
Tuesday 25 November 2014

500,000 Page Views...

… and a give away!

It gives me great pleasure to record that '28mm Victorian Warfare' has just sailed past the 500,000 page view mark!  I have to confess that I am somewhat flabbergasted by this given the narrow field of interest and content.  '28mm Victorian Warfare' was designed, principally, as way of recording my  progress in this most wholesome of hobbies, but in the short time that I have been painting and gaming, I have come to know a great many splendid chaps, not to mention a couple of lovely ladies, as a direct result of this blog - for that alone, I am truly blessed.  I continue to be surprised at just how integral to my hobby enjoyment the blog has become and I thank all of you who stop by and occasionally humour me with a kind or generous comment; without this interaction, I am sure that I would have grown tired of the whole experience very quickly. 

As a way to show my thanks for your continued support, I have decided to hold a small* giveaway to mark the occasion, and after much consideration as to what to offer up as a prize, I struck upon the following concept.  '28mm Victorian Warfare' was always conceived as a place of hospitality, somewhere like minded persons could come and relax without fear of the rudeness or vulgarity that plague our everyday lives.  This passing resemblance to a Gentleman's club at the turn of the twentieth century is deliberate and whilst my subject matter may have strayed a little from that promised in the weblog's title, the ethos has not.  With that in mind, I have collected together a little package of goodies that, I hope, reflects this sentiment.  So without further ado I present the following:

*It really is small!

A limited edition '28mm Victorian Warfare' Mug**
An 'Empress Miniatures' special edition miniature  (painted by yours truly)
An upcycled pair of dice cufflinks

**Limited to a run of two and I have the other one!

I am afraid that this will represent the only prize and if you are interested the following rules, such as they are, apply: 

  • To register your interest in the draw simply leave a comment below, identifying your favourite post from the annuls of '28mm Victorian Warfare'.  This can be done by simply listing the post title or pasting the post's URL into the comments box. 
  • There is no need to be a follower of this blog, nor publicise the event on any of your own splendid blogs, but do feel free to do so if you wish.
  • The draw, to identify the solitary winner, will be held on the 1st December 2014

Once again a huge thank you for your continued support and the very best of luck to those that enter the prize draw. 


Half a million page views and counting!


  1. Hi Michael,
    What a fantastic landmark, congratz!
    I have no favorite post to put forward, I just generally enjoy visiting your blog and reading about what you're doing. It is always interesting and inspiring. Keep up the good work.


  2. A most astounding achievement Sir Michael, not to mention well deserved.

    Count me in for the prize draw. Favourite post? I guess, if I have to narrow it down to just the one, it has to be "Whitechapel 1888"

  3. Congratulations Michael! That is quite a milesstone. As I teeter on the brink of starting another period, I'm very taken with your heliograph station.

  4. Congrats, very inspiring and fantastic blog.

  5. Well done mate. I love your blog and i come back to it time and time again. This though is my fave and has been of great inspiration on a project im doing at the moment.

  6. Congratulations Michael. Have a little drink to celebrate tonight, you deserve it.

    As for favourite posts, either;

    Because it was reading those two that it all went wrong for me and my painting desk, they were the start of the slippery slope of dinosaurs.

  7. Congrat's Michael! 500K views is certainly massive!

    I see that the Whitechapel 1888 has been mentioned, and I agree a very nice dio. Another that I enjoyed was "Kiss my Quatre Bras!" Appealed to my sense of humor!

  8. Congrats for the milestone, this is a wonderful blog!!
    White Chapel and The Last Stand are one of the bests for me...

  9. Grats on the 500K Sir!

    I have to say that the Villains entry in last year's Challenge was a fave, featuring 'El Tejon', that nefarious custodian of the law.

    And now that pretty much guarantees that Ray will get the prize...! Still, gotta be in it to win it!

