
Saturday 5 July 2014

Paint Table Saturday#35

It seems like an age since this I last posted an update for 'Paint Table Saturday' so having seen off the end of another busy academic year my mind has started to turn to plans for the summer.  Now I would like to tell you that I had a joyous period of quality hobby time ahead of me, but sadly this won't be the case.  The Saintly Mrs. Awdry has already hinted at a substantial chores list and a focus on exercise, of all things, so the need to maximise painting time may see me rising early to get some time on the brushes before the lady of the house, rises from her slumber.

Anyway, I digress, returning the table and my immediate plans.  I have some bits that need to be photographed and I hope to have those posted early next week, so the first job will be to complete more recruits for the clubman, again from 'Warlord Games', these still required a lot of work, but did arrive more quickly this time.  Also on the table are some splendid sculpts from 'Heresy Miniatures' in the shape of Hellhounds to represent the Barguests*.

*Same thing different name!

Finally, I need to add to my terrain with some drystone walls and some additional trees to represent the boundary of the forest, where the bad things comes from!  So this is the plan for July, which will hopefully see me with enough components to roll some dice on the first scenario for 'Witchfinder General'.  There are distractions lying in wait to snare the unwary, in the shape of Bloodbowl and 7ombieTv, but more of those another day.

In other news, '28mm Victorian Warfare' has received another 'Liebster' award, a tremendous honour, but made more special as it was nominated by a Gentlemen whose blog, and work therein, have been such an inspiration to me.  Mad Guru's 'Maiwand Day' blog is such a treasure trove of ideas, research and quality terrain making tips, that to receive a nomination from him in an honour indeed and the very least that I can do is find the time to graciously accept it.  I do urge those that have not had the pleasure of visiting his blog to do so, you will never look at bark chips in the same way again! 

Finally, there is the small matter of 'Zombicide Season 3' that has launched on Kickstarer; lots of stretch goals have been added already as this juggernaut of a game has ploughed through a $1,000,000 pledged and still over twenty days to go. For someone that was late onto this game and has had to buy the previous two instalments (and of course the Toxic City Mall extension) at full price, I determined not to miss out this time, but I shall probably wait a little longer to see what additional add ons might be in the offing.  I should add that as this is technically a board game the accompany miniatures will not add to the lead pile tally - my hobby, my rules! 

Finally, please remember that you can see many more 'Paint Tables' by popping over to Sophie fabulous weblog here.


  1. A nice selection of figures. I know that you will paint them in such a way as to make me jealous.

    1. That's very kind of you Clint, but still a long way to go yet.

  2. I know what you mean Michael about getting up early on weekends to maximise painting time. I even make my wife breakfast in bed so that she stays there a little longer.

    1. Nice thinking that man!!

    2. Ok, I laughed on this one. Very clever.

    3. Well that's just genius Pat, will definitely have to give that a go!

  3. "I should add that as this is technically a board game the accompany miniatures will not add to the lead pile tally - my hobby, my rules!" - glad to see that it's not just me that plus this way!

  4. Ah… you academic types with your 6 weeks holiday in the summer – I have 5 days to last me the rest of the year, lol.
    The witchfinder models are starting to grow in numbers. Time to devise a scenario or two and get playing!

    1. Just think of all those lesson plans that have to be written! Closing in on a scenario, so I'll be in touch soon.

  5. wow, wonderful minis, i'm waiting to see them painted!

  6. Great looking minis Michael!

    1. Hopefully Rodger, but plenty of work to be done yet.

  7. Barguests, clubmen and dry stone walls? A rather varied mix, although we have come to expect that from you :)

  8. Great looking miniatures. Yes other projects often catch you unaware's usually sparked off by some random bit of TV Viewing or article elsewhere

    1. I couldn't agree more Simon, I'm always looking for the next distraction. ;)

  9. Good looking additions in the making there


  10. Congratulations on another Liebster! And thanks for the heads up on the Zombicide Kickstarter. I've loved the previous ones, but somehow Season 3 has managed to pass under my radar.

  11. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the Barguests mate.

  12. All nice and ready to go I see, can't wait to see what you do with them.
    Zombicide 3 has some nice stretch goals, I 'm also waiting to see the optional buys before I commit.

    1. I think it is only a matter of time before I cave in and pledge.

  13. A little exercise never hurt anyone Michael. Clubmen Barghests and walls oh my. You must have enough painted figures to play a game now don't you?

  14. I am liking the poses of your clubmen & the Hellhounds take the cake & the liver & the spleen.

    As for Zombicide, I jumped on the wagon on the launch, I enjoy the game enough & just the swarms of zombies & characters to run things like ATZ just adds to the simple choice of need.

    1. I'm certainly hoping for a productive summer!

  15. Those clubmen look full of character - as well as the beasts. Looking forward to seeing them painted up. Best, Dean

  16. Ha ha ha ha! I too have returned from Speech Day this afternoon and, like you, am looking forward to a summer painting after a LONG period away from the paints throughout June. Problem is.... all those bloody bottles of Vallejo need LOTS of shaking after such a time untouched.

    1. Glad to hear you made it safely too Mark! Not sure what happened to June, but certainly looking forward to making amends now.

  17. Lots in progress but I wonder how many times you will get distracted!

  18. This will be a treat! Love getting a peek at your WiP.

    I'm first up in my house on the weekend as well, in my painting room being very, very quiet.

    1. I cherish those early morning painting sessions.

  19. I love this Witchfinder stuff you're painting currently. I'm thinking of combining some of those for kind of modern conspiracy X-Files stuff. Haven't an idea for the ruleset now since it should cover modern warfare as well as supernatural stuff...


  20. Looking forward to seeing those Hell Hounds (Barguests) painted Michael. I have eyed them off for my own horror project many times. Nice to see exactly just how large they are next to some figures too.


  21. Lots of cool stuff on that table of yours, sir.

  22. I love the Hellhounds and the clubmen and cannot wait to see them finished

  23. I like the look of those woofties!

  24. Like the look of those Witchfinder General figs. Just plan and make the bets use of your time and you could potentially do all those projects, excercise AND get just as much hobby done as usual!
