
Friday 5 December 2014

The Vth Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge...

… Begins!

Today marks the much anticipated start to the 'Fifth Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge'.  The Challenge, the brainchild of the hugely talented and generous Curtis Campbell Esq., is scaling even greater heights this year with more participants than ever before representing countries all round the globe.  In fact so big has the event become that it now warrants it's own internet presence, with Curt setting up a specific blog to make the management of this Herculaneum concept more, well, manageable - the 'Challenge' icon in the sidebar will take you there.

So what of my Challenge?  Well, as in previous years, there has been much restocking of paints and brushes, basing products and tea bags ahead of this momentous day.  My little corner of the dining room table has been dusted and swept with all unfinished or on going projects put away.  In a break from previous years, I have assembled a more eclectic collection of miniatures that I hope to introduce to the paint brush.  I'm hoping that this variety will see me safely through to Spring whilst contributing to such projects as 'Witchfinder General', 'In Her Majesty's Name' and 'Mars Attacks'.  I do like to use this time to rediscover my love of all things Victorian and as such I have included some pieces for my 'New Zealand Wars' collection. 

I have set myself a target of a 1,000 points, perhaps a little more than I am realistically likely to obtain, but I am hopeful that the seven themed rounds, that carry bonus points for entry, will help to make up the shortfall.  It is worth noting that I have a side challenge with Stefan, aka Monty of 'Monty's Wargaming' to enter all seven of these rounds or face the forfeit of supplying him a painted miniature.

Whilst the themed rounds and side duels are certainly entertaining, adding a little spice to the winter months, the Challenge for me is all about  mutual encouragement and support.   I am therefore delighted that my good friend the 'Provost Marshal' has decided to throw his hat into the ring.  A long standing supporter of my hobby progress, I am looking forward to the 'Provost Marshal'  reuniting himself with his brushes and setting about the enormous mountain of lead that he has been quietly accumulating over the years.

So to all those embarking on the Challenge today, I wish you all the very best of luck, may your sables be soft and your pigments pure:

'Strength Through Unity, Unity Through Paint.'


  1. Not sure if the brushes can match up with the fading eyesight. Having seen your Challenge box, I'm sure you will reach, and surpass, your target. Bon chance Mon Brave.

    Pip pip

    1. The same to you my good man. A slow start to the challenge here due to work commitments this weekend, but a break looms!

  2. Bravo Michael! I'm very much looking forward to your opening entry (and, well, all the others that follow of course!).

    1. Thank you Curt, mind you with work as it is, I'm very much looking forward to my first entry too!

  3. Good luck Michael! There are some nice looking things in that box! Looking forward to see them painted!