  10. Congratulations on a wonderful milestone- thoroughly well deserved and the only confusion is how it hasn't happened earlier

    Narrowing down to a single, favourite blog entry is exceptionally difficult. Your range of interests (which closely mirror my own) is broad and the standards invariably high. From colonial adventures to Dinosaur hunting, Analogue Hobbies Challenge entries, it all been fascinating and impressive. So instead of favourite, I'll choose one that I found most personally interesting and that is your first post when you played Blood Bowl. A game my son and I love to play together, it was fantastic to me to see you enjoy that like we do and then, inevitably, create a wonderful team from that experience.

    Thanks for all the fun and as always I look forward to more!

  11. Congrats! Lots of very nice posts to choose from, but Dark Woods about building the GW trees is my favourite piece of inspiration.

  12. Congratulation Michael . Well deserved .
    Cheers .

  13. Congratulations are in order, good sir.

    Favorite post? Bigfoot gets all the press, but we all know who North America's top monster is:

  14. Congratulations. But understandable as you do produce a very high standard of work.
    Not interested in the competition but I wish well to all shoes and your good self Sir who are.

    Even with Dice cufflinks I still would not roll very high!

    1. Shoes? that's the auto correct. It should be "those" unless you particularly want shoes. In which case I hope you like shoes....

  15. A big warm congratulations from a cold day in Stockholm! Your work and high quality of blogging has been an inspiration. For me your most memorable posting was the "Whitechapel 1888" post. That was just amazing work!


  16. Well done that man! Difficult to pick a favourite but I enjoyed the 'I am Gladiator' post. Beautifully painted with a simple but very effective base.


  17. Congratulations! No surprise to that you have this number of visitors, given the quality of posts here. I'm going to have to spend a little time browsing to choose a favorite (though Meet One's Little Friend springs to mind) and it will be time well-spent.

  18. Michael

    What a fantastic achievement! Well done indeed! I love your blog, as does every wargamer I've even spoken to about it. Your great modelling skills are matched by the great spirit you've created here - and long may you continue to post and share your hobby with us!

    For my favourite 28mm Victorian Warfare post, I'd pick the "Cannibals Cooking Pot". I well remember being astonished that it was also illuminated as well as all the other wonderful features. A great piece of modelling, and a wonderful blog! Well done again!

  19. Greetings, Michael and congratulations for a better than fine blog, sir. It is always a joy to visit here and enjoy the examples of your miniature painting skills, your prose, and your hospitality.

    My favorite post is the "Beware the Hodag."

    I am still waiting for the next episode in this adventure.

  20. Congratulation seem to be the order of the day, but I'll also give you my own thanks for your blog as well as the congratulations.
    It's an invidious task to select a single favourtie post but your "Boxer Artillery" stabnds out for me, ticking all the right boxes of scenics, terrain, figures and equipment.

  21. Congrats, Mr A! If only you had a pound for each page view, eh? Blog on!

  22. Congratulations! Yours is definitely on my must read list of blogs, always entertaining and enjoyable! Impossible to choose a favorite but the Witchfinder General project has been a lot of fun especially the Noctelingers.

  23. Very well done, Sir. Delighted I joined just in time for this. You've attained a staggering target which many bloggers can only dream of. Admittedly I've only been here a short while but your Protoceratops has to be the best I;ve seen (as they;re my fave dino): very well done again, now take a bow :-)

  24. 1-congratulations for a well deserved 500 000 !
    2-I'm in for the "give-away"
    3-My preferred post is this one ... because it says to me "Hey Sam ! you've missed too much beautiful and interesting things here !"
    4-I will come back ...
    5-Thanks !

  25. Congratulations, old boy! Time for the good havanas and brandy, what?

    My favourite post is probably this one:

    Dedicated to Fuzzy Wuzzy hisself... and including my favourite piece from the Imperial Poet, Mister Kipling.

  26. Congratulations Sir Michael. You say you have a narrow range of subjects on your blog, but that's not true. In my opinion, you cover a broad scope of interests.

    One of my favourites is the Pavilion and I did find the link to that one

    Another is your Sixth Form Girls which had several posts.

    1. Anne - it was between his Whitechapel post and the various "Savage Girls" posts for me.

  27. Congratulations! I think even if the blog just has a limited scope, the sheer quality makes it so worthwhile to follow!

