
Sunday 4 January 2015

2014, a year in review...

… and new targets for 2015.

Yes, I know, another Wargames Blog review, but I promise that this will be just the briefest of posts* to review my goals and set some anew for 2015.  Hobby wise, 2014 was a wonderful year, here at '28mm Victorian Warfare'; 'The Fourth Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge' was a great success, due in no small way to the Herculean efforts of its creator, Curtis Campbell Esq.  I was thrilled to have achieved a top twenty spot, and although that is looking highly unlikely this year, the Challenge provides a much needed focus during the winter months. 

*and a flagrant excuse to repost some of last year's completed work 

Throughout the year, I also backed a number of Kickstarters, a new phenomena for me and one that was to prove a tad expensive!  Swept along by the excitement of it all, I ended up pledging ridiculous amounts of the 'hard earned' on the 'Mars Attacks' game.  Although a painful lesson, the excitement of the process stuck with me and I went on to pledge in couple more, the results of which I hope will one day be showcased on this humble weblog.

Other highlights included being placed in a zombie painting contest over at 'RSquared Studios' and the welcome return of a 'Liebster Award', something that I particularly cherish as it is awarded by one's peers.  So on to the review of last year's targets:

1 Play more games! Target Met - Although predominately boardgames, 2014 did see some Blood Bowl action, Zombicide and X-Wing played.

2 Maintain a credible level of posts throughout the course of the year.  I do not want to be prescriptive on this but will certainly look to maintain the interest in '28mm Victorian Warfare' by looking to post between 5 – 10 posts per month (a minimum of 60 posts for the year).  Target Met - 105 posts for the year.  I can't see this happening this year and may have to tweak the numbers a little. 

3 Attend at least one convention/exhibition/expo this year.  Target Met - Salute 2014, Euro Militaire 2014.  I enjoyed both tremendously and will hopefully be attending both again this year, provided that I can persuade the 'Provost Marshal'.

4 I would like to try to curb the additional expenditure on miniatures this year, or at least try to bring it into line with output.  A simple tally score will suffice, hopefully something that will 'shame' me into being a little more restraint when it comes to all things hobby related.  Fail - but an interesting exercise nonetheless.  According to my tally counter the numbers are as follows**:

Painted/constructed:  246
Bought:  257
Balance: -11

Detailed breakdown:
Foot:  141
Mounted:  11
Artillery:  9
Vehicles:  3
Buildings/Terrain pieces: 37
Livestock:  45
**All miniatures are 28mm scale unless otherwise stated
So only eleven minters over the 'hobby neutral' target, not so bad thinks I, particularly when I consider that only those posted on the blog counted towards to the tally.  That said there was some shameful massaging of statistics by not counting gifts of miniatures or miniatures bought with money that was gifted or even miniatures bought by me as gifts for yours truly - but my blog, my rules! 

So what has 2015 in stall for '28mm Victorian Warfare'?  Well simply put, more of the same.  I take a great deal of pleasure and enjoyment from the hobby and yes, one day, it would be lovely to command great armies across the tabletop, but that will come in good time.  For now, I'm happy to indulge my whims and use the hobby, and the rather splendid community that surrounds it, as an escape from the relentless pace and demands of 'real life'.    So, I shall simply reset that 'Tally Counter', head up the virtual step ladder to remove the Christmas banner decorations and chart a course for 2015.  My continued thanks to all of you that jump aboard, it is your continued support that makes this voyage so worthwhile, I salute you all.

Perhaps as a final aside, amidst all this self absorbing and congratulatory back slapping, we should spare a thought for those that 2015 has left behind, in particular I am thinking of Captain Richard of 'Capt. Richard's Miniature Civil War'.  An inspirational modeller and a wonderfully generous member of our community, who will be sorely missed.

… and so, in a roughly chronological order of posting, my efforts from 2014!


  1. Hugely impressive output (you ARE cheating on the figure painted/bought balance!) with just fabulously consistent high quality throughout!

    Tremendously well done!

