
Sunday 3 May 2015

Paint Table Saturday#78

A slightly belated edition this week having popped into work yesterday, but back to the brushes after the exciting distraction that was 'Salute 2015' and I'm happy to report that some progress has been made on a couple of the 'Warlord Games' Clubmen.  I've made mention in the past at just how frustrating I find this company as the miniatures themselves are horrible to prepare.  So much flash and so many mould lines, especially in what is a  relatively new line of models.  Still, a saving grace is the character that they manage to squeeze into them and when painted they do really look rather good. 

Perhaps not unsurprisingly given my inability to focus on one thing for any length of time, I am sorely tempted to crack open some of my new purchases in the shape of some industrial buildings from 'Sarissa Precision'

or perhaps start this rather interesting looking chap from 'East Street Games' new range  and rules, Bullets & Brains that Clint very kindly passed to me last weekend - decisions, decisions!


  1. Whatever you decide to settle on I am sure you will do a good job of it. And I for one will be looking forward to seeing the results.

    1. Thank you Clint, I'm opting for the survivor so as to give East Street Games a plug.

  2. The painting of those clubmen is absolutely first-rate Michael. I for one though would love to see you paint some of the Sarissa stuff as I've owned a few for a couple of years and still haven't painted them. Your top quality work would certainly motivate me to give one a try, even if your standard is aspirational for me to achieve :-)

    1. Thank you Simon, the Sarissa is on hold for the moment as suddenly realised I haven't a clue how I want them to look, but rest assured they will be done soon!

  3. Those clubmen are very nice but what is that i spied in the right of the picture some african warrior? I look forward to seeing a picture of him soon>

    1. Thank you Dan, he is a North Star Cannibal Chief and is patiently waiting for his base to be completed - there is a better picture of him a post or two back.

  4. Nice work on the clubmen. Historicals are not my thing, but they are nicely painted. :)

    I do look forward to seeing how the SP industrial kit turns out. :)

    1. Thank you, they take a bit of work to get to the paint stage, but are ultimately worth it.

  5. The industrial buildings at Salute sorely tempted me too Michael, but I was able to restrain myself - I look forward to seeing how you tackle them.

    1. I blame their display stand, who knew MDF could look so good?

  6. Excellent clubmen Michael :)

    With the Sarissa buildings, based on my own experience, it may be worth painting the base coats before you do the assembly. In particular, the interiors will benefit from that approach.

    1. Thank you Tamsin, good tip on the building as I hadn't thought about that! Used to the 4Ground stuff where you just glue it all together pre-painted. I think a bit of further planning may be required.

  7. Lovely clubmen Michael!
    I for one would like to see the industrial buildings assembled, but then you can never have too many figures for zombie games.

    1. Thank you Bob, Tamsin has thrown a spanner in the works as it is now clear to me that 've not given them sufficient thought - zombie survivor it is!

  8. Lots of choice! I have a similar dilemma myself at the moment!

  9. Lovely as always, Michael. I'll have to take your word on the flash and prepping, as I don't have these figures, and the your brushwork only shows the highest qualities.

    1. Thank you Dean, I do find them quite frustrating as they have a lot detail on them and I am always worried that I am going to obliterate it cleaning them up.

  10. Nicely done on the clubmen Michael, your flash is much nicer than what they come with! Oohhhh the new Sarissa Industrial buildings...they looked fantastic on the site, just waiting for the conventions to pass to recoup some funds for these. Thanks for the plug for East Street Games as one can never really have enough zombies!

    1. Thank you Terry, once cleaned u they are a joy, but my word they take me an age. I need to have a closer look at the East Street Games rules, Clint has showcased a couple of games on his blog.

  11. Great work Sir M! I think Bob needs some attention???

    1. Thank you Ray, he has muscled his way to the top of the pile.

  12. You didn't make it past the sarissa stall either? Those clubmen are lovely!

    1. It really was a fine display wasn't it, I can see many more coming my way!

  13. The clubmen are looking good how many clubmen is that now? Staying focused is impossible with newly bought shinnies laying about.

    1. Far too many, I really need to do a head count and thank you! ;)

  14. So many projects vying for attention (plus a tribal headman sneaking into one of the pics from stage-right). It all looks very promising.

    1. Thank you kind Sir, lots to think about over the next few days.

  15. Nice clubmen mate! Open the Sarissa stuff. Go on, you know you want to... :-)

    1. Nearly got done this weekend, then had a wobble as I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with them - basic paint job or grimy and dark.

  16. Nice work on the clubmen!

  17. Hola
    Buena mesa de trabajo si seƱor
    un saludo

  18. Second photo, second figure on right - brown-green-blue combo works so well. Since you teach art I am curious to know whether you would consider the brown here a neutral color?

    1. I must admit that I hadn't considered that before you mentioned it and looking at it in the flesh the brown is a little warmer than the screen suggests. Coincidentally the stockings are not as blue in real life either. All of these palette decisions are far from original, inspired as they are by the work of Stone Cold Lead.

  19. Great job on the clubmen, fantastic details Michael!