    My personal favourite has been the carnibals with the huge cooking pot you painted for the Annalogue Hobbies Challenge two years ago.

  28. Congratulations Michael. A well deserved milestone for your blog, that has to be one of the most colourful and entertaining blogs out there.
    Too many good one's to choose from.

  29. Michael, what a fantastic milestone! You ask which of your posts I most enjoyed, well there are quite a few & you have certainly inspired me to do more so thats a win-win.

    Ok here is the 1 post most enjoyed seeing your making me choose

  30. Well done on reaching that impressive milestone - no surprise to most of us though!

    If I had to pick one post, and it's a very difficult choice, it would have to be The Last Stand!

  31. One post? Not sure I could, but I remember looking fondly at your Gardner and that piece contributing to my getting so into the Sudan. So I choose the rather lovely:

  32. A VERY well done Sir to you, 500,000 is huge (I'm a couple of months off it myself)

    What a great idea of what was my favourite post of yours. I set off to find the one I liked the most only to be reminded of another, then another.....

    A veritable stroll down fond memories but I have to revisit Whitechapel for the ultimate ending


  33. Congratulations, Michael. Your blog is brilliant and well deserving of its audience, who I am sure visit it regularly for humour and painting inspiration.
    If I had to name one post that sticks in my mind as an exemplar of the creative work you do, I would have to say that it was your Gypsy Caravan post for the last AH Challenge. I do so love the cat, it increases the whimsy factor of that base by at least 5.
    Cheers and here's to a million hits in short order!
    Michael Peterson

  34. Congrats on the massive milestone Sir M!!! I'd love to be entered into your givaway please.
    Three of your posts sprang to mind instantly, the Cooking Pot and the Jack the Ripper piece of loveliness but my Fav, and it took a bit of searching to find it is the.....

  35. Well done that man but to be honest well deserved. A great site and i always enjoy a visit.

    my favourite blog has to be 'Whitechapel 1888' (like a few others)

    thanks for a great site

  36. Absolutely fantastic. Congratulations Michael and well deserved. You are always a most gracious host, it's lovely to visit and be inspired by what you have created.
    Thank You.

  37. a very well deserved result!
    waiting for many more!

  38. Many, many congratulations, Michael!

    Too many to choose from as no matter what period or subject you are working on, the quality is always top notch. But if I had to pick just one, the post of Vicky saving a slightly shocked Gordon from the Fuzzy-Wuzzies with some sort of steam-laser has to be up there!

    Not only do you put out some quality offerings for display, you're a true gent of the interwebs, Michael, always ready with a kind word, so I'm truly not surprised that you've hit the half-mill! Here's to many more!

  39. Congratulations there Michael, half a mil views thats truly amazing. I have always enjoyed this blog with its mix of Victoricana and Zombies and my favourite post has to be the The Pavilion,, as it was this that inspired me to do my cricket pavilion.

  40. Congrats Michael ... your work has always been a pleasure to behold and I wish you the millionth visit in half the time. :)

  41. Congrats for hitting the 500k! Too many nice posts in your blog so I will not bother to search all those links instead I will just wish you (and us) many many more nice postings and a happy blogging time ;)

  42. cracking stuff Michael.. oh my fav is for my own benefit!!

  43. Congratulations on your well-deserved number of visits - no surprise with your wonderful work. As far as a favorite - very hard to choose, but I'll say "Last Stand" for now. Regards, Dean

  44. Easiest way to contact you Michael ...

    I mentioned about buying Pulp Miniatures from Bob Murch and shipping the over from Canada, in a recent blog post. Edwin King has posted over on Facebook a statement made by North Star Figurines, that they will be making the Pulp Miniatures ranges (under license) as of January next year.

    I'm not sure if you're on Facebook (you're not missing much, if not) and remembered you'd commented upon said post (by myself).

    Congratulations with the blog milestone.

    1. Roy, that's excellent news I shall definitely be having some of those!

  45. In looking for my favorite post, I see you've doubled your views in 8 months. You're ON FIRE! Congratulations and so well earned.

