
Saturday 8 November 2014

The Martians have invaded!

…we interrupt proceedings to report that a sleepy village in East Sussex has been overrun by a Martian horde, its sole intent - the destruction of the human race!

Just shy of a year ago to the day, I pledged an exorbitant amount of money* to help fund the 'Mars Attacks' Kickstarter that was launched by 'Mantic Games'.  A bizarre series of circumstances combined to see me totally absorbed by the Kickstarter phenomenon and before I knew it, I was being swept away by the excitement of it all.  Already a fan of the imagery produced by the Topps trading card company, 'Mars Attacks' appealed to my childish sensibilities and the idea of it becoming a board game that I might be able to persuade my non-wargaming friends to get involved with seemed like too good an opportunity to miss out on.  
*certainly more than I'm willing to disclose here!

Very excited!
This was my first experience of Kickstarter and as the campaign progressed my lack of experience started to show.  As stretchgoals were unlocked, I became gripped with desire to become a completist, I couldn't miss out on anything!  This wasn't helped by the fact that everything looked 'so darn cool'!  When the minutes finally ticked down and the time came to pay up, my wallet and I winced at the realisation of what I had done.  Having made brief reference to my indiscretion to the Saintly Mrs. Awdry, the matter was forgotten and I have had a year to recoup my expenditure and expunge the guilt!  

 Whilst the time lapsed between funding and distribution has been good for my soul, it did somewhat dampen my enthusiasm for the project; after all a year here at '28mm Victorian Warfare' can see a myriad of projects come and go!  This feeling of apathy gave way to one of frustration when news that the game was being shipped.  I read, more and more about it on many of the splendid weblogs that I enjoy, but still no sign of my pledge!  

Vehicles and 'Stompy' robots!
That was until earlier this week when I received an email from UPS saying that they were going to deliver my 6.5kg package on Friday.  Euphoria soon turned to dread as I realised that we would be at work and so what was to happen to my invading force of Martians?  

There was no obvious way of contacting UPS to arrange an alternate date or address for delivery and so I was resolved to wait for the inevitable email alerting me to the fact that "your parcel was unable to be delivered", but it never came.  It wasn't until we opened the door on our return from work that I discovered why - yes they had been, but had now taken my goodies away again.  

The good guys.
Fortunately  for me they had not gone too far and I was able to track down the abortive Martian invasion at, of all places, a Brantano Footwear store on the local industrial estate - I know not why!  With the parcel safely ensconced back at 'Awdry Towers' and the 'Saintly Mrs. Awdry' appeased with a large mug of tea, I quietly got on with preparing a light supper, all the time my thoughts drifting to the large package discretely positioned at my corner of the dining room table - all thoughts of indifference, vanished!  After supper, as the 'Square of Despair' droned on in the background, I surreptitiously opened the box - I was like a child in a sweetshop, a magical moment indeed.  

The Martian horde.
After a cursory look at all the plastic loveliness and brushing off a comment of, 'We're going to need a bigger house" with a suitably contrite reply, I decided it was best to wait for the morning before having a closer look.  So as the Lady of the house is currently charging up and down the hockey pitch, yours truly is now knee deep in plastic Martians.  The enormity of what I have done is starting to dawn to me.  This was supposed to be a small investment in a skirmish level game to encourage a few friends round for a 'beer and pretzel' type evening, but oh no, not anymore!  I seem to have enough gaming mats to cover the entire ground floor of 'Awdry Towers', more buildings** to give 'Barrett Homes' a run for their money and a plastic population explosion to match a small developing country!  
**in various states of repair

The hapless ground forces. 
So where does this leave me, hobby wise, you might ask?  Well apart from being as giddy as a kipper, the painting table has an unholy combination of Martians and Dinosaurs roaming about it, but this will have to be a tempory aberration.  I think what is required is a quick stocktake and a healthy dose of common sense.  After a brief interlude playing with the large 'stompy' robot and flying saucer this morning, I shall have to pack up all but the core game and see if I can't fathom out how to use the 'A.I. solo game cards' to at least justify the purchase, after all everyone knows that to leave a Dinosaur unattented for too long is to court disaster - that and the 'Saintly Mrs. Awdry' is due home soon!

