
Saturday 4 July 2015

Paint Table Saturday#87

Well school is out for summer and the hardest decision I expect to have face over the next couple of days is what to do first?  Whilst there hasn't been much in the way of painting of late there has been some preparation and list making.* One of the first things that I would like to see done is the completion of the Penguin Crew so that I can realistically challenge Messrs. Templar and Feb to a game.  

*In fact I seem to have lists on lists at the moment!

Of course this has meant that, once again, I have had to do battle with the often over complicated casts of the Dark Knight Miniatures.  Don't get me wrong, I love the sculpts and the characters, but was it really necessary to have them cast in so many pieces?  Above is the arm of Penguin Emperor minus his electric baton that I inadvertently snapped off early on in the proceedings - not my finest moment and I certainly wasn't proud of the language that was heard ringing around the halls of 'Awdry Towers'.

To make matters worse, I was then faced with another hobby dilemma in regard to basing.  For my first members of the crew, including the Penguin himself, I had opted for some rather splendid resin bases from 'Element Games', but some of the new crew members came with pre moulded detail bases - what to do?  Eventually deciding for uniformity I ordered up some more old factory bases only to discover that the design had changed somewhat - this really was becoming tiresome!  Still with some determination, fortitude and a modicum of bad language the final crew members were drilled, pinned, filled and ultimately based - phew! 

No sooner were they assembled and on the paint table when my 'Studio Miniatures' Kickstarter dropped onto the mat and once again I am distracted -you've got to love this hobby!  I am sure in the coming weeks I will eventually get something done, but just for the moment I'm just going to sit and stare at the nice new shiny toys.

Don't forget to visit the rest of the 'Paint Table Saturday' community here.


  1. What a wonderful array of minis you have Michael, and what a great dilemma to be in :-) I did start putting together a Joker Crew but frankly for all the reasons you highlight that project has been shelved... lovely looking minis but far too fiddly for my liking. You don't get these sorts of problems with plastic "Heroclix" :-)

    1. I couldn't agree more Simon although I am going to persevere a little longer, hopefully to get a game out of it.

  2. Shiny..........................

  3. They sound a fiddly for my fingers!

    1. They are a bit of a bind, but once assembled do bring a certain sense of satisfaction.

  4. I'm yet to try resin scenic bases, one of the problems being I didn't know where to purchase any. I'll take a look on the link you've provided. Thanks

    1. They certainly have a good range, but what I would say is check the stock availability before you order. When green they will have them at your door in 24 hours, but anything else and it all gets a bit frustrating.

  5. Michael, they will look fantastic when finished. I have no doubt in that! Not sure how I managed to miss Element Games, I can feel the pull on the credit card already! :)

    1. Some nice bits over at Element, but just check my reply to Roy above; on the whole I have been very satisfied with them.

  6. Oh shiny shiny shiny! Knowing you they will all come out very well indeed. Personally I will look forward to the Z goodness the most, but as mentioned I already know everything will come out GREAT so I can honestly say I will look forward to it all.....

    1. Thank you Clint, I am acting a bit like a giddy schoolboy at the moment, but who cares. ;)

  7. Lists upon lists. Planning projects is all part of the fun. For me, actually executing one or two of them is the tricky part.

    The based crew looks great. The mini in the front rank on the right makes good use of the elevation differences on its base.

    1. Planning and assembling are certainly highlights for me too and I have enjoyed working with the scenic bases, trying to select the right one for the miniature in question. Now time to dust off the brushes!

  8. Huzzah for summer! Can we expect lots of posts now?
    Your Penguin crew is seriously growing Sir Michael, but I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with the Studio Z-clips stuff.

    1. Thank you Bob, the Z-clips stuff is really calling to me at the moment, it all looks so good.

  9. Looking forward to see them painted

  10. You have some great diversions on your table,


    1. I just need to pick one and get on with it now Ian.

  11. Awesome! I am chuffed with my Studio minis. I am picking up some reinforcements for my own Penguin Crew next weekend at the Barrage show in Stafford wish me luck!! What did the original bases look like that came with the minis?

    1. Hope the show goes well and that you find what you need. The bases with the latest thugs are the black slotta ones in the photograph. They have a feel of rubble and if the truth be told I could have added some bits and pieces to them and I am sure that they would have fitted in pretty well. Just decided to go with the big scenic bases for continuity.

  12. Michael, I am totally in agreement with you on these multi-part metal models..WHY!!!! I stopped building model kits ages ago. These metal miniatures are meant to be gamed all these fiddly bits are just going to be a nuisance with damage & perhaps falling prey to errant dice.

    Also totally understand your dilemma with multiple draws trying to catch your eye for a bit of focus. Of course...we will soldier on, improvise & overcome.


    1. I am worried that as you say they will come a cropper to a knock, not sure how I will cope with that!

  13. Hola Amigo
    MAGNIFICA mesa tienes preparada
    y unas minis chulas
    un saludo

    1. Thank you J.D. I hope that I can do them justice with the painting.

  14. Looking forward to your Penguin progress. :) Make sure you keep us updated. :)

    I think continuity is the way to go on basing Michael. :) I am not really that convinced about the plastic textured slottas they are doing. Not sure i have seen many actually used.

    As for the number of parts - I think it seems to me that a number of models could have been cast in fewer parts, especially those that are in a relatively flat plane anyway. I think their moulding choices and casting could both be much better.

    1. That's good to hear, when I looked at the blacked pre-formed bases the relief looked a little on the shallow side, another reason for opting for the more scenic bases.

  15. So many cool projects going, Michael. I have no doubt you'll be posting their splendid results soon.

    1. Thank you Dean, but I do need to actually finish one or two of them!

  16. Great job on those. I keep starting batman projects, swearing, putting the bits aside and doing something else. Impressed with how well yours is going.

    1. That sounds horribly familiar Mike if I wasn't desperate to get a game in, I think they would have been shelved a while a go!

  17. A lot of work in the prep Michael but they look like they will be fun to paint.

    1. Thank you Pat, progress is certainly slow, but it is creeping forward.

  18. Wonderful to see your progress with the Penguin gang. No need to say that your excellent efforts lead me into the Batman universe once more. A nice reunion with my favourite comic-heroe of my youth. But in departure from the 80s comics I remember from my youngers days I plunged into the 'Court of Owls' cycle. Judging from part one I can highly recommend it.

    1. Thank you Stefan continuing to make progress, but interested to hear of the 'Court of Owls', very tempting.

  19. Do the Arkham stuff, your work there has been lovely so far.


    1. Thank you FMB, the gang is on the table! ;)