    It is nearly impossible to pick a single post but Whitechapel was jaw droppingly good:

  46. Congratulations Michael! Your blog is very nice and gives a lot of inspiration.Your sense for details and also your painting skill is quite something!!! I wish you the best with the next 500 000 visitors. :) I really like this publication because you invite the visitor behind the scenes:

  47. Congrats Michael your blog is worth every view!


  48. Well, well what a milestone mate! Congrats on a thoroughly deserved achievement.

    In terms of favourite post I've got so many to choose from my head hurts but if pressed I'd have to say your wonderful British Heliograph Section vignette...

  49. Huge congrats on your illustriously voluminous hit-count, Mr. Awdry! That is a tremendous number indeed! As to my favorite post from your consistently splendid blog... well, that's a very tough one! I'm tempted to go for the post in which you did your own version of one of my "rocky wood-chip" hills... but that would be a bit self-serving in a rather unseemly fashion, especially for a such a decidedly Victorian blog! So I'll have to go with your "Anglo-Burma War British Infantry Command" post from back iin September 2012, featuring the very nice Pontoonier Miniatures Third Burma War British Infantry command figures excellently painted by you -- plus an unpainted example of the officer sculpted wearing that crazy "Colind" hat that looks like half a globe or a giant mushroom head, which you first assumed was probably a miscast of some kind!

    Still... the Burmese regulars and the Burmese Jingal were awesome posts as well... and then there's your fantastic Heliograph Section vignette mentioned by Michael Mills in the comment right above this one, and then there's your American Civil War Georgia Swamp diorama with the Union soldiers fighting an Alligator, and then... well, you get the idea! My official vote will go to that Pontoonier British Infantry Command item but in truth you have put up far too many fantastic posts for me to choose just one. Thanks for keeping this blog of yours up in such fine fashion and I hope you continue to do so for at least another half-million hits!

  50. Michael,
    I'm not going to be able to enter, as I literally spent almost two weeks of evenings at work laying in my bunk reading every post, and they've all inspired me in both hobbying and blogging. Congratulations on half a million views, and know that I look forward to reading and following the next half million!

  51. Congratulation Michael !!!

    Best regards michael

  52. Hello Michael,

    many many congrats for this awesome step. Each and every hit represents the attention which is well deserved for your excellent blog.

    Actually it's nearly impossible for me to name a favourite post. Since I entered the bloggosphere I'm following your blog closely and there were a lot of fabulous articles:
    - You and Mrs Awdry visiting the HMS Victory last summer
    - Your report of making the Whitechappel scene for last year's painting challenge
    - The Withfinder General stuff
    - Your efforts for Sudan and Nortwest Frontier
    And many, many more...

    But I think my absolute favourite is the Sudan Heliograph Section:

    All the best for many posts to come!
    Carry on 1 million hits is just around the corner.


  53. 500k is an epic acchievement for a miniatures blog! Congrats!

    Naming my favorite one is definately hard. But especially your dioramas are always a joy to see. Last Stand being the first to spring to mind with a nice twist to the last moments of Gordon :)

  54. Great to hear that you hit such a great milestone here!
    Have to say that the competitions are my favorite, but for a smaller series, the Tale of 3 Painters was great to watch!

  55. First off, congratulations on 500K views. I would like to enter, choosing a favorite is very hard though. So much of what you do is good. Of late my favorites have been your bloodbowl stuff. Although I like Coach Awdry and the Bloodweiser girl, my favorite is the apothecary.

  56. Congratulations. It really is a fantastic milestone. I think my favorite posts were the St Trinian's girls with their mini-van. Since I have to pick a favorite I'll go with the post here: but only because you are forcing me to choose. I love how you made cards for them and the step by step instructions are great.

  57. 500,000 wow.
    Pinched several of your ideas espically the chinese.

    Well done Michael.
    Only 350K before I catch you :-)

  58. Congratulations on reaching that milestone! My current favorite post must be the scavengers! scenic dinosaur corpse scenic piece but lots of other interesting posts have drawn my attention such as your burmese project posts!

  59. Congrats Michael! A bit late I know! Sorry for that!

