
Sunday 19 October 2014

The Rise of the Tod-truppen!

Zomtober 2014 - post#3

My word these Sunday posts come around a bit quickly, but I'm delighted to report that I've made the deadline again - albeit just!  Regular followers of this most humble weblog will have, by now, realised that I have the attention span of a small child in a very large toy shop - picking up and discarding projects with apparent gay abandon.  One such project was, 'In Her Majesty's Name' a steampunk, skirmish, wargaming rule set that was launched, a couple of years ago now, with some rather splendid miniatures available through 'Northstar Military Figures'.  Suffice to say, I bought heavily into this and having picked up my swag at 'Salute 2013' it has subsequently laid, unmolested, on the hobby shelf behind my corner of the dining room table.

Now getting to the point*, I was adamant that this year 'Zomtober' wasn't to add to the lead  pile, instead all offerings had to be pre-bought, one likes a challenge!  So whilst excavating the undead from the deepest strata of the mighty mountain of lead, I came across these chaps - the abominable Tod-truppen.
*Yes finally!

To quote from 'Northstar's own page:
The Tod-truppen are basically zombies. The Society’s Jägers go into battle psychically pre-conditioned and fitted with electro-chemical devices that re-animate them pretty much immediately after they go down, called a Revivifier. Provided, as noted above, that they are within the field of an Arc generator. In this animated condition they lose their human memories and skills but, in typical zombie fashion, are very difficult to stop with conventional weapons. A side-effect of the reanimation process is that the Tod-truppen decay much more rapidly than normal corpses, hence their grotesque appearance. This also means that they are rarely good for more than one battle. 
Splendid, thinks I, not only a legitimate 'Zomtober' entry, but one that makes a small dent in Mount Lead to boot.  Having only just rediscovered the thrill of wielding the paintbrush after my September break, these proved the perfect choice and hugely enjoyable to paint - just what was required.  In fact, I was quite surprised just how quickly I got on with them to the point where, depending how much time I'm allowed at the table this afternoon, I might be able to sneak in a mid week post as well - oh how I spoil you!

Finally, in other news, I received my 'Across the Dead Earth' Kickstarter through the post yesterday.**   I had recently been lamenting my involvement in Kickstarter - the world's largest funding platform for creative projects, particularly as my first pledge, 'Mars Attacks', where I allowed myself to get carried away with the moment and invested hugely, still hasn't materialised nigh on year later!  Yet receiving my rules and miniatures from Rich Chappell has rather restored my faith in the process.***   The whole package was really well presented, signed by Rich himself, who had even gone to the trouble of printing out a set of the event cards and tokens that are actually available as a download.  I'm not sure when the miniatures will ever see a coat of paint, but if you are interested in reading more about the rules then I would strongly advise you to head over to Simon Quinton's wonderful 'Brummie's Wargaming Blog'.  Simon, was heavily involved in the play testing of the rules and is certainly who I'm blaming for my involvement in the Kickstarter, not that I could ever hold that against him.    Coincidentally, Simon is also coordinating the myriad of entries in this year's 'Zomtober', which rather neatly draws this post to a close.

**Yes I know, another distraction.
***Just as well really as I have subsequently gone on to help fund Zombicide: Season 3 and Studio Miniatures latest additions to their Z-Clipz: Outbreak,;yes I know I'm weak!


  1. These German chaps look about ready for the "Oktoberfest". Wonderful looking gang of Jägers. Always knew old Bismarck had an ace up his sleeve...

    1. Thank you my good man, the devious Otto has certainly created monsters here.

  2. A great entry for week 3; kudos on the Tod-truppen. :)

  3. Great work Michael. That last pic of them makes me think they might have been resurrected as a punk band in the late '70s :)

    1. Thank you Tamsin and I think you are spot on - a Grateful Dead tribute act perhaps?

  4. Just great Michael.
    Have to agree with you on Kickstarter - Not backed one yet that has arrived on time....

    1. Thank you Stuart as for the Kickstarter, been late certainly takes the gloss of the whole process.

  5. Splendid work! Those Todtruppen minis really look great. And the backstory from INHM sure is great for them :)

    1. Thank you so much, that is really kind of you.

  6. Cracking stuff, Michael. I agree with Tamsin that there's a definite Boyband vibe to that shot.

    I have INHM sitting on my kindle. Might have to dig it out of the aether and have a read; it does sound right up my street.

    1. Thank you Herbert, I really ought to look more closely at it myself, it has been sitting around for far too long.

  7. "Twist and shout, bite and rout, that's what it's all about!" From the Zed album entitled "Shambala."