The rules.

Ack! Ack! Ack!


  1. What a great looking package, you will be kept busy for months there (well years) great idea to stick to the core before moving on and up


  2. Hola Amigo
    GUAUUUUUUU madre mia que de cosas
    Vas a estar muy entretenido jajaja
    Ya nos enseñaras
    un saludo

  3. much job to do and much fun as well!
    keep posted your progresses.

    1. It is certainly going to fun and rest assured we will posting updates Luca.

  4. I'm so glad I'm from Yorkshire and therefore too mean to part with cash on something like a Kickstarter.

    Best of luck with the Martian horde ;)

    1. It is a terrible thing Kickstarter, I end up convincing myself that I'm getting 'free stuff', but forget to factor in that I have to spend a small fortune to qualify!

  5. Oh dear, it really does sound as if this package has made you revert to childhood, playing with stompy robots and flying saucers then hiding them away before the lady of the house returns *grin*

    Have fun (and watch out for the hockey stick!)

    1. Well I managed to get things hidden away, so we might yet get away with it! :)

  6. Well I think we can guess what you will be painting as part of the Analogue challenge! Great to receive such a parcel and I am sure club members will be playing it next weekend. For me though not a strong interest. But that does not stop me wishing you the utmost joy and happiness with this project.

    1. Thank you Clint and yes it would be churlish of me not to let them have a run out for the challenge.

  7. Xmas has indeed come early to the Awdry house and I can only imagine the "Oohs" and "Ahhs" as you unpacked and savoured each inner package.
    I think I may have to contemplate joining a kickstarter onto my bucket list just to experience a similar delight as your own.

    1. It was wonderful to finally get my paws on the goodies Joe, now to get a game going.

  8. One of the few "Mantic" kickstarters I've not had a little nibble on but from your pics you've done very well indeed :-) Christmas clearly will be green-skinned in the 'Awdry House and there's your Challenge total sorted in a single package. Ack Ack Ack :-)

    1. Christmas must certainly has arrived early and the challenge couldn't have come at a better time.

  9. Thanks for sharing this- looks like a great project! Really interested to see how how the game plays and what the figures look like painted. Will be looking forward to future updates.

    1. Thank you Thomas, I'm hoping that the game is a straight forward as they promise and the miniatures do look as if they will paint up nicely.

  10. Ha..."being busy" will take on a new meaning to you! Have fun. And I'm looking forward to seeing your modeling magic on these models.

  11. It's a good thing I don't know much about what's going on on Kickstarter! If I had known about this item, especially with the solo option, I would have been sorely tempted! Looks like an awesome package. I'll look forward to seeing how you get on with it.

    1. Monetarily, I could certainly have done with avoiding this, but it does look like great fun.

  12. The missed delivery dates on KS are often ridiculous. Kingdom Death is 2 years past is delivery date and they're saying it will be another 8 months. I'm glad to hear you finally got delivery on this one.

    Do so hope you paint some up for the Challenge as several of us are doing Pulp this year, Curt included.

    1. Two years and still waiting, that's terrible! Yes, I'm sure we can sneak some pesky Martians into the challenge - just too good an opportunity to resist! :)

  13. Michael, that collection of goodies should keep you busy for quite a while.

  14. Very Good Michael. Nothing like some retail Therapy and delayed gratificaition! Can't wait to see what you do with it all - mad as a box of frogs on acid, no doubt.

    The core game is pretty fun and I suspect right up your street, have played a few through with my brother using his copy.