    1. Thank you Sir, cheating aside, it did make me think about just how much I was spending!

  2. Wow. A lot of simply brilliant work!

  3. Cracking year Michael, and seeing your superb Dinosaurs once again has reminded me that I was going to try and paint "DC Comics" Devil Dinosaur for Dinovember. So I've dug him out and he's back on the table as a late entry :-)

    Yours is a truly inspirational blog and its genuinely an honour to be able to see what you come with and how you paint them. Always plenty of good advice here which an aspiring blogger like myself can steal... eh, tap into :-)

    1. Those are incredibly kinds words, thank you.

  4. Impressive output throughout the year! I'd reckon that 11 more minis bought than painted is quite a good result. At least far better than most other gamers seem to achieve! :)

    1. Thank you and under the circumstances, I was happy to get it that close.

  5. What a great inspirational year for the rest of us, long may it continue into 2015

    1. Thank you kind Sir, I shall certainly try and do my best.

  6. A good year for you I think. Thank you for the pictures of your fantastic brushwork
    Can't wait to see more this year.

  7. A grand year overall then by the look of it. Funny to see another blogger lament on buying too much lead..and wanting to reduce that this year..we are Magpies aren't we!
    And a good call on Captain Richard.. I shall miss his creations , but hopefully the blog will be left up.

    1. Thank you Dave, it not so much the lamenting of buying too much it is more the case that I needed to actually focus on painting something!

  8. An amazing range of output all at an incredibly high level Michael.
    After applauding loudly I don't know whether to throw my hands up in despair or turn them to my own bench :-)

    So after painting 246 figures to this level of amazingness, you are really going to lambast yourself for buying 11 more than you churned out? No, I wouldn't either.

    Indeed the loss of Captain Richard was most sad, but it says a great deal about him and his skills that we all went and salivated over his amazing dioramas. Im sure his blog is one we will keep going back to over the years to find new inspiration.

    Best wishes for another cracking year Michael
    May 2015 bring you health, happiness and hobby time!

    1. Thank you so much Paul and you are absolutely right getting as close as that was quite pleasing - still lets see what 2015 brings.

  9. Thanks for keeping us entertained over the year! You've given us some truly beautiful, weird and wonderful stuff, sometime all three at the same time.
    Also love the Mutiny era artillery with Heffalump transport!
    More please!

    1. Thank you Peter, I really do need to have a little more focus on all things Victorian.

  10. It's been an absolutely fabulous year following your blog dahlink.

    If I had to pick out a favourite set of posts it would be those dreadful girls (and the school minibus, the pavilion...)

  11. a wonderful year, now go for a better one!

    1. Thank you Luca, I will certainly do my best.

  12. Fabulous output and a great range for different techniques.

  13. I'm sure I can be persuaded to watch you don the wargamer's uniform (thinning hair, growing middle,haunted visage and empty rucksack), and accompany you to at least two events - we might even make it three and get to Reading if SMA can be mollified (I think a Levellers gig in February should do the trick). As always, a pleasure to look back on your fantastic finished projects.

    Pip pip

    1. Excellent news, get 25th April in the diary then!

  14. It looks like another fantastic year for you. Great variety and all to a high standard. Your work is always an inspiration and a pleasure to behold!

    1. Thank you Brian, looking forward to more madness this year.

  15. Speechless, I love your work. All that and a company of dancing gypsies!

    1. We aim to please! Thank you though, your kind words are greatly appreciated.

  16. Great year and great works Michael . Compliments .
    Cheers .

  17. Great review, nice to see the lovely figures again

  18. You can not do a better year...yes, you can? Well, I want to see that! Excellent job Michael...

    1. I shall certainly try to do my best Phil, thank you.

  19. A wonderful review Michael and good luck on 2015!


  20. You had a fantastic year of painting. They all look just great. I look forward to seeing what you do in 2015.

  21. Good God man you have been very productive this year and your already high standards have been surpassed

    1. That is incurably kind of you Pete, thank you.

  22. Always a joy to read & see your exploits Michael, its also good to see that I am not the only person who is all over the place when it comes to projects! Cheers Mate!

    1. Thank you Terry and yes I am doomed to constantly flit from project to project!

  23. Lovely work in 2014! Looking forward to seeing your output for 2015!

    And I cannot help but also think of Capt. Richard. May he RIP.