    1. That is brilliant Jay, really brightened my day.

  8. Great paint as always Michael .
    Cheers .

  9. Very nice zombies and glad to see a kickstarter arrive


    1. Thank you Ian, it was a was a lovely surprise when it dropped through the letterbox.

  10. They do look very nice! Keep up the gruesome work!


  11. Nice additions mate! YaY Across the Dead Earth has landed!

    1. Thank you Simon, fabulous to get my hands on the lead.

  12. Excellent looking Z's in superb uniforms no less. I can see these used in various cool scenarios.

    1. Thank you Dean, they certainly have promise.

  13. Lovely painted figures there Michael as every and very interesting too.

    I have my Mars Attacks game and the add ons, like the flaming cows and the man on a giant tick and I am impressed with them but I wasnt a KS backer and now wish I was as they are some nice and it is going to cost me a small fortune

    1. Thank you Pete, good to hear that you are pleased with Mars Attacks. I understand that there was a delay with the big stompy robot having to be re-cast so I guess it will arrive at some point - I hope.

  14. Nice take on the Zombies Michael. Perhaps they can join the rest of your modern horde as rather niche Prussian reenactors? :-)

    My brother backed Mars Attacks and has his base game for a month or so now, surprised yours hasn't made an appearance.

    1. Thank you Phil, great idea with the re-enactors! ;) I think the problem with my Mars Attacks is that I went so big that they struggling to fit it into one box!

  15. Beautiful work sir!
    Zombies can be shoe-horned into almost anything, that's what makes them such useful antagonists.
    I too have lost my KS virginity by backing Zombicide season 3.

    1. Thank you Bob, great to hear that more zombie goodness will be heading your way in due course.

  16. Great stuff Michael. I also went down the IHMN road, but for some reason chose to do it in 10mm [what was I thinking?!]

  17. Glad to see you've struck two birds with 1 stone, work on Zombies & work on IHMN as well! They look great! Always nice to put a nick into the lead pile, even if its momentary.

    1. Thank you Terry, feeling quite smug at the moment having got these done.

  18. Hola
    Que buena tropa nos as traído hoy
    Me gusta el toque que le as dado
    un saludo

    1. Thank you J.D. they certainly are a motley crew!

  19. They look like me and the lads swaying home after a good night out. Ahh so much of my youth wasted in such endeavours!

    very nice painting. I look forward to seeing more.

    1. Thank you Clint, not sure I want to try what they've been drinking - they look a tad green around the gills. ;)

  20. These are just fantastic :-) Nice sculpts and paint job.

  21. Top stuff - I know it's for Zomtober but will the rest of the IHMN faction follow soon? I'm hope to get some of the Scotland Yard lot on here soon.
    Cheers Michael it's good to see your endevours.

    1. Thank you my good man, I'll certainly need to try and get the evil Dr. Kobalt done during the week.

  22. What an excellent bunch of chaps, but I wonder how they will fare against some stiff upper-lipped tommies ?

    1. I'm sure the threat of cold British steel will see them off.

  23. Lovely painting. Those look some great models and you've really helped bring out the detail with your painting. I see you're reading Solomon Kane, great Howard creation and I strongly recommend the audio book of these collected works once you've finished. Great narration and superb to listen to whilst painting. The Conan ones are good too. Great blog btw.

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words and welcome aboard Sir. The Solomon Kane is a great read, but I'm finding myself so tired in the evenings that I barely turned a page recently.

  24. Lovely work as always Michael - I really want to build my own Tod-truppen force for IHMN too

    1. Thank you Paul, there is certainly room for a conversion or two using the Northstar 1866 range and box of plastic zeds!

  25. As you say, splendid figures. Very well painted by you.

    I'm not sure it's fair that in reducing your lead mountain you're tempting me to expand mine ;)

    1. That's incredibly kind of you, as for the lead mountain - it's good to share. ;)

  26. Looks like it was a heck of a party!

    Very nice models (though I wonder what morale is like in a unit where casualties become the reanimated dead?!

    1. They certainly look as if they have been up far too long and you're not wrong about the morale test - chilling stuff indeed.

  27. These zombies look absolutely awesome. O_O Very very very nice work Michael. I was kinda happy with my first few zombie minis but yours are so much better. Truly inspirational. Good detail work and great colour combinations. ^_^

    1. Thank you so much, those are incredibly kind words and greatly appreciated.

  28. How could you have known what me an my buddies looke like coming back from the pub?! Incredible work, chumrade!

    1. I think we've all stumbled along like this at one point or another!

  29. Wonderful and love the fact it's a bit different too!

    1. Thank you so much, I'm just glad that they have finally seen the light of day.

  30. Great looking figures, I love the colors on the revivifers!

    1. Thank you Kevin, it seemed like a good idea at the time but then had to tie it in with Dr. Kobalt.

  31. Michael, my friend, I need your advice. As a departure from the norm I find myself with a number of undead types to paint for gentleman of far northern origin. I came to your blog for inspiration on flesh tones for said figures. Here, with these Tod-truppen, I find the grey-green I was looking for. May I please ask politely for your paint scheme for this grey-green flesh. I am out of my comfort zone and need some help. Thankin' you kindly.

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