    1. I couldn't agree more, totally mad, but so much fun!

  15. "Knee deep in plastic Martians".. I love it.. Mind you were lucky it only cost you a cup of tea for the good Mrs Awdry.. It may have been various pairs of shoes for me!!.

    Well it's certainly an investment for you.. I look forward to seeing this over the next few YEARS!!!

    1. I have a sneaky feeling that there will be more retribution to come.

  16. That is a tremendous amount of plastic goodness Michael!
    Can't wait to see what you do with them. I just hope your a little quicker with these, than you have been with your Zombicide.
    Good luck sir.

    1. You might be Bob, I need to embrace the concept of batch painting!

  17. Looks like Christmas has arrived early! Why isn't anything painted yet?!?

  18. What a very cool package! Enjoy!

  19. Lots of red and green goodies. Very Christmassy indeed.

    It would take me several lifetimes to paint that lot. You have some work to do.

    1. I just need to win the lottery and retire and everything will be fine!


  21. Blimey! You have my sympathies; my entire gaming 'career' is a microcosm of your kickstarter experience as projects are gleefully embraced, before being quietly down-scaled, then abandoned. But! Onwards and upwards -always!

    1. There is just so much fun to be had and such little time.

  22. Plenty to keep you busy. I expect to see them finished by Christmas!

  23. Ah I love the feeling of opening a massive box from crackstarter. Mars Attacks was one of the few that I've managed to resist. I'll look forward to seeing your progress through this box

  24. What a big box of goodies! Enjoy!

  25. Wow that is one heck of a haul there Michael and it is a great game. Now I wish so much I jumped into the KS but alas not. Still I cannot wait to see them painted by your fair hand and your stunning paintjob.

    1. Thank you so much Pete, they should prove a welcome distraction, not that I need one, from Victorian soldiery.

  26. That looks like a box of fun!

  27. I did not dip my toe in this kickstarter (In fact I have only done one -EotD), but will watch with interest as you start churning out a myriad of plastic martians!

    1. If truth be told it was missing out on the EotD Kickstarter that made me go full tilt on this one, at least that is what I'm telling myself anyway! ;)

  28. Looks like a whole lotta fun heading you way ... btw seeing Pierce Brosnan and Sarah Jessica Parker's disembodied heads was absolutely disgusting ... are they in the package? If so ... ewwwww ;)

    1. Fun is most certainly the operative word and definitely ewwwww! No sign of either in the box, I'm glad to say.

  29. Blimey that is a big stash! I recently received figures from a Rogue Trooper kickstarter I backed ages ago and had completely forgotten about. Don't think I'll be tempted again by another kickstarter project.

    1. I must try and curb my enthusiasm for them too, I've jumped on the Zombicide season three and Studio miniatures ones, but that needs to be my lot for a while.

  30. First of all an excellent read, Michael. I really felt with you.

    And besides that an excellent stock for a long-term project. I'm looking forward to see your progress with it during the next year... years... decades? ;-)

    Enjoy it!

    1. Thank you Stefan, it was certainly a roller coaster ride and one that should keep me busy for some time to come.

    2. The longer you are busy the more excellently painted miniatures for us to see.

      Carry on , Sir Michael. ;-)

  31. I had the EXACT same issue as you Michael, I was out the house when my Martians arrived and again (much like yourself) it was redirected to a very unexpected location (a local newspaper shop). You'd think UPS would have depots wouldn't you ?

    1. It was all very strange, that said I was happy to go and get it, but given that the store was located at an out of town industrial estate it could have caused problems for some.

  32. Glad to have made you chuckle Andrew, the whole game just looks like so much fun.

  33. Crikey, and I thought I had bought a lot!

  34. Once you tire of Mars, you can start on the Moon!

  35. That is a massive drop! As luck would have it, I saw a fellow down at the club today painting up Martians. He was thrilled about this game.

    Looks like you've got just a bit of work ahead of you.

  36. That's quite the pile of plastic to be painted. I can't wait to see your take on the miniatures.