  24. You have had a cracking year sir and quality to quantity you are tough to beat


    1. That is incredibly kind of you Ian, thank you.

  25. Looked like a good year all around Michael. Let's hope 2015 is even better!

    1. Thank you Bob, I shall certainly endeavour to do my very best.

  26. You've done quite some awesome stuff over the last year. I'm curious to see what you'll come up with this year. No matter what I'm sure it'll be a joy to follow your progress through out 2015.

    1. Thank you, as for this year more of the same really - Victorian, zombies, dinosaurs!

  27. wow love that Gordon diorama!

  28. Excellent entries from 2014. I'm looking forward to seeing mor this year.

    All the best to you and your kin!

    1. Thank you Stefan, looking at the lead pile the start promises to be a bit of a mixed bag.

  29. You're an inspiration Sir M, just keep doing more of the same, that'll please us all.

    1. You say the sweetest things, thank you Ray. ;)

  30. I tried so hard to pick a favourite and failed utterly. Each and every one is wonderful in it's own way. Thanks for sharing your creative efforts with us yet again mate. Best of luck for the year ahead!

  31. I'm a big fan of Vicky and her Volley Gun, myself... But, as my esteemed blolleague Mr Mills has so rightly pointed out, it's just too hard to pick an outright fave - it all looks so good!

    All the very best for 2015, may all your targets be met!

    1. Thank you my good man, the Queen and her gun was certainly a favourite of mine too.

  32. I don't know how you manage to produce and paint at such a high level but I do enjoy following along! Here's to more in 2015.

    1. Thank you so much Monty, that's really kind of you.

  33. A very productive year for you there, I'm really looking forward to what you get on with in 2015!

  34. A wonderful retrospective of your beautiful work, Michael! Bravo and Best Wishes to the New Year!

    1. Thank you so much Curt and who knows, I might actually get something finished for the challenge. ;)

  35. Michael, it has been a great pleasure viewing your marvelous work here. I look forward to seeing more of your masterpieces in 2015. BTW, hope you enjoy your kickstarter buys too. Best, Dean

    1. Thank you so much Dean, the feedback really helps to keep me focussed.

  36. It certainly has been a fantastic year. I have to add that it has been one of a very productive and the work has been absolutely top notch! Heres to 2015 may it survive contact with the enemy what!

    1. Thank you Simon and you can count yourself responsible for one of my Kickstarters! :D Looking forward to having a closer look at AtDE this year.

  37. I have the honour of reporting that the wonderful Vickers machine gun team seen above, that has been gracing my book shelf since last Christmas, will now finally see the elephant. We have decided to run Chain of Command at GothCon this year and the theme will be desert in 28mm.

    1. Fantastic news Thomas, I look forward to hearing how it gets on!

  38. A very impressive year Michael! An inspiration to the rest of us!

    1. That is incredibly kind of you Rodger, thank you.

  39. Magnificent output, quality and quantity puts the rest of us to shame.

  40. Stunning work from a busy year. Keep up the great work on your little blog, you always keep me coming back.

  41. A great photo journal of your creativeness and modeling skills, sir. Thanks for the memories. And may 2015 be your best modeling year ever.

    1. Thank you Jay, I will certainly give it a go.

  42. Thank you for this review. A really nice mix of figures and all excellent painted!
    Happy New Year Michael!


    1. Thank you Peter and a Happy New Year to you too.

  43. You've produced some wonderful work over the year, and its one blog I always enjoying viewing, whether the subject matter interests me or not. Keep it up Michael and have a great 2015.

  44. Some really lovely stuff there! Great to see it all again (especially since I had already forgotten about some of your great theme round entires for the 4th AHPC)!

    Happy New Year!

  45. …so 2014 was a quiet year then ;)

    Congrats Michael, you continue to amaze and inspire!

  46. 2014 has been an excellent year for you based solely on the fantastic miniatures you have finished. I look forward to being wow'ed by your colour mastery in 2015. ^_^

  47. Superb work - the Gen. Gordon vignette is particularly impressive. Thanks for sharing! :)

  48. Absolutely splendid Micheal. Déjà vu !

  49. Hi Michael
    Could you please update your link to Grimsby Wargames Society from the old address which is

    Thank you very much

    Take care


    1. Hi Andy,

      not a problem, all done now. Hope all is well,

      Best wishes,

