thank you Joe, hugely entertaining once we got things going.

  4. That' a cracking looking table, even as a wip - and I'm glad to see that the Rocket Penguins made an appearance :)

    1. Thank you Roy, In a way all the buildings not painted had a uniformity not unlike modern cities, so I was delighted with how it all looked.

  5. Fantastic game – I have no doubt both the Batman and the Joker will be making an appearance soon!

    1. I do hope so, it was great to catch up and give the Penguin a waddle out.

  6. Lovely table. Sounds like a lot of fun!

    1. A hugely entertaining day and great to finally use the miniatures in anger.

  7. Replies
    1. They are not the easiest roes to get your head around and the PDF I was using was a pain to reference during the game, but with a willingness on both sides to 'play the game' rather than the rules things kept moving along nicely.

  8. Mate - you have pulled off first class table top. Great job. It sounds like the game delivered too. Excellent. A pity I missed it, but there is always next time. Can't wait.

    1. I really enjoyed putting the bits and pieces together and probably spent far too long on it instead of concentrating on the rules! Looking forward to catching up soon.

  9. Michael
    Lovely looking table and great Hat! This whole thing is definitely twisted and diabolical - I am quite surprised that Mike survived his visit to your secret lair and lived to tell the tale!
    Cheers, PD
    PS I like getting PDFs on the iPad but often find it helps to get the local print shop to print a copy off for reference during a game. I get the University shop to run them off on plain paper with card and plastic covers and coil ring binding.

    1. Thank you Peter, fortunately Mike lived to fight another day, but the Penguin will have his revenge. I did try to print out the rules, but they didn't reproduce very well, all too dark.

  10. Wonderful table Lord Michael and it will be totally fab when the buildings are painted. A great write-up - it sounds like you both had a lot of fun.

    As for that last pic, I must re-post the link I posted on Mike's AAR:

    1. A gentlemen can never have too many hats. ;)

  11. The minis look great in action. :)

    1. Thank you it was great to see them in action.

  12. Amazing terrain, Michael!

  13. Great fun! The photo documentary of the conflict is awesome, Sir.

    1. Thank you Jay, we certainly had a good day.

  14. That looks fantastic. Nice that you got two different results.

    Just so you know, there are some small but important differences between the PDF (which was a beta) and the rulebook. If you're both using the PDF, it won't be a problem though.

    1. Thank you Kieron, I think I'm going to have to pick up a copy of the rule book as there were definitely times when we were reading slightly deferent information.

  15. Wonderful looking game Michel - can't wait to see all that wood tarted up.

    And what a fine hat!

    1. Although a purple Tarboosh would have been even better ;)

    2. Thank you Phil, I've certainly got plenty to be getting on with! The hat just had to be done, although I nearly forget it! The Tarboosh will have to wait for the Pulp games! ;)

  16. Lovely terrain board Michael, is that all yours? Also wonderful to see you actually playing in a game eh!
    Keep at it, the Batman is supposed to be nigh unstoppable, but you can still foil him!

    1. Thank you Terry, I had most of the Sarissa buildings stashed away although brought the office block on the day. I managed to build the walls in the days leading up to the game and will have to do a post to show how they came about.

  17. As usual all very impressive - including the rather large rubber duck !

    1. Thank you Dan, the duck has become a bit of a mascot now and looked great parked up on the opposite side of the street to the Batmobile.

  18. Looks like you had great fun mate. Love the hat, it suits you :-)

    1. Thank you Millsy, although I'm not sure Mike got my best side. :D

  19. looks brilliant. Very jealous.

    1. Thank you Herbert, thrilled to have got my first couple of games in.

  20. Oh you have a Duckie! What's a Penguin game without one. The table looks grand and here's to more games in the future.

    1. Thank you Robert, great to get a couple of games under my belt, but now starting to realise all the shortfalls in my collection - need to buy more miniatures!

  21. You cut a fine figure in your purple headgear, sir.

    Great post. It's good to see your recent miniatures in their natural habitat.

    1. Thank you Mr. Finch, having built up the crew I was determined to use them in a game so grateful to Mike for agreeing to bring the Batman out of retirement.

  22. Great looking game table... and it will look better when painted!

    1. Thank you, certainly a lot to do, but at least now I know that I can put my hands on terrain if I need some.

  23. Great set-up, wonderful minis and a very interesting AAR!

  24. Fan-bloody-tastic! Awesome looking game Michael, what a joy!

  25. You have cemented my resolve regarding the Mars Attacks mats for supers gaming. Look great with all the additional scenery on top. Just need to get a couple more for my "city". Love what you did with the Hot Wheels duck too. Whilst I have been the occasional visitor, I will now be following you blog with interest. Regards Jez

    1. The mats really were superb and just helped to tie things in together. I would love a company to do a 90 x 90cm one as I don't have the space to put the four together. Great to have you onboard Jez.

  26. Amazing set-up Sir Michael! Even unpainted, the scenery shines. Thanks for sharing your fun. Love the hat Sir! I doff mine to you.

    1. Thank you Bob, the MDF stuff is great and the fact that it all matched just seemed to work really well.

  27. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed you first BMG game with this wonderfully created Penguin crew. Looks and sounds like a great game and a wonderful time at Awdry Towers.
    And by the waybe the purple top hat looks extremely becoming.

    1. Thank you so much Stefan it really was great fun and I loved acting the part!

  28. Some excellent terrain you had for the game! Certainly looks the part. Extra points for dressing in character as well :)

  29. Great looking game Michael. As for the Police taking the loot. Protect property not just life.

    1. Thank you MArk and very true, we will let them off this time!

  30. Awww ... who would want to shoot at the rubber ducky. That's an incredible terrain you have there. Looks realistic except for that ducky :)

    1. Thank you, although the duck hunting season might be coming round again shortly.

  31. As with all the others there is much to admire about the table. It sounded like a good game such a shame I don't like comic book hero's/villains or I think the game might suit me. Which is disturbing as I kind of want to get involved in it now!

    1. It is good fun, but I love the fact that I didn't need to paint many miniatures to get a game going.

  32. Great looking game Michael. Its a fun game I am slowly getting to grips with it having player my second game last night vs Pulp Citizen a loss this time for Penguin against Black Mask but like all good Villains I'll be back.

    Love all the extra details you've put in especially with that duck tank!

    1. Thank you Simon, it has been interesting reading the rules again having played a game, much clearer.

  33. Wonderful set up, looks like a great game.

  34. Strange and this duck!

  35. Hola
    Magnifica mesa de juegos
    Que envidia jajajaja

  36. Great setup, it´s good fun to see your fantastic minis in action - the duck sure adds "comic" relief to the ongoing drama... :) - love the hat...!!! :D Cheers!
