
Wednesday 27 May 2015

Tea time in the Crimea

As we are currently enjoying a half term break, I thought I would indulge myself and post some finished work for a change and so for your delectation, I present theses additions to my Crimean War collection.  Now every now and then I come across a miniature and think I just have to have one of those.  This has often resulted in some truly spectacularly ill-advised purchases, that now languish somewhere in the lead pile, I ask you who buys roller skate wearing waitresses wielding baseball bats?  Well that would be me!

These however, stood a fair to middling chance of not only getting painted but also of actually being of some use.  The tea time collection of miniatures by 'North Star Military Figures' is such a wonderful idea, demonstrating a company that is so confident about its position in the market place that it has persuaded the companies under its banner to contribute with individually commissioned miniatures enjoying a cup a tea - how charmingly English!  The first up, 'Tommy Atkins', painted as a member of the 19th Regiment of Foot, the Green Howards; his ruddy complexion betraying the fact that he has sought solace and bravery in the shape of a bottle and not a tea leaf.*

*Pun most definitely intended, as I'm fairly sure that he has requisitioned his bottle from the Offices' Mess!

This is one of two contributions to the tea time collection from 'Great War Miniatures'; eluding to the infamous story of the short-tempered Lord Cardigan,** who, on seeing Captain Reynolds and not Captain Nolan as the 1968 film would have us believe, place a bottle of Moselle wine directly on the table, flew into such a rage as to have Captain Reynolds placed under military arrest!  

**James Thomas Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan.

The second of 'Great War Miniatures' contributions comes in the shape of this Guards’ officer, painted here as a Grenadier.  I am afraid that I stole the idea of the cannonball landing as his feet directly from the 'Northstar' site, but it really was too good an idea not to do so.   Finally then a Russian General that arrived in the post from that splendid chap, Stefan A.K.A. Monty of 'Monty's Caravan' fame.  Stefan is a hugely generous person who thought that I might enjoy painting this up and indeed I certainly did! 

I believe this is part of the Russian High Command pack from 'Foundry Miniatures', but I am ashamed to say that my knowledge of Russian Generals is a little patchy at best, but my superficial research unearthed some reference material and a name in, Dmitri Jerofejewitsch Graf von der Osten-Sacken, which seemed to fit the bill nicely.  My thanks to Stefan and I hope you approve of my humble efforts at bringing him to life?

Finally, just because I can, enjoy the fictional retelling of the 'Black Bottle' incident from Tony Richardson's much maligned 1968 film, 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' starring Trevor Howard as the overbearing Lord Cardigan.

"You are drinking beer, sir, porter beer!"


  1. Genius choice of miniatures sir!

  2. Lovely work Sir Michael! :)

    Just a suggestion for future horses, the dark lower legs ("cannons") could do with being slightly feathered at the top and perhaps drybrushed with the base/shade colour of the main coat.

    1. Thank you Tamsin and for your tips on the cannons, will definitely have to look at those more closely next time.

  3. Wonderful! Really like these guys!

    1. Thank you Rodger, one day I hope to have some company for them.

  4. Great stuff Micahel ,they're charming

    1. Thank you Scott, they were really must have miniatures.

  5. Grade: A+ :)
    I love the ruddy appearance on Tommy's face.

    1. Thank you so much Roy, he was a blast to work on.

  6. They've put me in the mood to go and make a lovely cup of char!!!

    Lovely figs, full of character and excellent paint job as always!

    1. Thank you and always a good time for a cup of tea.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you Gordon, that is very kind of you.

  8. I'm liking these a lot! :) Very fun!

    1. Thank you, they are such a fun range of miniatures.

  9. Top job Sir Michael.
    Tommy's drunken flush is superb, as are the other figures. Maybe the grenadier is also partaking of a "stiffener" to weather the approaching bombardment.
    That general's name should win some kind of award on it's own.

    1. Thank you Bob and I think you might be right, he looks far too calm!

  10. Lovely painting, Michael, and terrific sculpts.

    1. Thank you Giles, great fun to work on too.

  11. Michael
    Lovely looking trio. The Green Howard does look like he has supplemented his orange pekoe! Now I want to see baseball bat wielding roller skating waitresses.
    Cheers, PD

    1. Thank you Peter, I was just looking at them the other day when I was trawling for something else - my word they are odd!

  12. Well done sir...another cup of tea may be?
    Excellent job Michael!

  13. It's nice to see your work again Michael. Your brushwork is, as usual, exemplary!

    1. Thank you so much Anne, it has been lovely to have had the time to finish something and post it.

  14. Now these are just my cup of tea, (yes you knew someone would say that, and you could have guessed it would be me!)
    Splendid sire just splendid. Kind of makes up for that rum do of the first Anglo Afghan war, still what do you expect if you give the job to armatures?

    1. Thank you Clint, great pun Sir. Loving the new avatar too!

  15. A wonderful trio, Michael!
    Those tea time chaps look wonderful as well as the Russian general. I'm very glad to hear that you enjoyed painting him.

    Enjoy the remain of half term break!

    1. Thank you so much Stefan, it was an incredibly generous gift and a wonderful miniature to paint too.

  16. Great work Michael. The ruddy complexion is excellent.

  17. Ah, those came out lovely (no surprise though). Simply lovely.

    1. Thank you so much Dean, that is very kind of you to say so, greatly appreciated.

  18. Wonderfu Michael, I think your painting is improving. Fine additions to your era collection.

    I've got the NWF one for my Sudan collection - and I think. I've just the Perry mini to pair him with!

    1. Thank you Phil, not sure about improving but having taken a bit of a back seat blogging wise I find that I'm taking a bit more time over my painting. Looking forward to seeing your NWF tea time version, I'm pretty sure that I picked up one of those as well.

  19. I LOVE that scene! There are a couple of friends of mine, who are fans of the move, who often look upon eachothers' Coke Zeros at games and cry out 'Black Bottle, Sir!?!"

    Lovely work on the figures Michael, especially the ruddy nose of Tommy Atkins. Bravo!

  20. I LOVE that scene! There are a couple of friends of mine, who are fans of the move, who often look upon eachothers' Coke Zeros at games and cry out 'Black Bottle, Sir!?!"

    Lovely work on the figures Michael, especially the ruddy nose of Tommy Atkins. Bravo!

    1. Thank you Curt, certainly a great scene even if factually inaccurate, and helped to ramp up the tension between the two characters.

  21. Fabulous Michael! Job well done on all three miniatures!

    1. Thank you Simon, lovely miniatures to work on which always helps keep my interest.

  22. Your superb painting is raised up even higher by flourishes like the cannon ball and the red nose. It's simply inspiring!

    1. Monty that is incredibly kind of you, I really enjoyed working on them which helped lift the quality.

  23. Very funny minis And great job on those uniforms!

  24. Time for a cuppa! Lovely work mate.

    1. Thank you kind Sir, always time for a cuppa!

  25. Superb painting. That one figure reminds me of Peter Butterworth in Carry On Up the Khyber.

    1. Thank you Matt and that's a great shout, perhaps a little conversion is on the cards?

  26. Fantastic work all round but that 'Tommy Atkins' is a real corker! You've certainly captured the character perfectly.

    1. Thank you so much, although not an original idea I was thrilled with how it came out.

  27. Great work, sir. And figures that make me smile.

  28. These look positively superb. Nice touch on the rosy nose.

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